Historically, what's the reason for American exceptionalism?

Historically, what's the reason for American exceptionalism?

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High energy use per capita

It's a myth. Every superpower has had the same sort of rhetoric about exceptionalism.

Being larger than any other developed economy. Also being an island(geopoliticallyrics speaking) helps alot. Everything else is minor. Basically we have a great spot and we didn't fuck it up.

Having an extreme degree of stability and rule of law over most of its history relative to everyone else.

>Civil war.
>Mafia nearly hijacks government during prohibition.
>Every other war involving a false flag or constitutional violation.
>Not even 250 years of history.
>Capital burned down, twice.
>Ghettos, ghettos everywhere.
You want to see stability and rule of law, look at nearly any other western nation.

This is the part where I ask you to name a nation, any nation, that had better stability from 1789 to 1945.

The UK is the only one you're going to find, and they were also a superpower.

what an awful post.

go back to /int/, bruce.

Every country is exceptional.

America was both a decent place to live (if you exclude some of the population) and the most powerful military force for a decade or so there, so the myth has a better basis in the USA than elsewhere.

>Civil war.
Made sure that the North American continent would stay united rather than be split into a northern and southern portion.
>Mafia nearly hijacks government during prohibition.
Prohibition repealed after 10 years, organized crime returns to its pre-prohibition levels
>Every other war involving a false flag or constitutional violation.
Pearl Harbor
>Not even 250 years of history.
Oldest continuously existing regime
>Capital burned down, twice.
Really early in its history
>Ghettos, ghettos everywhere.
American economic growth and labor markets are healthier than any other western country
California alone is on track to surpass Great Britain as the world's 5th largest economy.
>You want to see stability and rule of law, look at nearly any other western nation.
like Greece?

"They [Germans] aimed their weapons at civilians. Their biggest mistake was the sinking of a civilian American ship. America. The mere muttering of this name is enough to drive any German into a spastic fit. Americans sought only to be a nation independent of their British overlords. They destroyed the tyranny ruling over them, becoming a democratic nation free of emperors and kings. They unified a whole continent and rose as a world authority. After establishing friendly relationships on equal terms with various nations around the world. They achieved all of this in less than 200 years. Americans represent everything the Germans wished they were. The funniest thing about it is that Americans were never aiming towards becoming a world superpower. They reached it as a side-effect of being decent, likeable people worthy of trust. Americans are peace loving people by nature."

~Friedrick Nietzche, A Brief History of Germany

They've been the number 1 military power for 30 something years

Puritans created New England with the idea of creating a perfect and pure society separated from the impure and heretical England.


And for some of that time America was the best place to be born.

Puritans were the Syrian refugees of their day, fleeing the onslaught of religious violence in search of a better home with more "civilized" people. The society they formed was inspired strongly by the Iroquois federal model, where individual tribes would retain local autonomy, but were united so that when one failed the others were there to keep them afloat. Learning their lesson from Europe, they built their government from the ground up to be virtually impossible for one person to consolidate all of the political authority and hardwired it for secularism.

>It's a myth. Every superpower has had the same sort of rhetoric about exceptionalism.

Your wrong, name another country,state, tribe or anything in history (before the USA set the standard) who went to war over something as abstract as civil rights or self-determination of another country? (excluding religious reasons)



I was thinking that when I posted it.

Incidentally, this is why Switzerland kicks ass despite not having much in the way of natural resources.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
They learned the lesson of mixing politics with religion

The proddies who found this place thought it was their new eden. Followed by Jews who treat it as their new zion.

Being the largest, most populated and most industrialisd western nation for about a century while totally isolated from local threats may have contributed to it

British Anglo-Saxons + Germans = exceptional master race

Swiss got invaded by ol' Napoleon though

Every other major power was completely rekt by the World Wars, while we were protected by the ocean and emerged mostly unscathed.

Our sudden position of economic superiority, combined with a Cold War need for a propaganda narrative, gave birth to the modern American exceptionalism meme.

>implying the US didn't become the world's largest economy in like the 1870s

America being the strongest in the world

Money/ nat resources.

Even the soldiers, who receive joke pay, got the most on the planet and had more pows and less rapes.

Humans are only biologically coed to be dire when theyre desperate.

You mean 70?

>Even the soldiers, who receive joke pay, got the most on the planet and had more pows and less rapes.

That was because they had the least to lose during and after the World Wars. The Americans had homes to return to. Most of the Europeans didn't have that luxury and the Japanese were literally insane.

The Netherlands, we had a cerfuffle with those sedicious belgians in 1831 but that only lasted a month

>Celtic Scots-Irish*(British Anglo-Saxons + Germans) = exceptional master race

Settlers migrate to the new world from the old world and form a society dominated by an enlightenment liberal elite over the European Aristocratic Larpers in South Carolina and loosely united against a common enemy from Great Britain to the Natives. Said elite impose a constitution based on enlightenment ideals appealing to the North and South, again with the exception of South Carolina who was just going along for the ride and larping as the old world in the new world anyway.

dominating access to vast untapped natural resources in a hospitable temperate climate on the cusp of the industrial revolution

Napoleonic wars were started because european powers had strong monarchist values.

>government designed mostly by Virginians and New Yorkers
>brings up Puritans

Also known as divine providence.