These bags are feeling mighty heavy right about now.

I bought 2000 PIVX at 15K. You think your bags are heavy?

is there any hope for this coin to bounce back? Thinking about buying the dip but the chart is looking scary right now.

How much you holding? I bought at the ""dip"" when it was $1.70

Yeah what happend?
It's pretty cheap right now, is it a long hold?

I assume you mean 150k. I bought at 90k. I'm not in much better shape than you friend.

3-6 years then moon to $3

$1k, though its worth significantly less now. Someone please pump this so I can recoup some losses. I gambled with money I didn't have.

Can't argue with those trips.
Thank fuck there is some hope left.

>not buying MUE instead

Lolol you cunts,
I'm sitting pretty here, in at $0 .63
Still wondering if I should sell and get some gains, but honestly brothers, I'm not considering it in the near future,
This coin is still all the things it was when it was hyped a ton, and still has the excellent dev team and active slack,
Imo it was just pumped too hard too fast to $2, I'm sorry you bought in back then but the weight of your bags really clouds your vision when things get bad,
Your only responsibility now is to trade the waves on this coin and help to make some of your money back because you made a bad decision,
The coin however, will return and go to many new ATHs in the future,
Keep in mind it really hasn't been that long since the last huge pump, the waves just seem longer when you're losing money

you fell into the trap OP, just cut your loses and go recover them on some actually-being-developed coin like VIA

just relax homie

block rewards just halved so wait for the market to catch up. also they are implementing zerocoin protocol real soon.

>yfw people still hold PIVX

Bought many at $.11

Still Holding.

Bought at $1.50, bags are heavy but I never see it going below $1 so I think we are good for now, it'll rise eventually, just wish I wasn't so eager, I would have bought now instead and would have 50% more.

I'm giving it another week to reach $1.50 then I'll sell all to buy anything.

Any other new ICO shitcoins will moon many times over than waiting for this stupid coin to go back a few cents to $2. Bad use of capital.

buying 11cents worth at 11cents really isn't that impressive user

I bought many thousands at $.11.

Still holding.

Could be worse. You could be holding PoSW.

Don't remind me.... I've bought at 15k 0.6btc worth...

>holding PoSW
>pos shills now pumping bitbean

This is the other side of those euphoric pump threads that most people don't hear about. Sad!

I sold mine for DGB.

Sometimes you have to take a loss to win elsewhere, friends.