It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the...

>It cannot be denied that Fascism and similar movements aiming at the establishment of dictatorships are full of the best intentions and that their intervention has, for the moment, saved European civilization. The merit that Fascism has thereby won for itself will live on eternally in history

-Ludwig von Mises

Was he right? Is this a perfectly rational way to reconcile classical liberalism and fascism? I tend to agree, fascism needs to come in waves to clean things up before people are decent enough to have liberalism

but fascism fizzled out before turning western Europe into a smoking crater you dumb stormnigger

He meant Austrofascism, Spanish/Portuguese fascism and early Italian fascism, not Nazism.

Fascism kept Communism from rolling through and destroying Europe and her civilization. Sure, lots of shit got destroyed because of international banks and MUH IRREDENTISM, but Communism got stopped.

You can rebuild a city, you cannot revive the dead.

Not him, but I've only done light reading on Iberian and Italian fascism (none on Austrofascism). My understanding is that the first two forms I mentioned were nominally people's movements with left and right wing goals, but were only successful in entrenching a new political elite of fascists along with the usual suspects of corruption and socio-economic control. If I'm off base, please correct me as I've read little on the subject.

>nazism is the only fascism I know

You're american, aren't you?

Not him, but that's exactly what it did.

And in doing so it kept the USSR/Communism from gaining power in Italy/Iberia, thus preserving European civilization (At the cost of turning portions of Europe into a smoking crater).

>Fascism kept Communism from rolling through and destroying Europe and her civilization.
Except, ironically, Europe under communism preserved its culture better than Western Europe.

>Fascism kept Communism from rolling through and destroying Europe and her civilization. Sure, lots of shit got destroyed because of international banks and MUH IRREDENTISM, but Communism got stopped.

Communism hadn't been expandince between 1922 and the time when a Facist/Nazist government signed an agreement with the major Communist regime signing over half of Eastern Europe to it, including some territory from nations it courted as allies.

no, it is incredibly naive to trust a politician in a democracy let alone an autocrat

>Fascism kept Communism from rolling through and destroying Europe and her civilization.
by turning all of eastern Europe including part of Germany into Soviet sattelites?

biggest meme ever "we had no choice but to destroy Europe"

I understand the perspective now. Personally, it seems like the fascists discredited many of the old time institutions that they allied with to stave off communism, but I'm again in the role of an observer. I can see very easily why things like the church and patriotism have been discredited in the eyes of many generations though.

Ah yes all those ex-soviet blocs are nothing but multiculti shit holes now. Western Europe and her civilisation and cultures are thriving

If anything fascism accelerated whatever problem it tried to solve i.e. see Europe 50 years after the holocaust attempts.

> fascism needs to come in waves to clean things up
Same argument can be presented for communism that is needed to clean up parasitic capitalists (the truly parasitic ones especially like finance brokers, bankers, not the legitimate ones).

these are the result of communism, not fascism

Communism become popular because of fascism was the bad cop to commies good one.

You could make the argument Fascism persevered East and Central Europe, as Stalin rose up, purged internationalist from the USSR in WW2 and created an national communist block to repel the West.

>Calling the USSR fascist

You could make that argument but I disagree.

I wasn't call him Fascist, I was saying that he wouldn't have preserved Central Europe without a supposed Fascist threat.

Mussolini called Stalin a fascist(in a postive way) if I recall

>purged internationalist from the USSR in WW2 and created an national communist block to repel the West
Oh boy, that sure worked well for Ukrainian bellies.

Can anybody give me some (non biased) recommendations on books, papers, anything, to learn about fascism? just out of curiosity.

>Mises biographer Jörg Guido Hülsmann says that critics who suggest that Mises supported fascism are "absurd", as he notes that the full quote describes fascism as dangerous. He notes that Mises thought it was a "fatal error" to think that it was more than an "emergency makeshift" against the looming threat of communism and socialism, as exemplified by the Bolsheviks in Russia.
Even though, I disagree with him. Both were and are cancers of the mind that destroyed countless lives and country.

Paul Gottfrieds "Fascism: A career of a concept"

To be honest it's likely the opposite, the despot sees the country and subjects as his property and takes better care of it than some goon who knows he will have to go in x years and is just renting it.
Well yes, that's the point. It's like chemo to cure cancer. Von Mises was also the economic advisor to Dolfuss, the Austrian dictator.

100 Questions for Fascist; Tomorrow We Live; 10 Points of Fascism by Oswald Mosley. The Coming American Fascism by Lawrence Dennis; Revolt Against Civilization by Stoddard.

Do you want just Fascist works or National Socialist too?