Has there ever been a time in history where LGBT citizens haven't been persecuted and generally treated on equal ground...

Has there ever been a time in history where LGBT citizens haven't been persecuted and generally treated on equal ground as others? Relatively speaking, is right now the best time to be a gay in the history of the world?

do you also accept gays who claim to be Christian? Are mainstream religious beliefs really compatible with being queer?

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It used to be fine to be gay, as long as you were the one who got shit on his dick. If you were being penetrated you were considered to have been subjugated.

Being a man who receives has always been a sort of laughable offense in society, but I don't ever think they were "equal" in the sense you could get married to your Boyfriend.

I don't think that concept would have even registered with them, as marriage was a way to have children.

Marriage historically was about producing children. A homo sexual couple simply didn't make sense


LG and B, sure.

T is a mental illness.

>what is southeast asia

>do you also accept gays who claim to be Christian? Are mainstream religious beliefs really compatible with being queer?
Yes, actually. In the early medieval period, in at least some places, gay couples could get married in a church with the priest doing his thing, whatever it would've been at the time. Gay relationships were phased out of official doctrine as the catholic church became more established.

Ancient Greece?
>we wuz gay man boy lovers n shiet

Homosexuality as an identity is a very modern thing that didn't really exist in the past.

why does this matter? that isn't relevant to the question in the OP. did you just want to blurt that out?

Homosexual individuals have always existed.

what gay revisionist Catholic forum did you read that, Bruce?

I believe it coincided with the Albigensian Crusade, didn't it?

The Cathars preached non-reproduction, as preferrable over reproduction. And non-reproductive sex over reproductive sex. When they were made heretical, the more zealous catholic scholars started preaching heavily against any sort of non-reproductive sex. This led to clamping down on homosexuality, oral sex, doggy style, etc. All that Thomas Aquinas bullshit.

Google the sacred band of thebes.

It honestly was not that big of a deal until the reformation on Europe.
I think in 15th century Florence they set up some sort of inquisition type thing to persecute homosexuals (albeit in a not very harsh way) but they didn't do anything because like 14,000 men were found guilty of homosexuality.
Same thing with prostitution.
Also nobody gave a single fuck if nobles much less kings fucked dudes. I think James I of England paraded his lovers all over the place, they also didn't are about royal mistresses, what mattered was that you were also fucking women and planned on having kids.
It wasn't until the 18th century in Paris, Amsterdam etc where purely HOMOSEXUAL subcultures that believed themselves to be fundamentally different from other men began to develop, and of course they were pretty heavily persecuted although they were definitely there.
The "fags and degenerates have always been le traditionally persecuted by the good people of pre-modern Christian Europe" meme needs to stop.

This is completely and utterly wrong.

rome as well
hell, homosexuality was pretty much accepted until the rise of Christianity within the roman empire in around 300AD

most of SEA with the exception of tranny/thailand doesn't really like the idea of T

Read his statement again.
The modern homosexual identity is unique and incomparable to any trace of homosexuality in history.

Nah. Everyone who was POOed in SEA adopted the Hijra culture to some extent.

Even Muslim As fuck Malaysia/Indonesia and Pre-Colonial Philippines. Hell, Philippines' catholic conversion did not remove it from their culture.

Literally Vietnam was the sole exception due to Sinic culture. They prefer boipussi remain as manly men as per East Asian tastes.

There's been gay kings and queens though, Fredrick The Great, Wiliam of Orange, Queen Anne etc.

>do you also accept gays who claim to be Christian?

They can believe and follow what they like the same as anybody else. However, I find it slightly silly that they follow an idea that persecuted them for centuries, when they could simply have their own self beliefs and not be apart of any mainstream religion.

>Are mainstream religious beliefs really compatible with being queer?

Yes, because in 2016 all you have to do is say "I am (insert religion)" for you to be apart of that religion. Few people follow actual doctrines of Christianity over here (UK). It seems a lot of 'religious' people use religion as a comfort blanket, and not as a way of life or lifestyle, which religion is meant to be.

I'm using Christianity as the example as I doubt you'll have much success with being an openly gay Muslim, and I don't know many religious Jews to make a comment. Other religions I know about due to friends seem a bit sketchy with the old homosexuality issue.

Homosexuality used to be more about the act itself, not attraction or love or whatever.

Nowadays of course if you say that people think you're uneducated because they can't imagine a world where things were different

Has there ever been a time when gays werent whiny, belligerent, diseased, bullying fascists?

Alexander the great

Exactly because these religions are Abrahamic, and God destroyed an entire city for being homosexual.

In the past, in almost all cultures, creating children was far more important than it is today. It often didn't matter if people were homosexual because they would still marry the opposite sex and create children anyway, they had to. Once the population growth reaches a point where not everyone has to make children, homosexuals can actually live as a homosexual, either to choose monogamous same sex partners or to be hedonistic sluts. In the eyes of others, neither of these benefit society the way having children is seen to, so gays are persecuted.

Non homosexual or trans people think that homosexuals and trans people are shameless and selfish, not realizing that these people are actually programmed to be that way. The reality is that persecution is caused by the selfishness of the regular person who feels that everyone should cater to them by not being gay or trans

Ancient Rome and Greece, Japan until the end of the Edo period, China until the fall of manchurians

Or that they have spiritual defects and need to be cleansed by God by being sent to hell.

If it's the duty of God to cleanse and punish homosexuals and transsexuals, then why does man need to do God's work?

They don't. but you don't associate with them, that is for sure. One of the great policies of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism: do not associate with infidels.

That's because these days sexuality in general is more character-defining, because we've chosen to believe it is. There's truth to that old "build a thousand bridges, but if you fuck ONE goat..." joke.

This, all gays seem to want to do is normalize degeneracy.

What's unique about the US is that this is the furthest the homo agenda has ever gotten when political power is concerned.

Now look at what these people contribute, constant bitching about "Muh acceptance" when they've been more accepted than ever. Or the classic "I have AIDS from riding an anonymous cock carousel feel sorry for me or I'll get you fired".

Pull up your favorite search engine and search "poz my neg ass" or "blood slamming". This is the end game of homosexuality, eventually there will be a point where these people are openly cannibalizing eachother.

I used to be an accepting person too, but there seems to be no end to the forced normalization of mental illness and victimhood.

Don't even get me started on trannys, society's flotsam.


> Do you also accept gays who claim to be Christian?
What exactly is problem here?! If sinner can't be Christian only Jesus should be accepted as one.

Kill them all

Nobody is talking about """"identity"""" though.

You've probably met plenty of people who were gay and didn't show off any "red flags." There are stereotypical loud, whiny gays out there, but that doesn't mean all gays act like that. Nobody even knows I'm a fag unless it somehow comes up in conversation. In fact, many gays prefer not to advertise it when they live somewhere unaccepting.

This as fuck. Thank you, user.

>being this retarded

You're an exception for the most part.

>being this gay

Ancient Celts were gay as fuck.

>Relatively speaking, is right now the best time to be a gay in the history of the world?
Without a doubt, though keep in mind historical sexuality when not influenced by Abrahamic religions tended to be based on if you penetrate/receive. In very general terms historical societies where we find acceptance of LGBT sex usually have one of two caveats for acceptance, either having some sort of age difference (often older men with younger boys) or looking down upon the receiver only.
>do you also accept gays who claim to be Christian?
There are so many sects of Christianity now who can interpret shit however they want that I don't see why they can't at this point. I personally find it silly to try to reconcile with a faith that provides one of the primary sources of persecution for LGBT people but it's not that much crazier than the Mormons.
>Are mainstream religious beliefs really compatible with being queer?
If it's an Abrahamic Religion you're getting into Stockholm Syndrome territory. Confucianism's focus on muh perfect family has fucked over LGBT people in an accidental way. As for Hinduism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Daoism etc. there isn't really a universal canonical verdict on homosexuality (IIRC Thai Buddhism claims homosexuality results from doing bad shit in your past life, but no other Buddhist group claims that) as it's never really mentioned in holy texts and such.

Because these social divisions have worked out for us so well in the past, right?

Peace and prosperity comes with social dialogue. Simply avoiding those who make you uncomfortable only weakens your voice in the forum.

At least try to write decent bait

You're a fag man. By definition, you are retarded.

Boipussy and homosexuality was common. Even from people like the Spartans and the Samurai. Sure its gay as fuck for two men to bone. But they still understood the importance of their bloodlines and had a wife with some kids to carry on thier legacy. Gays today are just using it for social status and to feel special. No one really gives a shit IRL if you fuck someone of the same sex.

Homosexuality was always looked down upon as it goes against the idea of traditional families, but it wasn't until (((semantic religions))) that homosexuals became persecuted.

Homosexuality does not exist.
There are no Hebrews(Christians) who are deceived by the lie of homosexuality.

How? They believe in insane quackery, want to mutilate thenselves, and are a danger to themselves through their 30x suicide rates. Yes they are ill.

Yes, now is the best time although I think in due course gay rights will be revoked. Gays can be christian but they must not act upon their impulses otherwise they'll be in big trouble with God. Maybe new religions will be more tolerant of queers but it doesn't look like the old desert religions are going away anytime soon.

you question carries a great weight of presentivism

these issue's were approached very differently in many cultures

there are a myriad of social practices involved, lumping them in all their manifestations together is truly a modern western phenomenon

for instance two men having casual sex in many cultures was not "gay", they did not see it in that way
in turkey it was reasonably acceptable, even sanctioned by many islamic authorities for a man to have a male partner for sex
but there was no equality in the relationship, the (often wealthy) man would still have a wife and the sex partner would be submissive

in greece it was tied to age, where older men would engage in paternal/sexual relationships with young boys
but this was often only light sex acts; and the boys were often only juvenile

attitudes to female sexuality were a totally separate issue for both of these cultures

"transgender" is a very modern concept as well
through history individual men in many cultures would cross-dress, this sometimes tied to class, and sometimes purely individual
but this rarely went beyond mixed social role, the (usually men in asia and the middle east) never claimed to be women, and they were not seen as such
in some cultures this was strictly taboo, and binary genders were strictly enforced

>>I think in due course gay rights will be revoked.
Why's that? Most people in the US don't really care one way or the other and our non-religious population is growing.

mental illnesses hasn't been popular in history

And how do you define a "Homosexual" then?

someone who fucks the same sex? That's just normal human sexuality that's been recorded all across history in various cultures and in various times. What said is basically it.

An individual basing his identity strictly on his sexuality is completely a modern phenomenon