Which country is the true successor of Roman Empire?

Which country is the true successor of Roman Empire?

Russia, Germany with its">" ">" " >", or Italy?

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We've been over this, it's Finland



Definitely Finland.

Soon to be a Chinese world now thank you very much.

>Chinese world
>can't even help their own people

>successor of Roman Empire

Such a retarded meme.


Argentena is clearly the new roman empire

But Russians fought with Turks cause of that meme. To recovered Constantinople for muh successor

Vietnam obviously

Western civilization.


Unironically Spain

unironically britain


None. It's an extinct culture.

Thank the turks for that.

I think your map is a few centuries out of date, friendo.

>he truly believes an excuse for war is the actual cause of it
I bet you're one of those Serbia started WW1 types.
Control of the straits was vital for Russia's long term economic goals.

That's exactly how most Empires have been throughout history you dunce. They rule over others and the top 10% get to live like king, while most of the peasants are in complete shit.

Vatican City

>The Edict of Thessalonica (also known as Cunctos populos), issued on 27 February 380 AD by three reigning Roman Emperors, ordered all subjects of the Roman Empire to profess the faith of the bishops of Rome and of Alexandria, making Nicene Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.
The Roman Catholic Church is the only formally institutionalized portion of the Roman government to survive to the modern day.

>muh rome

Defeated the United States, the previous Roman Empire




This, my second choice would be france



Everybody just assumes its a country and idk why

>Roman Catholic Church
More like HOMO Catholic Church. Honestly it's sad how you papists delude yourselves into thinking you are Christian while you worship the saints like gods and cling to the vestiges of a dead PAGAN empire. Catholicism is wicca-tier retarded.

user, I...

Using that logic the list of Romes would be:
>Achaemenid Persian empire
>Macedonian Empire
>Seleucid Empire*
>Roman Republic
>Parthian Empire
>Roman Empire
>Hunnic Empire
>Ostrogothic Empire
>Lombard Empire
>Frankish Empire
>French Empire
>English Empire

That's about as much christ-like behavior as I've come to expect from you protestants. In other words, none at all. you are like despicable little fiends flinging bile and hatred in every direction while deluding yourselves with tawdry legalism and outright superstition into thinking that God will excuse you for your behavior because of how good you've all gotten at telling yourselves that you deserve salvation

Romans were an ottoman subject nation though.
When the greek rebelled and went
>we are sons of plato mothafucka
they killed roman identity.

>tawdry legalism
>outright superstition
You just described Catholicism m8. It's not too late buddy, read the bible and join a real church.

When I see a Catholic priest thumping a Bible, preaching young Earth creationism or handling snakes, then I'll believe you

There use to be two the Soviet Union and the United States. Now there's one left.