Why is the fact that most black slaves were enslaved by their fellow blacks in tribal warfare and raids completely...

Why is the fact that most black slaves were enslaved by their fellow blacks in tribal warfare and raids completely ignored by common people?

The average American literally believes in this weird Kunta Kinta tier narrative where whites or Arabs were just marching into the jungles of Africa and catching blacks with butterfly nets, while in reality a vast majority of European slave traders just purchased the slaves in a port and transported them from A to B.

Slave trade was such a vital source of income for black African warlords that when the Brits banned slave trade, some of them like Oba Kosoko of Lagos even went to war with Britain.

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Look up how many slaves were taken to the United States (specifically the US, not numbers for all of the Americas) since it was founded, and then look up how many slaves there are in India or Africa today.

how were the african slavers paid? gold?


Slavery was a myth.

What did they exchange the slaves with?

gold, weapons, clothes, manufactured goods and alcohol

Often it was barter for guns, textiles, or refined metals. Factory goods were very popular in Africa, they might take gold if it was one of the kingdoms that didn't have access to gold mines. But in general they valued the industrial products of Europe more than anything else.

Could I get a non-pol, non-shitlib explanation on the involvement of Jews?

meh, even the swedes were involved at one time

Supposedly some of the people who owned the slaver ships were Jews. Which is possible, since Jews were involved in a variety of mercantile enterprises. It hardly makes them unique though.

I'd say they were certainly overrepresented in the slave trade relative to their population numbers. Saying slave trade was 100% Jewish would be horseshit, but they were very significant.

Old world slavery =/ new world slavery. I'm so tired of this /pol/ fallacy. The world had never seen the race based chattel slavery of the Americas, nor slavery ever as brutal as it


i remember being on a date once with a QT this subject came up, I told her Africans captured and sold each other and she say no they didn't and got mad when I showed her evidence

I still fucked her, swedish girls are fucking pathetic

Look up the world population at the height of the Colombian exchange, then look at the world population today.

I hate this "there's more slaves than ever before!" rhetoric, because yeah no shit there's more humans than ever before.

Whites were so mean to black people!

I'm so glad we got rid of slavery and it doesn't exist anymore.

Sent from my iPhone

Everyone was involved in the slave trades. Everyone, even jews.

>i see what you did there

Black on black slavery was temporary, more humane and not racist. White man's slavery was permanent. Just look at America today.

Nice blog

Chattel slavery existed and was prevalent all over the world throughout history, and was practiced all over the Islamic world and Europe.
Plus, bonded servitude was very often just as bad or even worse than chattel slavery.

that depends on the people and culture, in more isolated, inland areas yes, slavery as a institution was often rather humane, often a way to pay debts or serve a sentence, and usualy temporary

however, in the regions where the hubs of the slavetrade were, where entire local cultures and economies were based on exporting humans, it was complete fucking hell on earth

and racism isnt applicable as a notion here, the slavers were often of one ethnicity or religion, the slaves were usualy any given 'others' or just their own surplus population or dissidents, that it was technicaly 'not racist' dosent mean they saw the slaves as anything other than cattle

thats one of the interesting parts about it, what does it say about a culture that it needs to invent a racial category to reduce humans to ''beasts of burden'' so it can justify slavery and mentaly cope with it, as opposed to a culture in which the notin of ''human cattle'' is just a completely normal thing that needs no special categorisation or justification whatsoever

in fact the forms of slavery that were practiced by english, french, portuguese etc, colonials from 15/1600 till abolition have that historicaly rather specific aspect that they chose to reduce slaves not merely to inferior status, non-person, or non-subject, but to a whole invented cathegory of ''non-human'', which slavery usualy dosent realy have, in ancient times the slave was seen as a animal, a non-person, but it was still completely taken fror granted that its still a human animal, in sex slavery obviously the victims are dehumanised and objectified, but its still a important point that theire human and the clients arent doing zoosex, in most forms of contemporary slavery the humanity of the slaves isnt even put in question in fact, obviously pigs and horses cant produce smartphones, make shoes, dig ore or weave carpets

>Why is the fact that most black slaves were enslaved by their fellow blacks in tribal warfare and raids completely ignored by common people?
Because Afro-niggers didn't fight a devastating war against America to keep the practice alive. Face it you fucking traitors, we will NEVER forgive you for the war you started over this stupid shit.

>enslaved by their fellow blacks

You're lumping together a ton of different kingdoms and cultures and projecting onto them some kind of collective identity that didn't exist using an anachronistic concept of race. They didn't view neighboring powers as their "fellow black" brothers any more than the French and English saw each other as "fellow whites." People were just as busy trying to get a leg up over their rivals and waging wars in Africa as they were in Europe.

If a bunch of Chinese junks floated into Europe and offered to trade gamebreaking military technology to whoever gave them lots of POWs the various kingdoms and empires would be setting the continent ablaze with war and stuffing cargo holds full of the losers faster than you can say "gweilo."

Two words: confirmation bias.

It happens everywhere today, social media especially makes it easier than ever to circulate your dumb opinion to the dumb masses who'll lap it up without a second thought.

>any more than the French and English saw each other as "fellow whites."
Well I'm sure if the French raided an English village, enslaved everyone there and then sold the slaves to the muslims, I would be blaming the French and not the muslims for it.

You're insulting people with this sort of shitty bait.

Why do you believe the buyers have no culpability?

I dunno, ask the OP.

Frankly I do actually believe they do, but the people who enslaved the villagers share most of the blame.

Guns, textiles and alcohol. They actually had enough gold in that area of the world.

>Why is the fact that most black slaves were enslaved by their fellow blacks in tribal warfare and raids completely ignored by common people?

Why is the fact that viking helmets didn't have horns completely ignored by common people?
Why is the fact that not all romans wore the lorica segmentata all the time completely ignored by common people?
Why is the fact that using a bow takes more strength than using a sword completely ignored by most common people?

Oh, those don't interest you, since they don't further your political agenda.
Most people don't know shit about any given topic. Stop cherry picking.

Viking helmets and lorica smegmatata isn't driving the modern political narrative though so you're the one cherrypicking irrelevant shit.

Imagine if it was though. What a world we would be living in.

Slave trade isn't driving the modern political narrative either, you sheltered child.
You can live your whole life without once talking about slavery with anyone, provided you don't spend it all on /pol/ and /tumblr/.

If you want to act triggered there are designated forums for that, you can go there instead of refusing to debate the topic.


>quote from person who disagrees with me
You are triggered and should go back to rdit.

>quote from person who agrees with me
Indeed, good sir.

Mad as fuck.


If you want to act triggered there are designated forums for that, you can go there instead of refusing to debate the topic.

if you think most Americans are that dumb then you don't live in the same America that I do.

Sometimes gold, sometimes guns.

Think? More like know. Especially black Americans, try bringing this topic up to any black American and see the shitstorm and denial.

It's like with the kangz meme. Despite /pol/ fuckery, West Africa actually DID have kangz and they were extremely wealthy, except they earned their wealth by selling other blacks to slavery so any modern African-American gloating about them is funny as fuck.

Not as bad as the Aztecs?

Aztecs slavery was pretty cool. Except the human sacrifice, it was probably better to live in Tenochtitlan than Europe at that time.

Brutality is one thing, but literally what does it matter whether it's a race based slavery? What is it with you fucktarded Americans and thinking that involving race instantly makes a thing worse?

Do you think some slave in Europe was like "welp, they force me to toil in silver mines until I drop dead, but at least I wasn't enslaved for being a nigger"?

>They actually had enough gold in that area of the world.
that's the east. most europeans traded slaves on the west

Shocking that the cuck would also be a phoneposter.

The west (Benin, Songhai, Mali, etc) had a lot of gold.
If anything, the east (Horn of Africa - Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, etc) didn't have much gold at all.