What is Veeky Forums' consensus on this guy?

What is Veeky Forums' consensus on this guy?

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good presenter but calling him a philosopher is a stretch

>when there are human rights

>when they only give you a dollar

Your typical rhetorician.

Selective in his use of studies, probably goes to NCBI and types some random shit in the search box to find what he wants.

Also misleads individuals by obscuring facts about the books he reads to fit his narrative.

Claims to be an anarcho-capitalist yet supports a President who is not only now a member of the state but also a protectionist.

Claims to value the Non-Aggression Principle and against violence whilst simultaneously supporting colonialism.

Mommy issues and self hatred for being Jewish.

Tells his subscribers to "defoo" i.e. abandon his family (method used by cult leaders).

Has a very bad knowledge of history.

Has a loser wife who actually implanted his philosophy onto her patients (She's a therapist or psychiatrist) which resulted in her getting disciplined and I believe for a time suspended from her job

Plebeian taste in philosophy, has a huge boner for Aristotle and 'Logic' despite Logic coming into great trouble during the twentieth century (I doubt he realises this).

Is against SJWs and identity politics yet always talks about identity politics. Claims SJWs are always inputting their ideology into regular products of daily life whilst doing the very same thing himself by making conspiratorial vibe philosophy/political videos on children's movies.

And many other things....



Stef is as Jewish as Ramzpaul.

>oy vey I'm 0.0000001 % ethnic jewish!

His mother was Jewish.

Not an argument.

I've been watching him since forever and I've never heard that.


Ignore the neo-nazi crap. I have seen the original video, it hasn't been edited.

It shows.


Loud, boorish idiot. Universally Preferable Behavior highlights just how stupid he is.

why are these people so obsessed with jews?

Dunno, they suffer from a pathology.

jealous of superior jewish folk music.

He's got some gravitas, but his arguments are poorly thought out. He believes women are outright bad at thinking and that men should eschew emotions.

Lawful neutral.

He is as good a media outlet as any. But he hates women, and jumps down their throats for minutae. I also hate how he constantly talks over his regular guests and is pushy and disrespectful to them, but sucks off the guests who have their own fanbase. He also gives niggers a worse name than they deserve (which is saying a lot) and refuses to name the jew. As well as he has done an almost 180 on his original principals, but acts like he still believes in them.

All in all I give him 7/10 - I'll do anything for donations.

Cray-cray cultist fuck.

Historically illiterate stooge. He belongs in the trash bin along with anyone else who thought there was no war in Europe between Napoleon and WWI

Did he actually say this?

Nob an arbument

The video was taken down, but yes, he unironically claimed this.


I haven't seen any of his vids yet. They give off the "I WILL FEED YOU MY OWN OPINIONS AND PRESENT THEM AS FACTS" vibe.

So he is in fact a more boring and less smart Sargon.
Thanks, now i don't need to watch his long ass videos.
"Sargon" is alright, his unabridged separate history channel is good, but he's also an annoying smug fuck who goes for low hanging fruit and makes a living off of mocking SJWs which anyone can do.

Typical youtube "intellectual"

Very subjective.

>there are people who call this guy a philosopher

>Tells his subscribers to "defoo" i.e. abandon his family (method used by cult leaders).
>poisoning the well against a legitimate mental healthcare technique because someone you dislike advocates it

literally, unironically, not an argument


Define philosopher

Typical pleb.

Only picked out the one thing you think you can argue against.


Not an arguement.

Sargon is shit.

Stop watching these shit YouTubers and read a book.

Holy shit, that almost gave me a heart attack, and I have already watched this video before !

Actually, mine was.

And you should probably learn how to spell "Argument" properly.

All youtubers are shit

uploaders are exalted among men

not an argument

these are all arguments and they are all correct

I don't really, i've just seen a few vids out of curiosity.

Pls ban all molywog threads. he's an entertainer. not a philosopher, not an economist, not a psychologist, not a sociologist, not an anthropologist, not a historian, not a linguist. He's of no academic value.

Not an argument