How does Veeky Forums feel about the effects automated production will have on capitalism

How does Veeky Forums feel about the effects automated production will have on capitalism.
if most manual labor jobs are done by robotics how will these people make money if they are no longer needed?

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Buying DGB, of course.

sure whatever

I don't care about poorfags. The profit margins of automated labor are huge.

It's 2017 - if you have a job that can get replaced by a robot easily then you are not fit for survival anyways.

Have fun starving while I will bathe in money.

u tried

Impossible to say the real outcomes. I feel it'll bring the discussion of Universal Basic Income to the mainstream thought. But these machines will be owned by corporations, if the government taxes them too much, they can flee the country and still sell us their goods.

It's going to be the great balancing act of the upcoming decades. For if we are all out of jobs, these companies will have no one to sell their goods to.

Maybe it'll even lead us to cooperate more on a global scale. Leading to a one world government,of sorts, if you will. I'm just speculating though, mind has been busy making money on cryptos.

Crushing income inequality everywhere, except for a few northern european countries / third world shitholes that go full commie and put in 'income caps'.

Congratulations ancaps. Your dreams are about to come true, just wait a decade or two and you'll be able to buy children online off of starving parents.

oblivious subjects for biological testing (no joke..see tuskegee experiments. and dont think it wont happen to white people, it already has)
organ farming (dont fill out that donor status) (black are subject to organ farming because they have better genetic diversity compared to whites)

Basic income, neeeeh.... We will get crypto as foodstamps.

buy cheap rice and beans, spend the rest on trading. make more money and still ride the welfare because you cant track holdings or savings

How does Veeky Forums feel about the effects lightbulbs had on the guys who used to hang torches?

Everyone will be living in the dark. Except some northern european countries and 3rd world shitholes who will go full commie and put in 'light caps'.

Automation will drastically reduce cost of living, which will ameliorate the loss of wages due to automation.

It can't automate everything. Most businesses can't afford the machines anyway. The high maintenance and operating cost makes them cost effective only for certain jobs. We're still a long ways off from creating machines that have the same capabilities as a human, if it's ever possible.

Check Austria's model, they're already doing work on this. Basically if you choose to go with robots instead of people in factories, you have to give back money to the government (less than you would for hiring actual people ofc) and the government spreads that money to the population
I think that was the idea at least, read about it some months ago

Check this out fellow user's

Making robots, programming robots, overseeing robots, buying and selling robots, optimizing robots, cleaning robots, maintaining robots, manufacturing robots, manufacturing the parts for every robot, educating about robots, introducing robots to shit countries, importing robots, exporting robots, innovating robots etc.

Git gud or go home

less people spending time doing labor jobs will free up their time and allow them to go down other avenues of obtaining money e.g (crypto trading, opening your own e-commerce store), if a universal basic income is implemented i think it will drastically change a lot of things and produce the thought of why would i spend my time doing a shitty job if I'm able to survive without it? basically killing some industries whilst building new ones

Anyway, these people can actually vote.

>and with that I'l take my leave

Sure, the same way all the technological progress has reduced the price of housing, food and energy in the recent years.
Get your head out of your ass.

There will always be a need for more labor

You're retarded.
>Making robots
>manufacturing robots
are both the same thing and both can and ARE currently done by robots.
>cleaning robots
done by robots
>manufacturing the parts for every robot
done by robots
>educating about robots
literally just produce help booklets and instruction manuals just like we do now.
>introducing robots to shit countries
> importing robots, exporting robots
are the same thing. anyway, robo-cranes put them on a boat, the boat's autopilot brings them to shore, robo-cranes take them off the boat. we can already do that, and soon we'll have self-driving cars/trucks/trains to go from port to warehouse to store.
> buying and selling robots
>implying we can't already auto-sell shit online

when robots became better than the labour in every way, then no there won't be.

Hmm, seems to be a wash. Population growth is fucking us here, otherwise it would be cheaper than it used to be.

Energy: dropping fast. We also have more fuel efficient cars and devices, which helps cancel out the higher cost of fuel. Fracking has effectively capped the price of oil for the foreseeable future.

Housing: yeah that one's fucked, but I think that's more land prices jacking things up than construction cost. I have high hopes for additive manufacturing and modular construction bringing this cost down, although I already own property so meh.