Is it the same God, Veeky Forums?

Is it the same God, Veeky Forums?

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OT, prequels, TFA

God does not exist. None of them

Empire > Force > original movie > Revenge > Return > Rogue > Menace > Attack


and what would the corresponding sects be?

goddamit I keep forgetting to change off this name

came here to ask this




Allah hu ya

Ya Allahu(Oh Allah)

During Jesus crucifixion:

"Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" (which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?").

Eli sounds similar too Allah than Jehovah, Yhwh, Yhvh, ect

"B-but it the fulfillment of Pslam 22"
No, it cherry picked by the Christians. The prophecy doesn't even refer to Jesus. Read:


Eli refers to elohim which is another way god is called in old testament. Its a leftover from hebrew polytheism, male plural form meaning gods.

Yes but the understanding of that god is vastly different

Wait... Wasn't 'elohim' just a Hebrew word for 'God'? Not the name of the God itself?

And also, it's not Hebrew polytheism, as in plural in number, but it's the plural in respect.

It's the culture of the eastern language(hebrew, arabic, ect), which is different from the western language.

Islam was influenced by Christianity which was influenced by Judaism which was influenced by Zoroastrianism which was influenced by most likely Babylonian mystery religion so there u go

Do Muslims and Jews believe in the Trinity?

There's your answer.

Allah is a demon/fallen angel and Jews worship the devil, so no.

Actually, it's "My god", singular. Pluralizing it would be "Elim" for "my gods".

Elohim itself is a bit more lingustically complicated, as it can be either plural or singular depending on context, and is irregular in both. The "standard" word for many gods would be "Elohayhem", which you also see a number of times.

If Jews worship the devil, dont Christians worship a Devil worshipper?

Maybe this

Essentially, yes. The one god is the Absolute, the Monad. He is the cornerstone of all Abraamic religions and serves the same purpose as initial creator and final judge to all things.

Jews and Muslims don't believe in the Holy Trinity, so no.

Don't be such a dipshit, m'Christian

I think Muhammad stole Jesus's ideas.

Wouldn't the Abrahamic god be the Demiurge?

Yes in the sense that he created the physical universe, no because he also made heaven and has a benevolent plan for us.

What he said.

No. Judaism is an apostate religion invented after Christ by butthurt pharisees.


I hear this a lot.
What is the basis for this claim?

Naw, he's just blasting ass juice everywhere.

How can jews and Christians worship the same God if jews deny the divinity of the Guy they killed?

Essentially, it starts with the claim that Judaism (or at least modern Judaism) is distinct from the religion practiced in ancient Judea.

The usual justification for this claim is either

A) Temple services and sacrifices are no longer done, thus it is a different religion.

B) The Talmud/Gemara is the "real" holy book of the modern Jew, and thus distinct from "torah" judaism that used to be practiced.


>Judaism - TOS
>Christianity - TNG
>Protestants and other reformed - DS9
>Muslim - Voyager
>Mormons - Enterprise