Korean historian was arrested by her academic paper

Park Yu-ha, a Korean female historian expressed that comfort women in World War 2 were comrades of the Japanese army.
Korean prosecution said comfort women must have been sex slaves.
She was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

That's South Korea. Not North Korea.

Other urls found in this thread:


I got the impression that for people in the know it's mostly agreed upon that the comfort women signed up/were sold by their families knowing it was for prostitution work. The problem was that the Japanese military weren't very conceding when girls realized how bad it might be to try to service a whole battalion and back out or listen to any other complaints about bad work conditions/abuses.

Japanese population stopped around 1939 so many Japanese starved to death because of economic sanctions.
Such starved people were willing to become prostitute for life and money.

free speech is really only considered absolutely sacred in America

The problem was the Japanese army started expanding this by kidnapping women in occupied territories.

Yes it started as an official thing- the French in WWI had something similar- but they made it fuck worse

It's actually a cover for her denial of the finno-Korean hyperwar

Bitch should be forced to be a "comrade" of a foreign army.

Is that paper a cop or why did could it arrest her?

Park Yu-ha is a historian though you are not a historian.
Historian said comfort women worked in good condition as her historical academic conclusion then the historian got arrested in South Korea.

I have a BA in History and working on an MA. Counts.

Can you read Japanese?


That'd be the US equivalent of writing an academic paper saying we had it coming in Pearl Harbor because of our economic sanctions against Japan and they all deserved what they got.

That wouldn't garner an arrest here, but still there'd be some backlash. Your post really fails to explain how seriously political of an issue Korean comfort women are, I mean they have statues dedicated in their honor and everything.

This isn't a "but it's current year!" thing as much as a "yep, Koreans still mad at Japs" thing.

Trump says Clinton and Obama made ISIS and that may be true.
It's current year we can seek truth.

Shoo, shoo!
25 year rule!

But...USA got what it deserved at Pearl Harbor, it wanted the war anyways. But since the Americans had fucked up and failed to find where the Japanese would attack they played the "muh day of infamy" card.

>and that may be true.
Mexican (future border hopper/not trump supporter) here
It is true.

>South Korea
>actual democracy

Still, it's funny seeing edgy contrarians get steamrolled.

I prefer Catfish or Salmon, but sometimes I too, enjoy fishing for humans.

In a way they made ISIS in that they were complicit in the system that has been destroying the middle east for the last century

>You need freedom of speech to have democracy

You need it for liberal democracy.

South Korea is more of an illiberal democracy.

What about the European women in the DEI forced into roles as comfort women?


o i am laffin
t. dutch


The US authentically does have some of the strongest, if not the strongest protections around speech on the planet.

No hate speech laws, extremely strict standards for libel and slander.

wtf i hate south korea now


*unless it is considered offensive by someone, then it isn't. For more information consult with your local nigger or feminist or gay or [insert here any kind of SJW abomination]

US journalism is too high on the list of censorship for that.

[Citation needed]

we're talking about the government. only the government has to respect your freedom of speech. obviously
that's slightly different

the us is the ONLY country that has freedom of speech

Geert is twee weken geleden nog vervolgd mongool. Er is in Nederland nauwelijks sprake van uitingsvrijheid.

That's pretty much the SK equivalent of Holocaust denial, isn't it?

English motherfucker
Also good, I'm all for free speech but not for idiotic bait outbursts like his.

Only one of these two events was real.

pretty much, although it would not be such an issue if the Japanese actually admitted that their armed forces did some fucked up shit in mainland Asia. As with China the problem is that a very sizeable portion of the political mainstream in Japan just likes to pretend that they dindu nuffin during WW2 and get mad when told otherwise. So you get a holocaust tier emotionally charged atmosphere about it in South Korea

Korea wants those Japanese Gibs, thankfully Japan isn't as cucked as the west.

Japan didn't kill Korean. Korean soldiers fought against USSR, USA, UK. Jews were only killed by German.
Korean blamed Korean prostitute for USA army in Vietnam War but USA said Japan was worse.
After that USA and China, both were hated by Asians for Vietnam war, kept propaganda like that Japan was worse anyway so Asian should thank USA and China.

>Korean blamed USA for Korean prostitute in Vietnam War

>dissent = imprisonment

And down goes South Korea in the academic freedom tables, the free press tables, infact all the tables of comparison that indicate a healthy democratic state

Countries get pretty touchy about WWII-era shit. It's like how it's illegal to be a Holocaust denier in Germany. I hate to put it like this, but people just have to know what they can't say.

But international Relations theorists say this. Fucking the entire school of Defensive realism posits that Japan was acting in her interest by attacking Pearl Harbor.

Nobody gets locked up for academic inquiry in the West.

All it does is provide fuel to radicals. Banning Holocaust denial didn't preempt the NPD, or the AFD.

A futile, liberty-for-security trade off that results in neither.

All I see is a defamation lawsuit from 2015 from nine "comfort women" who said she was full of shit in her published book.

Reading a translated article, it says they want 10 million and 3 years in prison for it, but results won't be til January.

She released her book online in 2016.

It's over the top, but they likely won't give her 3 years. They'll slap her with the "money for emotional damages" but not the time.

How many of you added to this thread without even looking anything up?

She deserved it. She's obviously a Japanese plant.

What's untrue about this?
In the limit, no right to free speech means you could get prosecuted for voting for a specific candidate, if the candidate was bad enough in the eyes of the powers that be

>extremely strict standards for libel and slander.

So strict you can't accuse someone of being a lying POS if they're a climate scientist
Freeze those peaches indeed


> Tarnishing the personal integrity and reputation of a scientist important to one side may be a tactic to gain advantage in a no-holds-barred debate over global warming. That the challenged statements were made as part of such debate provides important context and requires careful parsing in light of constitutional standards. But if the statements assert or imply false facts that defame the individual, they do not find shelter under the First Amendment simply because they are embedded in a larger policy debate.
> - Judge Vanessa Ruiz

I had somebody quote US law at me today and then ask "how does your right to free speech trump someone else's right to maintain their good name and their career?"

>So strict you can't accuse someone of being a lying POS if they're a climate scientist
that is saying that he CAN sue, not that he can win the case neccessarily
it is because they lied about him and tarnished his reputation.
can you give me an example of someone being sent to prison for claiming that climate change is false.
> had somebody quote US law at me today and then ask "how does your right to free speech trump someone else's right to maintain their good name and their career?"
Well that person is an idiot, and incorrect about US law.

>Japan didn't kill Korean.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm this grammar is suspicious.

>Nobody gets locked up for academic inquiry in the West.

Well.... You're not exactly correct.

>expecting a thread made by a Japanese user about Korea to have a source or be accurate
>expecting /pol/ and weebs to actually listen before shitposting

When did world war 2 happen user?

>Hey Jap, pay money then we stop blaming you for comfort womam
>Hey Jap, we eternally blame you for sex slaves in our history. Pay more money.

20 or less doubtful prostitutes got 10 million $.
Japan wasted money again.

and why were there sanctions?

Next time type in coherent english you goddamn jap monkey LOL

You can blame MacArthur half-assing Japan's deradicalization for that.

wtf I love McArthur now

In short, Manchu-Japan alliance.

In 1920s and 1930s, there were many China's governments that called itself as true China's government.
UK, USA, German, and others supported Chiang Kai-shek. Although western countries also sold weapons to the enemy of Chiang Kai-shek.
USSR supported Mao Zedong.
Japan supported Manchu emperor.

In the three, Manchu emperor strongly hated western countries so western countries could not control him.

That's why western countries decided sanctions to Japan when Japan made Manchuria with Manchu emperor.

Ironically enough the Japs can thank the Korean War for saving them from becoming basically the 51st state. Only thing that kept the US from totally Americanizing their society.
>pay money even though I think you guys are full of shit
>waa why do you still hate me
You know I love Japan, but someone seriously needs to collectively slap them back into reality when it comes to the WW2 era

I guess it is nothing new considering Korea is part of Sino-civilization.

but they literally just visited Pearl Harbor to apologize

Please save her user

>“I made all of my interpretations based on historical documents,” Yu-Ha said. “I have not identified any individual in the book, and I even feel that I emphasized how truly wretched the conditions were in which the comfort women were placed.”






She always say some comfort women think they are prostitutes but not say all.
In addition, she sometimes blames lobbyists who control comfort women and ban free conversation with them.

Even comfort women don't have freedom of speech in South Korea.
Lobbyists always monitor conversation and ban it when confort women try to say they are not sex slave.

it still doesn't warrant arrest though

they really don't, you overthink the importance of WW2, it's better to be stubborn and carry some pride for your grandfather then cripple yourself and denounce them out of shame like Germany did.

>but they literally just visited Pearl Harbor to apologize
>Abe did not apologize for the attack
it's an attempt to look like you're sorry but really you can't say you actually are or your nationalist supporters will reeeeeee the fuck out. And just think, this is an "apology" for your overlord/ally not for Korea or China
I don't mean they Japan needs to go full Germany, but the Japanese right (and thanks to how their politics work the government) are unable to even concede that they did anything wrong during the WW2 era. Hell a few months back they pulled their funding for UNESCO for a while because it included documents about Nanjing.

yeah, fuck UNESCO

Japan fears the shit propaganda like ISIS is the enemy of the world though USA made ISIS.
That is like USA itself is the enemy of the world.
Japan can't be true ally with such country so can't appologize to the master that is always wrong.