Why is the Holocaust so damn fascinating, Veeky Forums...

Why is the Holocaust so damn fascinating, Veeky Forums? I remember being introduced to the thing back in 2006 and even today I can't stop gobbling up every bit of information that I find about it, and I know I am not the only one. What is in this event that makes it so hypnotic?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its fascinating because on how human hate can go a long way. People didn't expect that a person would do this to a lot of innocent people at that time.

Also because of how the whole thing looks almost fantastic. We used to think of mass killings in terms of shootings, battlefields, and shit. Not the industrialized way the Nazis did. If the Holocaust had been conducted mostly through the death squads I don't think it would have been as striking as it has become.


Start halfway through this, it is a dramatized gassing in Auschwitz from the victim's perspective. It is actually really fucking hard to watch for the first time but it is the kind of thing that makes an impression on you.

I find it fascinating because the accounts from survivors, or accounts left behind by people who ultimately died, are fairly accessible when compared to other historical events. I've read several dozen Holocaust memoirs and accounts and it's just... bizarrely addicting.

Here's a similar video


ends at 47:30, the beginning and the rest of it are interviews with German teenagers, I think? Not sure.

1. The Census Data does not match from a decline of global Jews from 15.75 million in 1936 to 15.71 in 1949. The Holocaust is not consistent with census data. Furthermore, only 240 000 Jews lived in Germany at the time.

2. There is not a single document that the Nazi's gave an official order. The only documents (written by people who were not there and at a much later date) that hint that such a conference may have been held are 2 - one which was proven to be forged and one that is questionable

3. The extermination process is implausible. Zyklon B is a pesticide and can only kill at 26 degrees (not at 10 degrees like in the Auschwitz chamber) but there is no heating mechanism downing there (it was a place for storing corpses from labour camps not gassing them). Diesel gas would explode at a lethal pressure and destroy the building.

4. The disposal of bodies is impractical, it has been proven mathematically it is implausible to cremate 6 000 000 corpses in the given time frame, technology, and logistics (like how Auschwitz only has single crematoriums). Plus, supposeduly bodies were buried or burnt, yet not a single piece of forensic evidence has been found of such a claim (not even ONE body fragment out of 6 000 000 people)

5. Lastly, the eye witness testimonies are the least reliable source of information. Victims have been recorded to have lied, and of course would be biased either way. Nazis were tortured and forced to forge memoires. A Nazi admitted that 3 million Jews Died at Auschwitz under his control, then only a few years later historians ADMITTED less than a million died at Auschwitz!!




>Furthermore, only 240,000 Jews lived in Germany at the time

Holocaust deniers are this retarded.


>have no arguments
>calls my post b8

Holohoax believers are this retarded

Your pic, as well as your previous points, have been answered a million times both in Veeky Forums and elsewhere. You can google them in two seconds if you want an answer.

Eh, I will post an obligatory link

I saw a line by line refutation of that one, which made a comment about why no number 13. Do you by any chance happen to have a screencap or an archive link?

That's just another CP movie

These Jewish engagement threads by Israeli online shilling interests get really old. We already know the holocaust is questionable, posting endlessly about why the holocaust is so interesting and fascinating does nothing. You can't just treat this place like we don't know both sides of the coin with the historical debate on the holocaust.

If anything, the more these shill posts come up, the less I believe in the shoah.

Because it's something that never happened. :^)

Nah, i saw it but i didn't save it.

Because thousands of historians argue about it despite it being illegal to argue about due to it being "already settled"... much like global warming.

I don't think Veeky Forumstorians think it is questionable, generally speaking. There aren't "two sides of the coin" either.

>thousands of historians argue about it
Not really.

>much like global warming
That's an apt comparison, actually.

Not an argument.

Source for "being illegal to argue about"

Look up holocaust laws in Germany and Poland.

I don't have the burden of proof since you are the one affirming. But even stormfags agree that there is no debate surrounding the holocaust among historians in academia, learn your script better.

The way that the history of the shoah is silently and constantly changed demonstrates the questionable nature of it as a subject of history.

The way the soap and lampshades has been dropped, the gas chamber vans, the diesel gassing has been dropped and the death camps which have been reclassified as concentration camps such as Dachau went from being a death camp to a concentration camp in the silence of historical legacy.

As history progresses, the myth will continue but the actual history will become more accurate. The relative number of death camps will reduce and the total intentional deaths will reduce. In maybe 50 years, the total deaths will sit at roughly 2-3 million of which 1.4 million were intentional extermination.

But then the Holodomor, which resulted in the death of roughly 8 to 12 million Ukrainians at the hands of Jewish commissars under Soviet authority will remain unheard and untold.

>source: stormfag anecdotes
Ok junior, run along now.

Holocaust denial laws in Germany, Poland, France and by Common law in Canada. Also illegal under the recent UK anti-semitism law which was passed in secret by a minority of parliamentarians in secret at the last minute during the late hours of the night.

Slippery kikes, keep trying.

You still have the burden of proof. Can you link me to any academic papers where the holocaust is being questioned?

>I don't understand how burden of proof works

>the total deaths will sit at roughly 2-3 million of which 1.4 million were intentional extermination.

So, just to get this straight, you think that roughly 10% of the entire intentional killings of the Holocaust were done by a single Einsatzgruppe in the course of 5 months in the Baltic states.

Why do you think Jager's unit was so much better at this stuff than any of the other guys running around murdering Jews?

It is illegal to deny Holocaust, not to argue about it, that's why bunch of retards are actively doing it, and they are free. So, keep trying and find me law, under which it is indeed illegal to argue about it.

Literally everything you said is wrong.

>the gas chamber vans, the diesel gassing has been dropped
Not really? Sorry, but your revisionist blogs aren't in any way the official narrative.

>will remain unheard and untold
kek, yeah, because there aren't any book about this. It's funny how you purposefully added that those commissars were Jewish, even if it's completely irrelevant.

>the history of the shoah is silently and constantly changed
Not really. Although evidence based change would be a positive thing.

It's because there was no evidence in the first place.
>I was gassed 8 times and Mengela turned my 3 grandmothers into soap in front of me

David Irving is probably the best sourced historian on this subject and he never even truly wrote about the holocaust, only tangentially engaged in discussion on it in relation to his research on German High Command/Hitler' high bureaucrats.

Demanding academic papers from a peer reviewed journal is not only a catch 22, but not even how historical research works. History isn't physics. Consensus does not make it correct, and as such, hotly disputed issues often never pass peer review.

So whilst I am not the original poster, your request is not only impossible but it is moving the goal posts.

You clearly don't. You affirmed that "thousands of historians argue about it". If you knew any logic you'd know that you can't refute an existential statement, your sentence is logically unfalsifiable. You have to prove it.

>It is illegal to deny Holocaust, not to argue about it,
If you're arguing against the Holocaust, you're therefore "denying" it. And boom, someone calls the cops
>I was debating someone about the Holocaust
>they said zyklon b was used to get rid of lice

Now you're in jail because the person you debated told the authorities that you denied the holohoax happened

>David Irving is probably the best sourced historian on this subject
>this is what stormbabies actually believe

David Irving isn't even a historian.

>If you're arguing against the Holocaust, you're therefore "denying" it. And boom, someone calls the cops

So, when Chris Browning went on his crusade against Intentionalism and argued against the Holocaust as it was generally accepted in the 70s, the reason he wasn't arrested over these laws was what exactly?


Ok Eugene, you need to go back to therapy now

>The way the soap and lampshades has been dropped

Aside from sensationalist papers and headlines, the idea that soap and lampshades were mass produced has never been considered serious in the academia of the Holocaust. There are several examples of specific people making or collecting items made from human remains, but again outside of sensationalism, the idea of mass-making them hasn't been a part of serious Holocaust study for decades.

>gas chamber fans have been dropped
>diesel gassing has been dropped

No they haven't.

>death camps which have been reclassified as concentration camps

Academics did not classify Dachau as a death camp, when they started classifying them. People--newspapers, TV shows, etc--call it a death camp because no one but Holocaust deniers is getting anal retentive about using death camp or concentration camp interchangeably.

Be quiet, the holocaust deniers are so adorable with their little blogs as 'sources'

I have no idea what your talking about. But I'll use the 80+year old German woman as an example.

She claimed Auschwitz was a labor camp, and not a death camp.

Now she's in jail for 2.5 years for "denial"

So, all these people from youtube, or writing articles about it, are doing it from prison? Nice try.

Wasn't this women also some pro neo-Nazi activist?

I think you missed something

But it is probably to much for you.

>literally makes up stuff
>why do people call us poltards retarded mentally ill kiddies LMFAO where would they get THAT FROM lmfao btfo jidf lmao KEK praise

Pls stay on your containment board /poltv9k/ while the adults talk

>So, all these people from youtube, or writing articles about it, are doing it from prison? Nice try.
Name some, I'm sure they're American. Can't question the events in Germany without getting arrested for denial


Yes, it is illegal to argue about the holocaust. It is called "holocaust denial" by jewish weasels like yourself.

consensus facit legem, to argue about the holocaust is to deny the holocaust under these laws.

Firstly on the Jewish commissars, it is relevant because almost all communist movements are heavily Jewish. The leader of almost every single communist movement in western nations is roughly 50% Jewish individuals and 50% gentiles. This is true of the Russian revolution and the various academic schools of marxist and post-marxist thought.

But since you are a slippery kike, I will argue on the lack of propaganda from jewish media pushing the diesel gas chamber narrative. Which suggests that they wish to avoid being called out on it.

>why is there no mention of the holocaust in Winston Churchill's six volume series of military strategy and political cosmopolitan tour, when he was only referencing countless documents and letters interchanged between him and the military commanders every single day 24/7.

You know what else wasn't in there? An analysis of Divine Wind or any other cultural phenomenon currently going on that wasn't about resources, or military strategy.

She had been arrested for denial once before. Not sure if that equals nazi lover

What did I make up?

Max Hastings extensively used his research materials since he actually used first hand accounts and testimony from the relatives of the subject's of his research in combination with official state documents.

He is very well respected in Military and Intelligence Circles for his research.

I'm German you fucking retarded American, don't bring us into your child fights

Of course there's Nazis, of course people say what they want, probably 1-2 people go to trial per year in Nieder Deutsch and Hoch Deutsch, you don't know shit about our country so don't presume you do, fucking lard eating shit

Nice cherrypicking
>In the ARD television broadcast series Panorama (Germany) produced by NDR in March 2015, and despite proceedings prohibiting, Haverbeck-Wetzel again denied the mass destruction of the Jews and discussed her critique.[13] She described "this Holocaust" as "the biggest and most persistent lie in history".[3][4][13][14]

>it is relevant because almost all communist movements are heavily Jewish
citation needed other than chopped up .txt screenshot with deliberate misinformation and outright lies

>be German
>get run over by a truck then raped

>be German
>still better off than America

Really makes you think Amerilard

>I have no idea what your talking about.

Why am I not surprised?

Maybe you should look up Chris Browning instead of responding with a bizarre anecdote. He's famous mostly for writing "Ordinary Men", is one of the most important historians involving the Holocaust, and was testifying at Irving's trial.

Aw sweet, it's another insulting German.

This gun b gud

Whatever you wanna believe hans, enjoy getting raped.
I'll enjoy my freedom burger

i remember learning about the soap and lampshades in school when we first started learning about the holocaust.

Watch in this order.

Hans is Norweyan first of all you Orwellian cuckold fuck

What's it like being the world's laughing stock with Obongas and Orange Simpsons man?


You have seen the Jager report, yes? Karl Jäger, EK 3? How he detailed the execution of 137,346 between June and November 1941? If you really think that the intentional killings amounted to about 1.4 million Jews, then an inescapable conclusion is that this one fellow's band of about 120 people (although generally supplemented by ad hoc militias when necessary) did about 10% of the intentional killing of Jews in the Holocaust.

Why was Einsatzkommando 3 so much better at Jew-removal than the rest of the Nazi apparatus?

>try to feel like a martyr of freedom by denying the holocaust
>get refuted
>start shitposting
Time to go back to your containment board.

>no SS were tortured to give testimony the jews wanted to hear.

b-b-but all this poor 80 year old woman did was say Auschwitz was a labor camp instead of a death camp

poor Oma

>no evidence for claim

>clearly my zero evidence claim must be plausible

Not really famalamadingdong

>The leader of almost every single communist movement in western nations is roughly 50% Jewish individuals and 50% gentiles. This is true of the Russian revolution and the various academic schools of marxist and post-marxist thought.

Pic related.

Don't forget he does mention it, just not by the name of "Holocaust"

The wholesale massacre by systematised processes of six or seven millions of men, women and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough and ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pygmy proportions. Deliberate extermination of whole populations was contemplated and pursued by both Germany and Russia in the Eastern war. -THE SECOND WORLD WAR “The Gathering Storm” page 15

>He is very well respected in Military and Intelligence Circles for his research.

No he isn't. He's laughed at for his nonsense like The Destruction of Dresden and how he quite literally made shit up to get to his exaggerated death tolls.

>get refuted
He refuted nothing.

>all documents are forged!
>all nazi testimonies were the result of torture!
>all the jew testimonies are part of a conspiracy!
>all civilian testimonies are paid!
>all photographic evidence is fake!
>all forensic evidence if forged!
>therefore, there is no evidence for the holocaust! i refuted the holohoax!!!

This is a good post

School textbooks are very rarely considered academic, particularly in certain countries.

Why is American education so appalling that only America has this neo nazi thing

German Revolution of 1918 as an example.
Leaders of the Revolution:
Rosa Luxemburg - Jewish
Karl Liebknecht - Jewish
Kurt Eisner - Jewish
Paul Levi - Jewish
Franz Mehring - not Jewish
Wilheim Pieck - Suspected Jewish, but lack of an official record due to his family's supposed conversion to protestant belief.
Ernst Toller- Jewish
Erich Mühsam - Jewish
Gustav Landauer - Jewish
I can go on with this, but it is an almost untouchable/unpublishable part of the history of Marxism.

>it's a "/pol/tard tries to confuse people into thinking that Jews were responsible for the 1918 German revolution that people actually care about rather than some shitty non-event" episode

If we had real eugenics, I'd never see these posts.

Not him, but it doesn't. I mean, some of the most prominent Nazi "Historians" are European. David Irving, Carlo Mattogno, Fredereich Paul Berg are all Europeans, and they all have very visible Neo-Nazi political leanings.

>it's a /pol/tard mixed the german revolution and the spartacist uprising episode
And since when is liebknecht jewish?

>everyone who disagrees with me must have 300 citations for every claim, but all I need to do is post a list where I put up a bunch of names and label them jews, and assert that those are the only relevant names to the events associated with them

What did he mean by this?

That his mother and father were brother and sister to preserve their superior Aryan genes.

So a dude boasted about killing people. Unless it is backed up by evidence which other historians can confirm, it is merely the boasting of a fool.

I didn't say his books were respected. I only said his research was respected. You are assuming more than what I said. I never mentioned his books, only his research.

as for your image, it is hardly proof. The general composition of a nation hardly determines the nature of its leadership. Haiti might be majority black, but a minority of mixed race families dominate it politically.

As for your argument about the the limited number of jews on the council of people's commissars, this is an empty argument. Firstly Lenin was a Jew. Secondly, the power within the early revolutionary government after the collapse of the Duma government was in the hands of the illegitimate red army. The existence of an official administrative government means nothing. What matters is the jewish nature of the commissars and military officers in charge of the Red Army.

We have one speculative account by an American Officer on this subject, but I am inclined to believe that was a fake account.

However, the argument that the representative council counters the fact of the jewish dominance of that revolution in the form of the leadership of armed force, shows the weakness of your argument.


>Unless it is backed up by evidence which other historians can confirm

Let's be real, if that happened, you'd move the goalposts a little to the left and try again until you found somebody too lazy or stupid to rebut you.

>I cry with pain as I stab my opponents.
>I demand impossible sources and accuse my opponent of the same.

>accuses me of moving the goalposts
>Literally pushes some ridiculous boasting by some murderous fool as an argument for "muh superior murderer" who must have done a tenth of the holocaust himself.
>Accuses me of moving the goalposts.
Jewish Argument everyone.

Are you retarded? Do you think he wanted to "nationalize women" too?

>some ridiculous boasting by some murderous fool
>if somebody brings up evidence, I can make an unsupported assertion and it's the same thing

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Stormfag had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

You missed the point my kike friend. He wanted proof that Liebknecht was jewish, which is directly referenced from that specific online copy of the communist review.

Keep trying.

>when you remember that it's been almost one year since cuckchan.org/his/thread/509405/ eternally BTFO the stormshills

What does it feel like knowing that you have no value as people and that nobody will ever love you? Do you cry about it frequently or just constantly think of suicide?

The burden of proof is on you to reaffirm your source, this Jager Report. Can you provide something to back it up and prove that it was 10% of the shoah?

>So a dude boasted about killing people. Unless it is backed up by evidence which other historians can confirm, it is merely the boasting of a fool.

You mean, aside from the document itself with all the appropriate bells and whistles, and the subsequent declaration of Lithuania being "Judenfrei" in Stahlecker's report to Heydrich on January 31, 1942. Or are you talking about its universal acceptance in academia? What exactly do you want from this?

> I only said his research was respected.

No, his research is not respected. His research is widely derided for quite literally making shit up. Go look up the name Max Fünfack. You know, the guy that Irving claimed was the chief medical officer in Dresden, and wouldn't retract it when the guy himself wrote to Irving asking wtf he was on about.

>as for your image, it is hardly proof. The general composition of a nation hardly determines the nature of its leadership.

The general composition as a political party, on the other hand, is a bit different, since you know, people join up with it.

>Firstly Lenin was a Jew.

Lenin wouldn't be considered a Jew under the Nuremburg laws. What bizarre definition of "Jew" are you using that you consider him one?

>Secondly, the power within the early revolutionary government after the collapse of the Duma government was in the hands of the illegitimate red army.

You mean, the one that was half grafted from the old Tsarist army and had no Jewish officers?

>What matters is the jewish nature of the commissars and military officers in charge of the Red Army.

You mean, the ones that weren't Jewish outside your non-supported ravings?

>hurr watch these 8 hours of neo-nazi porn!

or watch this single short clip


>The burden of proof is on you to reaffirm your source

Not really.

If one guy brings a source, and you just say "it's bullshit" then the burden of proof is on you to provide evidence that the source is incorrect.

Because fiction is more interesting than fact

Karl Liebknecht wasnt jewish at all. Also, he and Rosa led the Sparticist Uprising, which was against the government formed in the 1918 Revolution. Thats Ebert literally boot licking in their propaganda

stop embarrassing yourself

No, you are an fucking idiot. The "nationalization of women" was western propaganda against the bolshevik party right after the leninists seized power:
>The Overman Committee's hearings on Bolshevism lasted from February 11 to March 10, 1919.[32] More than two dozen witnesses were interviewed.[33] About two-thirds were violently anti-Bolshevik and advocated for military intervention in Russia.[34] Some were refugees of the Russian Diaspora—many former government officials[35]—who left Russia because of Bolshevism.[36] The overriding theme was the social chaos the Revolution had brought,[35] but three sub-themes were also frequent: anti-Americanism among American intelligentsia, the relationship between Jews and Communist Russia, and the "nationalization" of women after the Soviet revolution.
>A third frequent theme was the "free love" and "nationalization" of women allegedly occurring in Soviet Russia.[44] Witnesses described an orgy in which there was no "respect for virtuous women";[45] others who testified, including those who had been in Russia during the Revolution
>However, another decree was produced stating, "A girl having reached her eighteenth year is to be announced as the property of the state."[
Of course, as i'm sure you are aware, the nationalization of women wasn't a real thing but propaganda. The article you posted is ironically listing the accusations against liebknecht, which would be obvious if you weren't so thick.

>The burden of proof is on you to reaffirm your source

>making up bullshit and arbitrary "rules" on the spot because you cant form an actual argument to back up your insane conspiracy theories about the jewlliminati

>Can you provide something to back it up and prove that it was 10% of the shoah?

You do realize he's calling it 10% of the shoah as a sarcastic way of insinuating your claim that 1.4 million deliberately killed is ridiculous, right?

It's not Nazi porn. David Cole himself is Jewish. The other videos go on to state that there is no antisemitic purpose in questioning the currently accepted holocaust story.
What is the short clip supposed to prove anyway?