I'm reading a book on Caesar at the moment...

I'm reading a book on Caesar at the moment, and it presents him as a reformer who was highly beneficial for the more improvished members of Roman society, as opposed to the nobiles who were acting purely in selfish and profit-driven interests.

How accurate is this?

> I'm reading about Caesar
> I'm reading about Emperor

There were many Caesares, user.

Sorry, I meant Gaius Julius Caesar.

I always assume most people take 'Caesar' as in the dude, not the title.

No one here was around at the time...

he was beneficial to the public but he was still acting in selfish interest.

He was using the people as leverage to scare the senate


Caesar was a reactionary piece of shit, and his totalatarian regime was a huge setback for the wasteland. He claims that "the bombs set human culture back to ground zero" but that's evidently false. Look at all the advanced technonoly still present, such as laser rifles, electrical equipment etc.

He was a vainglorius retard. The NCR is the only viable and pragmatic choice, especially when you take into consideration that house's plan for new vegas is unrealistic and mary sue as fuck.

Which for Rome as a whole was most likely a good thing. The Republic was maybe a couple decades away from fracturing.

By the time Caesar was crossing the rubicon, most of the actual work was being done by provincial governors who were becoming increasingly self sufficient.

Caesar knew he needed to centralize power and that the constant disregard of the plebs by the Senate was going to end up bad for everybody.

NCR was just a continuation of the culture and attitudes that helped cause the apocalypse. Corrupt, bureaucratic and inefficient.

At least Caesar wanted to create a new civilization from the ground up. He was a visionary.

Obviously he's talking about Julius Caesar you pedantic faggot.

Until the NCR gets it's shit together the Mohave will remain indipendent. We can talk about a union in a couple of years.

Caesar is the continuation, an autistic one as well, of things even older than the NCR.
Personally i'd like to see a unified organization of FotA and BoS.

Their ideals are pretty much opposite one another. BoS wants to restrict technology while Followers want to make it available to everyone.

NCR culture started from the vaults. They just became like a poor immitation of old America through worship of the old. They like the idea of old America but dont really know what it means. The enclave is a lot closer to old American culture. NCR is more about putting out dollars because old america had dollars even though theres no practical reason to have dollars yet. Just do it, old america did it so we have to do it too! Similar to their presidents, they had a defacto dictator for decades but nobody cared, they just called it a president and thought thats america did and so should we.

There's always one.

Everyone knows what he fucking meant.

Newer members could see the deadend in both and unite with a good labour division and some sort of decision making. B0S are bound to implode into oblivion and FOTA to diminish into a general everything.

Come on, a joint thing between the two would be God-tier!

All ideals pushed to the extreme are deadends. Ideals are like blackjack
below 21 you lose, 21 you win, after 21 you burn.

>followers of the apocalypse
>easy going dudes and dudettes who want to help everyone and anyone, but won't take shit
>glorified energy weapon raiders who justify it with an autistic cult-like code
Don't try to mix them pls


Julius caesar was a myth. His story was started by octavian as a way to unite the poor romans against the patriach republic.

Why don't you address the issues that the Republic was facing for the last century of its existence? When you research the brutality of the final century of the republic, Caesars actions suddenly seem more justified. Plus I think the republic had problems with governing such a vast empire on a city-state basis to begin with. Caesar was the first man to make a step towards a more federalised empire.

Was it Ronald Syme who considered Octavian and Julius Caesar warmongers basically?

Dude, there's literally Bello Galico from Caesar's perspective. Of course Octavian massively controlled Caesar's image (such as declaring him a God to be the son of a God) but we know a lot about Caesar, the man, too.

Yet followers brought up people like caesar, got advantaged by the NCR etc. Surelly dissilusioned FotA and BoS could do something glorious together!
Division of labour!

Octavian had Virgil write all the surviving works of 'caesar'you mong. Gaul was actually conquered by Ahenobarbus but he had a falling out with Octavian over his love for Agrippa. Fo real read a book cuz


Sorry I've heard what he said before manifested into an actual point. I didn't realize I was getting le trolled.

this is meme hell

>Union in NV ever
Go back to Navarro bear suckers

Enclave is how the American elite saw America and the NCR is how the plebs saw it. One is the US from a master morality and the other is dictated by slave morality.

Edgy Nietze misunderstanding.

How so?

What exactly are they going to be able to do together though? IIRC the West Coast BoS got rekt in their conflict with the NCR and are on the decline, and I don't think the Followers are going to be the thing to give them the edge they need.
NCR are imperialist cunts too. Would they not just get taken over? I guess it could work if you could somehow get them to like each other, then nuke NCR and CL without the Followers' knowledge. Or maybe just take Vegas as an Independent courier and try to protect them with bots?

Better start with Caesar himself imo. Suprisingly presents himself in a far more realistic light than contemporary historians do.

e.g. I wanted access to x resources, some nation was in the way, they were willing to negotiate, I slaughtered my way through them all because lolfuckdiplomacyi'mtheromanempire


This is a better term than casus belli.
I like it

NCR have imperialistic attitudes without so much the means. Remember how many members are with them only out of need, heavy taxations and not enough security, they are simpy the best between two situations.
But As the Legion they are kinda Larper's.
It's a situationist situation i guess. Perhaps they would not be a country on it's own means but an organization able to be assimilated but keep in control wider organizations.
Whatever man, i'm probably kinda projecting right now.

What about the president of the NCR, will he and his close associates become Enclave v.2?

Well, the stabbing him didn't happen for no reason. Probably treated Brutus like a bitch as well.

>Forgive him for siding with the optimates
>Invite him back to Rome
>Give him a position in the government and make him a governor

Yea, fucking terrible treatment. Brutus was just an idiot who was manipulated by Cassius for his name.

In a vacuum, I'd say yeah. The lower class still keeps rulers in check at least a little bit and without the threat of uprising the elites would probably adopt a might makes right supremacist mentality.

Brutus was also a myth made by octavian so the oeasants had someone to hate. Nothing but propoganda. Half the history you read about the romans was a myth

We know who he's talking about you sperg.

What if Octavian was a myth too?

Not likely. But there is some evidence that he might have been born in judaea as octavian bar simon. How a jewish man rose to the top of roman politics is a mystery

Maybe all of history is a lie everything was made around me when I was created by aliens.

That dont make no sense

cool. sorry for the comment above.
Well, extreme polarization without co-ordination and balance checking leads to that, hence comes THE LEFiSLATIVE power + freedom of speech and exchange of goods-info i guess.


>house's plan for new vegas is unrealistic and mary sue as fuck.
>this characters plans in this fantasy video game are too good, even though it has been established he has the means and the will to carry them out
Or perhaps the writing wasnt perfect in its balance and House was simply the objective better choice gavent the informations you're given, you fucking contrarian

Does anything?

Oh shit you right das rite