Why should a convicted criminal receive free accommodation and food in prison subsidized from honest tax payer's money...

Why should a convicted criminal receive free accommodation and food in prison subsidized from honest tax payer's money? How is this right?

Also, why should criminals have any rights if they insulted the law in the first place? Why shouldn't we just throw them into arenas like Romans and make them fight for their lives? That way we can make a profit from them.

The way I see it is, minor crimes like petty theft, drug possession etc.. prison time with rehabilitation measures on the first offense. Second offense is banishment. Major crimes like murder, rape, etc.. banishment or death penalty.

are you guys teens?

What? This is a legitimate question.

The idea is that prison separates criminals from good society and rehabilitates them so they can be reintroduced to society and be productive members.

Rehabilitation is a spook, only deterrence works.

So what happens when someone can't or won't be fixed no matter how many times they're imprisoned?

Where do you live where forced labour isn't the norm?



if you're an ex-con its practically impossible to get a job unless you go back to being a criminal.

>Why should soldiers get free accommodation, food and weapons subsidized from honest tax payer's money? How is this right?

>Why should we pay taxes to fund infrastructure projects outside my town?

>Why should we pay taxes to fund the FDA, shouldn't customers be responsible for themselves?

>Why should we pay taxes to fund police forces and judges, can't we just institute mob justice?

Your question fits in with the four questions above. We all contribute to societal services because they keep society running smooth. The reason we pay to built prisons is the same reason we hire people to guard borders and police to stop crime.

Because convicted criminals are the adult versions of a naught child -- for that they spend their lives perpetually in time out. And as mature adults or as any good parent would do for those less capable than us, we compassionately provide for them nonetheless. Albeit, "providing" for them doesn't mean it has to be luxury by any means -- they live in a fucking prison for god sake.

Also, a lot of prisons are starting to become privatized -- just a recent study. Something like 3-4 prisons have already opened in Canada alone where services were privatized rather than on the taxpayer's dime. Needless to say, it has it's problems, especially since it's (((profit))) driven, so there's that.

Definitely not true.

Because modern society is not your edgy old testament sociopathic dreamland.

Because you might get convicted for something one day and be at fault or even not. Would you like society to brand you disposable?

I think they'd do better in the military. As in, give the open option to join the military any time if they wish while they are in prison. The catch is, they have to stay in the military for as long as they would have to serve their sentence.

Then we can have a dramatic increase of mindless, rule abiding killers ridding the world of Islam and terror. And I already know what people are going to say
>giving convicts guns
well, the military would literally be the only place where they cant pull shit

Studies done on the matter say you're full of shit and need to kill yourself as a deterrence to others.

>training gang members on squad-level tactics and firearm use


I fucking hate Amerifats.

>implying the military isn't already crawling with blood, crips, Latin kangz and crypto white nationalists

Why should society receive free labour and tithe from the honest man who wants to be free? How is this right?

Also why should the state even exist if they breeched our freedom in the first place? Why shouldn't we just send all the leaders into gulags like the Russians did? That way we can profit from them.

How do you rehabilitate 80 IQ sociopaths whose entire lives revolved around violence anyway?

Virtually everyone is a criminal. Go to your local law library (county courthouse). Refer to the copy of the United States Code. It should be printed on 8x11 inch pages and take up about 4 feet of shelf space. the laws in there apply to everyone. Then take a look at your States Revised Code. Probably the same amount of shelf space. Then your county laws, and your city's if you live in one. Do not forget to look at the various Administrative codes and treaties. I guarantee you are in current violation of multiple statutes, and are subject to jail time.

errr because laws are changing all the time and decided by a select group of people influenced by lobbyists?