NAV coin is getting pumped today/tomorrow

NAV segwit launches 21st, low volume, perfect pump target.


See you in lambo land you fools!

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Same thing like litecoin. It'll get pumped hard and then forgotten, be careful and get out before segwit activation.

already in

Looks like it's dumping

no way, it hasn't even started the launch

Delete this faggots. It's going up to at least 2500.

weak hands should get permabanned

gtfih faggots

should I sell ZCL for this?

2500 what?

he probably meant 25k

2500 gorillion dollars

Weak handing coinlet, I'm not a shill. This thread is not a joke faggot.

This is what I meant.

Yeah sure why not diversify?

nobody gives a shit if segwit gets activated, don't listen to the shill tryna make a p&d

Ok i bought some fucking coins. lets see what happens

It's dumping. What now?

It's not dumping I've been watching this shit the last 3 days there's just so little volume 1 or 2 people can bring the price down

not dumping, the price's be increasing since 2 days, the volume is building up but's really low yet. Once it increases it's moon time, the walls are really thin

Nah. I've been holding NAVcoin for a while so I can tell you. It's average price 2 weeks ago was 12-14k. Now its averaging around 15-16k. It keeps rising slowly.

cant wait for this shit to take off


lets go

it's timeeeeeeee

litecoin tanked after SW was initiated, everyone knows its coming and sells when it happens

yeah, the plan is trying to sell it right before the implementation


actually this is a solid coin as well

That's what I thought as well after doing a little research.
It's so undervalued right now tb qh.

Are YOU ready?

alright, im in with 1.7k NAV. Hopefully this coin takes off

But if it's getting implemented and will tank today/tomorrow, why are people buying now? I don't see the appeal, though I'm new to this shit. Could you explain?

the price will rise wehether it tanks or not

Do you anticipate that it won't tank to below current levels or so? Wouldn't it make more sense to wait and see in this case?

nigger i have 10k nav i was making a joke

what's the max going to be? any ideas? about to break 19k

should max around 27k

get in now at 18k, it will rise, see what happens when they launch segwit: if it tanks you can just selll, make your profit and buy back in at the dip if you want. Patience is not the name of the game when trading crypto, it's best to get in early when the price is pumping like this.

I'm thinking it hits 23-27k

Where to buy nav

buy btc and exchange on changelly

im in, lets hope u are right OP...

remember Veeky Forums is always right so buy in now

got 1k. i'm in

u better no kidding

im in niggers lets do this

OP is right. a whale has been accumulating for a while

now we wait for som gainzzz

Which wallet do I get?

if ti makes you feel any better i got 10k

you don't

Then... How do I get it in changelly?
I got ethereum.

Just use poloniex homo

about to test that 17 btc sell wall again, please god someone buy it and we all get nice gains

if we break that we moonin strong boyo

See you in space.

NAVCoin anonymous is different because its encryption software completely disconnects and randomizes the transaction data, removing it even from an IP address, it also have 5% stake Interest, almost 3 years consolidation and is going to activate Segwit tomorrow,, decentralized anonymous Apps will be possible on NAVcoin platform, it also going to be PUMP by a whales group on poloniex... so u better get in.

Hop on this is literally free money

it's literally fucking not, it's just got pumped and is going to dump on anyone who gets in now


Another brainless retard trying to be smartass

fuuckk dat volume caused delay between polo and bittrex doe

nobody gonna break down that wall then?

I'm already in, got my coins staking in the wallet already earning me money

price is rising on polo. since there is more volume on there, people will come to bittrex and break down the wall.

>those walls now

my wallet wont sync for a while. if i buy nav now will i still get it when i finish syncing later?

>that feel when got in the game at 500
>it's still growing
>might grab some profit after all

What is the price target?

out before it dumps

it was a fake wall, some whale was accumulating

So no idea?

that low volume is terrible for the pump, they'll ajust the price on bittrex looking at the dump on polo

yeah just saw that
When do you think we would sell?

I meant, 18500

nope, get in and get out before your fucked



Wow, it's actually way ahead on Polo. I'm on Bittrex, it's only 18900 here.

Feels good, actually, because if the price starts slipping down on Polo I'll have some time to quit

When will you non-tech traders get it. SEGWIT is irelevant to this coin. SEGWIT was developed for BITCOIN, as a way to try and improve TPS without extending the blockchain size.

In other words, SEGWIT was built for coins that have high traffic and never intended to scale.

So just because your shitcoin of the week is adding "SEGWIT" doesn't mean shit, it's just for pure hype/speculation (See .LTC)

Prove to me why your shit coin will actually benefit from segwit.

17 btc 18600 wall is gone on bittrex boyos

can someone explain to me how has this coin recovered from this without volume?

This is THE next pump.
- Perfect volume for pump
- Decent coin
- Available on multiple exchanges

We are only 4 hours in. Just filled up.

price spread

Who the hell still holds litecoin

For it to go down with no volume = no buy orders, while someone is selling.

For it to go up with no volum = lack of sell orders when someone is buying.

Buyer - market order of 100 NAVs
Sell orders in the market:
20 NAV - $10 bucks
40 NAV - $11 bucks
40 NAV - $14 bucks

It would then rise to $14 with only 100 NAVs. Hope this helped.

No one presumably, just an example of a coin which was built to scale implementing technology which would essentially be redundant.

SEGWIT, is not built for much else other than BTC due to the coming hard/soft fork. Just sick of seeing pleb teir traders hyping SEGWIT.

Should i go sleep for an hour or two with this coin bought at 1900 ? Or close the order and sleep well?????

The volume is low, and the coin has no interest. Like I said. This isn't mooning at all.

If it's mooning the buys/sells will be going haywire.

It's slow as a turtle.

>When will you non-tech traders get it.
out of 100 traders tell me how many are tech savy traders

Well..... what are waiting for ??

fuck... I'm transfering to polo

Is here any 2ch guys ?

25k like OP said faggot.

How long does a transfer from Bittrex to Polo take with this coin, who knows?

how bad are things gonna drop when we hit 20k? I want to close at 23 but if that's too much to ask for than fuck it.

Few days, LOL

when is this thing going to rise?! 18 19 18 19 18 19.... nothings gonna happen?

This will easily hit 25k. Stay the course.

Literally made this thread because of this guy And he turned out to be right to an extent.

>Temporarily Disabled
What the fuck, lol?

Now I'm stuck on Bittrex.