A Secular Nation is a Nation of Death

Is this true?

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Tell that to the city of Magdeburg in 1631.



>There are literal retards who think under god wasnt added there to scare commies.

I'm not even religious and I say yes. If anything religion gave structure and restraint to humanities urges. When we life hedonisticly like we do now, you're on a fast track to destruction. There needs to be restraint, in our lives, things that tell us we can't go fucking around, drinking and partying all the time, and generally living only to serves oneself. That doesn't build civilizations, that doesn't move us forward, it doesn't make things that last, or cultures that cannot sustain itself. I'm not religious or even like some things about religion, but I can't argue with the results.

>As if that changes the point of the comic.

Literally nobody says it should be "under Darwin" or that it should be "evolved" and not "created". There's actually nothing wrong with everything else the strawman in the comic said.


Its not a strawman.

What's wrong with it not being in the pledge? I don't see anything wrong with it either way, like said it was put there to defy commies who had state atheism.

>There are christians scared of communists in this thread RIGHT NOW and think under god scares them away.

> This is wat fundies actually believe.

Secularism is pro-religion by keeping you retards from genociding each other in political shitfests. Its strictly results-oriented.

Its also strictly WHITE.


only because secularism is often anti-natalist and anti-life. This may not be an essential quality but is reliability predictable

People did all that shit with religion though.

I know, thats what I'm saying. We're on the same side here, I'm just saying I personally am not very religious and even I see how important it is.

who gives a shit, we have enough life

Who is we?
"We" is variable and depends on your allegiance or ethnic/tribe. An assyrian caught in a demographic race against his "we"s destruction cant have enough babies while an American is more relaxed about procreating for good reason.

>Who is we?
A king.

The king has enough life then?
Mhkay all is well.

I'm not the other user. It was just my shitty attempt at a joke.

So why don't people be hedonists and do not try to destroy anything?

why not KANGZ