When will they leave the land they stole?

When will they leave the land they stole?

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if mudslimes were mass deported from Europe I'd gladly leave usa

But Europe rightfully belongs to the Semite and Indo-Aryan and Indo-Iranian people you dumb fuck!

I don't know if ancestry alone would be justification enough to remove land away from a group of people who have inhabited now for a hundred years. Yes the Indian removal was pretty much a genocide but removing the whites and giving it back to the remains of the natives doesn't right that wrong.

>a hundred years
Try four-hundred

Never, go back to your bottle chief.

Who were not Muslim when they came over, thousands of years before Abrahamic religion.

>pretty much a genocide

There was some isolated cleansing but an overwhelming majority of Indians died because of diseases.

When Turkey gives Constantinople back to Greece. When you lose a war, you lose your land. The Indians lost, because they weren't as developed as the Europeans. Heck off, kiddo.

angles have a proud tradition of stealing land from others

every since the anglo-saxons stole land from the celts in the British Isles

You need to have the concept of property in order for someone to steal it DESU


Gee, and I wonder who gave them smallpox infested coats?

Not what he's talking about. Before the Europeans came over en masse something like 90% of the native population was wiped out by diseases brought over by the initial European expeditions. It wasn't intentional, it just happened.

Make us leave

Any of you cucks know any indians? They're all inept drunks. Why do they deserve anything?

when you kill yourself

Not to mention the small pox blanket thing is a complete myth. It supposedly happened well before germ theory was conceived.

>muh rightful clay

Ancestral claims are a spook.

Focus on righting the wrongs that are going on at this moment not the ones that went on centuries ago.

As soon as every other people gives back their conquered land, which does not and will not happen, Native Americans are just much bigger sore losers.

It was the colonists that founded the American nation on the American soil.

The land they won, you mean?

>He thinks people in the age of discovery understood how diseases worked

Are you saying Christians should get out of Europe because I agree hail odin.

Doesn't this justify genocide? Well we killed them all and they can't be brought back to life so there's no problems to fix.

When the Indians give us back our 24 dollars.

So never

>It supposedly happened well before germ theory was conceived.
Are you implying that people weren't aware that diseases were infectious before the germ theory?

>a complete myth
>One Brit commander invoiced HQ for the fucking blankets


You should switch to a STEM major desu senpai.

How do you steal land?

The video game equivalent of the American colonization experience from the Native point of view

When will they leave the land they stole?

When will the Semite and Indo-Aryan and Indo-Iranian people leave the land they stole from the Basques?

When the sun burns out and reclaims the Earth in nuclear fire.

Until then we have to live with and care for each other. That is the way of respect.

Nationalism and partisan politics are dying, it should not take us with it in a never ending mad quest for vengeance.

>all white people living in the US on "stolen land" move back to europe
>US collapses
>world economy collapses
>everybody now lives in 3rd world conditions
well i hope you're happy

so israel is legitimate?


of course, why wouldn't it be?

>Well we killed them all and they can't be brought back to life so there's no problems to fix.
you might be onto something here

Land gone, culture destroyed, people wiped out.
I'd turn into an angry drunk too.

>giving the whole of North America to a couple million natives


Send all this fat white trash back to Europe. Trump first please!

So how long does occupation turn into legal ownership? The state of Israel is a here and has the means to crush any resistance. The Palestinians need to integrate or go the fuck to other shithole islamic countries. I'm sure their former overlord turks would accept them with "open" arms.

Stealing presupposes that the thing "stolen" was someone's property. The original users of the land had no concept of property so there wasn't anything "stolen" from them, only conquest.

Not that guy. There are individual cases where that happened, yeah, by which I mean like two or three, all of which happened well after the initial devastating outbreaks (after which point it was pretty much game over for the natives -- smallpox wasn't going anywhere).

By and large he's correct -- the Indian Wars were complex, punctuated by acts of compassion and atrocities on both sides. There were SPECIFIC acts of genocide, tribes wiped out in massacres and so on, and a tiny handful of cases where native groups were deliberately infected with diseases, but that was never government policy.

Generally calling the conquest of America 'genocide' is flatly wrong.

Easily 99.9% of the natives who died from smallpox and so on were infected accidentally, not deliberately.