Is there a historical reason why the left aren't considered as anti-science as the right wing?

Is there a historical reason why the left aren't considered as anti-science as the right wing?

Positivists buying into the myth of progress

Because the science opposing element is at the fringe rather than being put in charge of the EPA.

This is opposed by more than a fringe minority

>left isnt anti science
>literally censors science that debunks their horsecrap

By Anti-Science do you mean Anti"""""Science"""""
You know the whole "anyone who disagrees me is an Ignorant redneck who never finished high school" kinda thing

Because they branded themselves "progressive" so in the minds of the average pleb, everything they do leads to progress/improvement.

Does it count as censorship if it's not being done by the government?

Actually it's because they genuinely are progressive and have been since the French revolution.

>opposes corrupt, superstitious religion
>opposes primitive and outdated monarchy and aristocracy
>actively supports scienctific progress through decimalisation, standardisation of units of measurement
>supports the rights of every man, woman and child as a human being, not a serf or peasant

>evolutionary biology

Okay retard

In the US the right wing is much closer with religious fundamentalists, who are usually anti-science to various degrees.

>opposes newer, better techonology because of feels

Yeah, really progressive.

Luddites are leftists, aren't they?

Never seen a leftist deny climate change or evolution.
they are reactionaries.
fracking really isn't new technology.

Which technology?

No, they were just working class.

probably talking about nuclear technology.

I oppose certain technology too, depending on their supposed goal.

Fair enough, although I'd counter by saying that "progressives" aren't a hivemind that opinions amongst self defined progressives towards nuclear power vary greatly.

I think it's safe to say a majority of progressives are against nuclear energy, while a significant portion of conservatives are against it for other reasons.

Nuclear power is just disliked in general.

>le feels meme
All viewpoints come from feels, basically this isn't an argument, just a smug dismissal.

People are just retards in general

Science is satanic

>Is there a historical reason why the left aren't considered as anti-science as the right wing?

Most scientists and engineers are liberal, or at least what passes as liberal in the US.

>anti-nuclear movement
>often associated with the left
Funny because me and every leftist I know are pro-nuclear power. Anti-npp sentiment in America purely revolves around NIMBYism.

Even if your source was credible it would irrelevant because black people, like white people are not a single entity but are individuals that share a catagorical similarity.

Leaning too far to one direction is never a good thing anyway.