Parents think crypto is a scam

Parents think crypto is a scam.
Should i tell them that i made $ 5000 ?

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yes. they're your parents ffs
they're simply worried.
keeping them worried makes you a dick

no, I told my family about it and theyre being really fucking annoying about that shit now

every fucking day how much did you make omg!! teach me maybe ill learn too xd

fuck off

don't tell them anything. trust no one.

Even some people make money on pyramid schemes user

My parents didn't care until I showed them that I now have more in crypto than they have in retirement. Now they want to invest too.
Give it a year guys, all the fucking boomers will want in with their retirement money from their kids getting rich off of this.

more than a year, most people high school aged dont know what it is. pretty surprising for me to find out.

your parents aren't boomers unless you're between the ages of 40 and 60.

that would be weird.

I will keep it to myself until i cash out a few hundred bucks into old people money. So they can see its "real".

Sure tell them then they'll guilt you with anything to get money from you.

My dad keeps trying to get me to cash out at least some, I know that its good advice and he's just concerned for me but I really don't want to reduce how much I'm able to trade with right now. I'll probably pull out my initial stake once I get up to $50k.

>they'll guilt you with anything to get money from you.
like saying you owe "rent" and all the other 40 year olds that live at home are paying it?

When I made money from my bonus they said I should pay rent pretty annoying

My dad is a (late) boomer and I'm in my mid 20's. My dad especially started believing in it once I surpassed him in wealth and he is thinking of putting some money into it himself but isn't sure of how to do it. He doesn't even know how to use a computer except to check email.

I think once crypto is made so anyone can do it without much knowledge we will see the price explode like we've never seen. The normies are right on the edge of finding out about this.

>I think once crypto is made so anyone can do it without much knowledge we will see the price explode like we've never seen

I think we've got a good decade before that happens.

they wanted you to pay for the roof over your head?

We know being nice produces a bunch of spoiled pussies and we do it anyways.

This but pretty much everything is a pyramid scheme in some way.

>My dad is a (late) boomer and I'm in my mid 20's.
possible if he was pushing 40 when he had you.

most people here don't have boomer parents.

>Should i tell them that i made $ 5000 ?

Nah man. You ask them to buy u a car b/c u have to get a job since you lost all your money in crypto

Sell car, buy crypto


Shill ETH at them

>thru the moon off of meme magic alone
>tech industry ramificaitons
>bat ico on may 31st
>normie investors not in yet
>crypto investors still early despite appearances
>going to be 1k-2k in a few years, so hold on, don't cash out when it dips 20-30 bucks out of fear alone, that's buying into anti-meme magic

I'm 23, 1994, my dad was born in 1955. Shit sucks

that sucks ass.
My parents are boomers but I'm a grandparent.

I can't even imagine taking care of geriatric parents when you're in the prime of your young life.

It's fine, they'll both die when I'm going, but they taught me well since they are conservative as fuck. If I can get this coining shit figured out maybe I can pay them back big before they are gone for all they did for me

They'll be worried that you're throwing money away until you can show them a stack of cash.

But yeah, they're your parents, they want what's best for you and they're worried that something untested like this won't pan out and will leave you high and dry. Lost of fads come and go, and they're probably seen more than a few of them, if not bought into one themselves.

Die when I'm young*

Don't listen to these dumb niggers. Keep that shit hidden.

either they will be happy for you or be envious and hate you.
if happy you'll have nothing to worry about.
if envious they'll be waiting for the day to say "i told you so" with a smile on their face when any loss comes your way.

frankly there is nothing to gain by telling them unless you're unemployed and they are stressing you to get a job/prove income. even then i wouldn't disclose 100% of my earnings.

>they taught me well since they are conservative as fuck
meh. My parents are conservatives too, they raised a family full of liberals. Where do you suppose liberals come from? Or do you honestly believe all liberals are racial minorities on welfare?

conservatives are retarded, they didn't do you any favors.

I have no comment on cryptos. Like most old people I don't have anything to do with them because they have no inherent legal utility and everything Veeky Forums is doing with them is fraud.

>I'm a liberal and a nocoiner cuck
Makes sense.

I'm not broke, so your fraud-pogs don't appeal.

I also won't steal $10,000 if you leave it sitting out on a table in front of me.

because I'm not broke. I'm not calling you pathetic though. I understand. I used to be a broke child too.

>muh fraud
>you're just poor
Go tell Gates about how all crypto's fraud and he's broke.

I'd wait. 5000 is peanuts compared to what you're gonna make.

Don't tell anyone. I remember reading on here about some user that told his parents thathe made 300k from crypto and they were forcing him to use it to pay for his sisters feminist history degree.

Here are the two rules you ever need to know when it comes to dealing with other people and money.

If that's not a troll idk what is.

Tell me how?

>told my parents a month ago they should invest in ETH and BTC
>give them tons of resources, links, books, videos, everything
>they totally blow me off and ignore me like all of my interests i ever try to get them interested in
>decide fuckit and put all the money i have in cryptos
>ETH Price then was in 60s, BTC in 1400
>mfw the gains theyre missing out on

im not gonna tell them another fucking thing about cryptos until its time for me to cash out for my lambo. i tried, and they wouldnt listen. step dad is an accounting consultant, so he will be handy for tax reasons.

>I'm not broke
Must be nice to shit on your parents for being conservatives with money in one breath and brag about how you have cash in another. Thanks for keeping it classy.

it is a scam you faggot. if you make money that just means you jewed someone else by bartering over worthless trash

1. Never let'em know how much dough you hold, because, you know, that cheddar breed jealousy specially if your man fuck up you get yo ass stuck up

When anti-meme magic dip? I know this shit is going off of meme magic alone so I'm holding off for the dip. Have about 5k to invest. This is pretty legit though.

>tfw my dad was the one who got me into crypto

As soon as you tell them they'll be interested. Don't tell anyone about your gains except the gov when you pay cap gains.

literally how the modern world works, the post.

kek. I need sauce

>Must be nice to shit on your parents for being conservatives with money
what are you talking about? My dad is disabled and on welfare, my mom hasn't had a job in 50 years.

My parents are conservatives on welfare and always have been. I'd guess I make more in an average year than they did in their lives.

they will make you cash out and pay for their medical bills, debts, hookers and blows as soon as they know you have money. Trust me I'm an orphan

Getting your child into crypto is very based. Most people's parents either never heard of crypto or have an extremely vague understanding of it.

I don't think you should get into crypto unless you read a lot of books and know how to handle it. A great deal of you are going to blow it all or won't know how to manage. You could take the 5000 and trade up higher. You could also lose half of it or more this year. I've been at this for 4 years. I just now got back to my original level. I thought I could just keep trading and make money. I was wrong.

Why do you need to tell them about your finances? Be a grown ass man.

tell no one

>telling literally anyone on this earth that you have a lot of money, especially if you have a family that doesn't have a lot of money

U dun goofed user, this is like Tyrone-tier shit dude


I simply tell them I will take there money and take 50% off the top and never tell them. This removes trust from the relationship and keeps them skeptical and out of my shit.

>told parents
>dad thinks its a good idea (he's multi millionaire) but doesn't wanna take the time to do it himself
>mom has a masters in econ and has told me military contractors are starting to talk about crypto
>"have fun while you're young, just don't put in more than you can lose, and don't neglect vanguard."

bretty cool

so you let your geriatric disabled parents subsist off welfare because they're "retarded conservatives"?

liberals are fucking scum