Is it morally justifiable to allow yourself to be poor?

Is it morally justifiable to allow yourself to be poor?

excess wealth corrupts most people better to be poor than corrupt

I'm In Alabama and I'm poor as fuck. I make less than minimum wage because factories like taking Mexicans because they keep there illegal mouthed closed and work hard. I would rather be poor than to be corrupt though.

What corruption are you talking about? Poor people only give birth to more people who ask for handout from the state - whist the rich or their children never burden the state.

The poor sound more corrupt to me.

Depends. Educated and people with common sense who are poor seem to be capable of understanding true freedom and acknowledge morality. Uneducated and closed minded are likely to be the opposite.
If a person closed to be on welfare and food stamps while he/she is capable of sustaining self I'd say this would be immoral.

Is it morally justifiable to mock and demonise the poor.

The skeevy redneck fucks who run bullshit for poor people like rundown housing and trailer parks. They are corrupt I see they type of people they were to get the money. You sound pretty mad. You must have money. But I know lots of people who live off the land like my family does and not ask for handouts. But I am native American


greed, pompousness, no heart for those less fortunate, delusions of entitlement etc.

Then you have no right to criticise the morals of anyone else. The worm will turn eventually.

what I lack in material goods I make up for with true freedom

>greed, pompousness, no heart for those less fortunate, delusions of entitlement
Those attributes don't materially detriment the state or anyone

Hubris is a sure sign that the end is near

there is more than one type of corruption and there is more to life than materiality

Seeing as no one has claimed the right yet;

I want to impregnate megumin

Look at asceticism.

Many Orders of Monks voluntarily deprive themselves of wealth and give to the poor instead.

Sounds pretty beta.

You want to hey? Too bad, because I'm claiming the sole right to do so.

ITT: basement-dwelling elitists

What is this quote from?

is it?

I love it when normies try to justify the state of their existence by saying cliche things like "rich people are not happy."

It is morally justifiable to cause property damage via explosions.

>Hubris is a sure sign that the end is near
shut up ignorant swine

Not so much "in this thread" as it is "in this website"

there isn't much wrong with it either. It is mere entertainment.

Its not always a choice so yes?

t. poorfags

Depends on how you define poor.

If you mean, no material wealth besides food, shelter and clothing, then no.

If you mean low-income household, then why?

Only if you fail a lot of times and are 30+. At that point just pick up an intellectual hobby.

who are you to decide my rights

>who are you to decide my rights
A random person on the internet. It's my right to think that I have the right to decide your rights. It's also my right to shitpost and meme stupid shit to retards, who actually think I'm typing the truth, and then they do stupid shit.

Poor people can call the rich as corrupt, but they can't do anything about it.

If the price of being non-corrupt is to be poor, helpless, starve, die due to lack of proper healthcare, and be homeless, then anyone with a right mind would seek to become rich.

let's see your memes then tough guy

Depends on what. Poor as in to toil a shitty job all day wrecking your own health and social life when you have an option to better yourself? Of course not.