Heinrich Himmler

So,what was his endgame?

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.nl/books?id=qSJbBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT53&lpg=PT53&dq=ohnesorge atom bomb&source=bl&ots=N2eqqFzuQo&sig=Tv56smF-6v6oUWqveRVkgcpQtS4&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZqPrJnpDRAhXBLhoKHaUqBOUQ6AEIJzAC#v=onepage&q&f=false

purged by Goering?


For Germany to win the war and then be in a high position of power.

Never knew Himmler spoke English. Interesting.

We wuz pagans n shit

Didn't that faggot feint upon seeing the very executions he ordered.

No, he vomited and came to the conclusion there had to be a better way than just shooting all of them.

>'Ich bin Heinrich Himmler'

What did he mean by that

there's a quote by him about the next generation of germans needing to prepare for a war of annihilation against the Mongoloid races once the Soviets fell

So that was his endgame.

>implying that druggie could even tie his shoes

>there's a quote by him about the next generation of germans needing to prepare for a war of annihilation against the Mongoloid races once the Soviets fell
>looks like a mongloid himself
really makes you think..

Do you think he was aware of the irony?

Idk, enjoying the new world without jews. Just chilling somewhere the Alps, somewhere in South America or Prora and finally dying,


many of them were spergs. I only feel bad for Speer.

Ribbentrop confirmed for worst diplomat in our corner of Virgo supercluster

>A former teacher recalled that Ribbentrop "was the most stupid in his class, full of vanity and very pushy""

>Joseph Goebbels expressed a common view when he confided to his diary that "Von Ribbentrop bought his name, he married his money and he swindled his way into office"

>One German diplomat later recalled that "Ribbentrop didn't understand anything about foreign policy. His sole wish was to please Hitler".[28] In particular, Ribbentrop acquired the habit of listening carefully to what Hitler was saying, memorizing his pet ideas, and then later presenting Hitler's ideas as his own

>Ribbentrop informed Hitler that all elements of British society wished for closer ties with Germany. His report delighted Hitler, causing him to remark that Ribbentrop was the only person who told him "the truth about the world abroad".[43] Because the Foreign Office's diplomats were not so sunny in their appraisal of the prospects for an alliance, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler increased

>Ribbentrop's time in London was marked by an endless series of social gaffes and blunders that worsened his already poor relations with the British Foreign Office.

>Ribbentrop often displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of British politics and society. During the abdication crisis of December 1936, Ribbentrop reported to Berlin that it had been precipitated by an anti-German Jewish-Masonic-reactionary conspiracy to depose Edward (whom Ribbentrop represented as a staunch friend of Germany), and that civil war would soon break out in Britain between the supporters of the king and those of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. Ribbentrop's civil-war statements were greeted with incredulity by those British people who heard them

>Ribbentrop had a habit of summoning tailors from the best British firms, making them wait for hours, then sending them away without seeing him but with instructions to return the next day, only to repeat the process. This did immense damage to his reputation in British high society, as London's tailors retaliated by telling all their well-off clients that Ribbentrop was impossible to deal with.[28] In an interview, his secretary Reinhard Spitzy stated "He [Ribbentrop] behaved very stupidly and very pompously and the British don't like pompous people."[28] In the same interview, Spitzy called Ribbentrop "pompous, conceited and not too intelligent", and stated he was an utterly insufferable man to work for.

>Ribbentrop chose to spend as little time as possible in London in order to stay close to Hitler, which irritated the British Foreign Office immensely, as Ribbentrop's frequent absences prevented the handling of many routine diplomatic matters.[67] (Punch referred to him as the "Wandering Aryan" for his frequent trips home.)[68] As Ribbentrop alienated more and more people in Britain, Göring warned Hitler that Ribbentrop was a "stupid ass".[28] Hitler dismissed Göring's concerns: "[b]ut after all, he knows quite a lot of important people in England." This remark led Göring to reply "Mein Führer, that may be right, but the bad thing is, they know him."

>In November 1937, Ribbentrop was placed in a highly embarrassing situation, when his forceful advocacy of the return of the former German colonies led to an offer to open talks on returning the former German colonies, in return for which the Germans would make binding commitments to respect their borders in central and eastern Europe.[83] Ribbentrop was forced to turn down the Anglo-French offer that he had largely brought about. Immediately after turning down the offer, Ribbentrop, for reasons of pure malice, ordered the Reichskolonialbund to increase the agitation for the former German colonies, a move that exasperated both the Foreign Office and the Quai d'Orsay.[84]

>Ribbentrop's inability to achieve the alliance that he had been sent to conclude frustrated him, as he feared it could cost him Hitler's favour, and it made him a bitter Anglophobe.[85] As the Italian Foreign Minister, Count Galeazzo Ciano, noted in his diary in late 1937, Ribbentrop had come to hate Britain with all the "fury of a woman scorned".[86] Ribbentrop (and Hitler for that matter) never understood that British foreign policy aimed at the appeasement of Germany, not an alliance.[87]

>Believing himself to be in a state of disgrace with Hitler over his failure to achieve the British alliance, Ribbentrop spent December 1937 in a state of depression, and wrote two lengthy documents for Hitler denouncing Britain.[84] In the first of his two reports to Hitler, which was presented on 2 January 1938, Ribbentrop stated that "England is our most dangerous enemy"

>Ciano complained in his diary that his arguments "had no effect" on Ribbentrop, who simply refused to believe any information that did not fit in with his preconceived notions.[165] Despite Ciano's efforts to persuade Ribbentrop to put off the attack on Poland until 1942, so as to allow the Italians time to get ready for war, Ribbentrop was adamant that Germany had no interest in a diplomatic solution of the Danzig question and only wanted a war to wipe Poland off the map.[165] The Salzburg meeting marked the moment when Ciano's dislike of Ribbentrop was transformed into outright hatred, and of the beginning of his disillusionment with the pro-German foreign policy that he had championed up to that time

>On 25 August 1939, Ribbentrop's influence with Hitler wavered for a moment when the news reached Berlin of the ratification of the Anglo-Polish military alliance and a personal message from Mussolini telling Hitler that Italy would dishonour the Pact of Steel if Germany attacked Poland.[181] This was especially damaging to Ribbentrop, as he always assured Hitler that "Italy's attitude is determined by the Rome-Berlin Axis"

>When on the morning of 3 September 1939 Chamberlain followed through with his threat of a British declaration of war if Germany attacked Poland, a visibly shocked Hitler asked Ribbentrop "Now what?", a question to which Ribbentrop had no answer except to state that there would be a "similar message" forthcoming from the French Ambassador Robert Coulondre, who arrived later that afternoon to present the French declaration of war. Weizsäcker later recalled that "On 3 Sept., when the British and French declared war, Hitler was surprised, after all, and was to begin with, at a loss". The British historian Richard Overy wrote that what Hitler thought he was starting in September 1939 was only a local war between Germany and Poland, and his decision to do so was largely based on a vast underestimate of the risks of a general war.

>not a fucking word about Streicher

Guy was so fucking degenerate you could probably fill that image with anecdotes about him.

Like the fact that he collected BDSM pornography and published it in Der Sturmer.

>On 1 March 1940, Ribbentrop received Sumner Welles, the American Under-Secretary of State, who was on a peace mission for President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and did his best to abuse his American guest. Welles reported to Roosevelt that Ribbentrop had a "completely closed and very stupid mind".[203] On 10 March 1940, Ribbentrop visited Rome to meet with Mussolini, who promised him that Italy would soon enter the war.[204] For his one-day Italian trip, Ribbentrop was accompanied by a staff of thirty-five, including a gymnastics coach, a masseur, a doctor, two hairdressers, plus various legal and economic experts from the Foreign Office.[205] After the Italo-German summit at the Brenner Pass on 18 March 1940, which was attended by Hitler and Mussolini, Count Ciano wrote in his diary: "Everyone in Rome dislikes Ribbentrop"

>On 10 May 1940, Ribbentrop summoned the Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg ambassadors to present them with notes justifying the German invasion of their countries several hours after the Germans had invaded those nations. Someone leaked the plans for the German invasion to the Dutch Embassy in Berlin, which led Ribbentrop to devote the next several months to conducting an unsuccessful investigation into who leaked the news. This investigation tore apart the agency as colleagues were encouraged to denounce each other

>In the fall of 1940, Ribbentrop made a sustained but unsuccessful effort to have Spain enter the war on the Axis side. During his talks with the Spanish foreign minister, Ramón Serrano Súner, Ribbentrop affronted Súner with his tactless behaviour, especially his suggestion that Spain cede the Canary Islands to Germany.[217] An angry Súner replied that he would rather see the Canaries sink into the Atlantic then cede an inch of Spanish territory.

>Reflecting his displeasure with the German Legation in Belgrade, which had advised against pushing Yugoslavia to sign the Tripartite Pact, Ribbentrop refused to have the German Legation withdrawn in advance before Germany bombed Belgrade on 6 April 1941. The staff was left to survive the fire-bombing as best it could.

>When it came to time for Ribbentrop to present the German declaration of war on 22 June 1941 to the Soviet Ambassador, General Vladimir Dekanozov, the translator Paul Schmidt described the scene: "Von Ribbentrop is nervous, walking up and down from one end of his large office to the other, like a caged animal, while saying over and over, "The Führer is absolutely right. We must attack Russia, or they will surely attack us!" Is he reassuring himself? Is he justifying the ruination of his crowning diplomatic achievement? Now he has to destroy it because that is the Führer's wish"

>Another low point in Ribbentrop's relations with the SS occurred in February 1943, when the SD backed a Luther-led internal putsch to oust Ribbentrop as foreign minister.[246] Luther had become estranged from Ribbentrop because Frau Ribbentrop treated Luther as a household servant. She pushed her husband into ordering an investigation into allegations of corruption on Luther's part.[247] Luther's putsch failed largely because Himmler decided that a foreign ministry headed by Luther would be a more dangerous opponent than the Ribbentrop version. At the last minute, he withdrew his support from Luther.

>After Germany's surrender, Ribbentrop was arrested. Found with him was a rambling letter addressed to the British Prime Minister "Winston Churchill" criticizing British foreign policy for anti-German bias, blaming the British for the Soviet occupation of eastern Germany, and for the advance of "Bolshevism" into central Europe

>Gustave Gilbert, an American Army psychologist, was allowed to examine the Nazi leaders who stood trial. Among other tests, he administered a German version of the Wechsler-Bellevue IQ test. Joachim von Ribbentrop scored 129, the 10th highest among the Nazi leaders tested. At one point during the trial, a US Army interpreter asked Baron Ernst von Weizsäcker how Hitler could have promoted Ribbentrop to high office. Weizsäcker responded, "Hitler never noticed Ribbentrop's babbling because Hitler always did all the talking."[264]

>>Ribbentrop often displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of British politics and society. During the abdication crisis of December 1936, Ribbentrop reported to Berlin that it had been precipitated by an anti-German Jewish-Masonic-reactionary conspiracy to depose Edward (whom Ribbentrop represented as a staunch friend of Germany), and that civil war would soon break out in Britain between the supporters of the king and those of Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. Ribbentrop's civil-war statements were greeted with incredulity by those British people who heard them


That's reasonably high though.

I thought the guy was an idiot?

He was probably autistic because of it.

Super inteligent people tend to be fucking retarded in some way. It sounds stupid, but it's true.

At the top levels of gov't you should expect something along the lines of 150+

Hell, you could score a 130 just by being American and going to a decent school

>tonight on his: made-up quotes that make you cringe

Be that as it may, he had a higher IQ than fucking Speer

Something definitely isn't right here

Fascinating read.

130 is not that much

150+ is too much

Intelligence has many aspects, recognizing patterns in symbols is only one of them. Not to mention it depends on your mood, training etc.

150 is fucking genius level 110 to 120 is more reasonable.

>>In November 1937, Ribbentrop was placed in a highly embarrassing situation, when his forceful advocacy of the return of the former German colonies led to an offer to open talks on returning the former German colonies, in return for which the Germans would make binding commitments to respect their borders in central and eastern Europe.[83] Ribbentrop was forced to turn down the Anglo-French offer that he had largely brought about. Immediately after turning down the offer, Ribbentrop, for reasons of pure malice, ordered the Reichskolonialbund to increase the agitation for the former German colonies, a move that exasperated both the Foreign Office and the Quai d'Orsay.
>get exactly what you want
>have to immediately turn it down because you're a warmongering fuckwit
>get exposed for being said warmongering fuckit in the process


Digging up proof that Aryans wuz kangs and shit. Unfortunately, all he ever found were mud huts and stone axes.


Always easy to spot the effeminate Brit.

And this thread is, as you say, "bolloks"

>On May 5, Stalin and assorted Soviet dignitaries attended commencement at the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow. During the following banquet, he proposed several toasts and talked volubly. An abridged transcript of Stalin's remarks that day, from Soviet archives, was ultimately published by the Russian historian Lev Besyemski in the March 1992 issue of the periodical Osteuropa.

>Stalin lauded the modernization of the Red Army. He rebuffed Gen. Michail Chosin, the director of the Frunze academy, for proposing a toast to the USSR's peaceful foreign policy. The dictator substituted these words:

Now that we have become strong, one must go from defense over to the attack. To accomplish the defense of our country we are obliged to take the offensive.... We must reform our instruction, our propaganda, agitation, our press to pervade an attack spirit. The Red Army is a modern army, and a modern army is an offensive army.

Speer was a sellout who spouted the lies he was asked for so he could live.

> During May 1941, Zhukov and the defense commissar, Marshal Semyon Timoshenko, prepared an operational study for Red Army deployment in case of war with Germany. It was based on an initial plan submitted to Stalin the previous September. The May document included the following recommendation:

>In total, Germany and its allies can deploy 240 divisions against the Soviet Union. Considering that Germany, through the arrangement of its rearward services, can keep its army readily mobilized, it could deploy ahead of the Germans

>mr bean goes to the reichstag.webm

>trying to defend von Ribbentrop just because he was a Nazi

He was the Nazi that everyone else hated for being an idiot.

Turn Germany into a huge pagan LARP session and kill/enslave everyone else, basically. He was probably the most autistic of the Nazi high command.

No that was Streicher

That was many of them actually.

Kek I was just thinking this

If Hitler liked you you could basically do whatever the fuck you wanted

Yup. They got very lucky in the last years of the war that Hitler liked Speer, so he had a carte blanche to proceed with some sanity.

so when did hitler start liking speer?

Now there is a death in Nuremberg that I felt was completely unjustified. Outside of some awful cartoons and being generally creepy and disgusting, what did Streicher personally do that was actually a war crime or participation in genocide?

Thanks for the cap dude.

I knew this shit anyway, but it's good to know the board isn't just filled with delusional stormfaggots.

Some other poster put best:

>He triggered people and hurt their feelings.

*put it best

Hitler loved Speer all the time since he was an architect; apparently Hitler's favorite time of the day was when Speer brought in new blueprints for grand Nazi buildings for him to look over and approve. He only got put in as minister of armaments in like 1942 I think, though.

Of course not. We're the ones best versed in just how many ways the stormweenies are wrong.

Hitler did lose faith in Speer though when it got to late 1944 as he became defeatist (aka realistic). If you believe his auto-biography, he even formulated a plan to murder Hitler and everyone in his bunker towards the end, but was unable to work out all the details to make it happen.
But yes, up through about 1943/mid 1944, Speer and Hitler had quite the platonic bromance.

Very true.

It's infuriating to be dismissed as a 'kike puppet' when you try to explain this to them though.

>If you believe his auto-biography

Does anyone know where can i find Hitlers interview Le Matin

I'm not defending Ribbentrop, I'm merely stating that the Soviets aimed for War, so his gaffes meant little to nothing. Anecdotal evidence rarely is founded in anything but opinion, hearsay, and second-hand summations.
One thing I find humorous is this >his secretary Reinhard Spitzy stated "He [Ribbentrop] behaved very stupidly and very pompously and the British don't like pompous people."
Firstly, we're discussing the British aristocracy, a people known for their pompous attitudes, only eclipsed by the French. Secondly, this is the account from an obviously disgruntled ex-employee of Ribbentrop. You don't know this man or his habits, relying on a disgruntled ex-employee for their opinion of a former employer is ridiculous.
>delusional stormfaggots
as opposed to morons lacking critical thinking skills?

>Soviets aimed for war
Which is why they agreed to his non-aggression pact and splitting of Europe, right? The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the one impressive thing he ever managed to accomplish before he was forced to burn it down.

Unless you meant
>British aimed for war
Which is why they bent over backwards appeasing Germany until Hitler wiped his ass with the Munich Agreement, right?

As I showed from the previous quotes, Stalin was preparing for an eventual war with Germany. Were the British in general? No. Although some politicians such as Churchill were agitating for it. I would say though that the FDR administration was agitating for war and continuously was provoking Germany, and eventually it worked.

Well yes, that was after he had been emboldened by the Pact and had gone on the offensive for the first time since the Polish-Soviet War in 1920.

Daily reminder the postal service was attempting to develop an atomic bomb on its own initiative.

>For example, his research on nuclear physics and high-frequency technology was financed by the Reichspostministerium (RPM, Reich Postal Ministry), headed by Wilhelm Ohnesorge.

books.google.nl/books?id=qSJbBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT53&lpg=PT53&dq=ohnesorge atom bomb&source=bl&ots=N2eqqFzuQo&sig=Tv56smF-6v6oUWqveRVkgcpQtS4&hl=nl&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZqPrJnpDRAhXBLhoKHaUqBOUQ6AEIJzAC#v=onepage&q&f=false

for further reference

>Hitler dismissed Göring's concerns: "[b]ut after all, he knows quite a lot of important people in England." This remark led Göring to reply "Mein Führer, that may be right, but the bad thing is, they know him."