Why is the USA constantly shifting between retarded conservatism and retarded progressism ?

Why is the USA constantly shifting between retarded conservatism and retarded progressism ?
Is it because the two concept are actually a heritage of protestantism ? Conservatism having its roots in puritanism and calvinist theology, while the progressism is more akin to lutheranism, basically criticizing everything, but never the economic inequalities ?

>Why is the USA constantly shifting between retarded conservatism and retarded progressism ?
why don't you try going outside for a while, getting all your facts from Veeky Forums might've fried your brain a bit.


The U.S. is in its death throes as a civilization, it won't be long until it loses its superpower status and is superseded by a growing power like China in terms of global influence.

Wether you like it or not, puritans had a great influence in the birth of the US. For a long time the US was way more conservative than Europe, racism is still way more rooted than in any european country. Despite that, it is from the USA that very progressive ideas spread, with their terrible influence on society, feminism, affirmative action, structural racism etc.

none of that is true.

the US has been generally more liberal than Europe, especially prior to WW2.


Trips of truth, but the US will remain a superpower as long as the petrodollar exists. No matter how much we debase ourselves, we have that anchor... Until we don't.

Yes, the country that banned alcohol and still had segregation in the 60s was more liberal than Europe.
Meanwhile, in France, a black in the government in the 30s.

>but never the economic inequalities

Nice sneak commie thread

The US has hardly anything to do with Lutheranism.

>the US gains most of its wealth/political control from oil
what a meme

Because the population of the US is a cesspool of expats, who were regarded as retards in their homelands.


Puritans did literally nothing wrong

its the for or against us attitude they have with every facete of their life. Its in all their politics and is cancer.

Puritans did literally everything wrong

Sooner actually, in 1898 Hégésippe Légitimus was elected into the French National Assembly from 1898–1902 and from 1906-1914. There was Jean-Baptiste Belley who was elected in 1793.

feminism came out of Europe and England though?

>pagan detected

Such as what?

We had a great chance to address the economic inequalities this past election cycle, but the Democratic establishment and insiders squashed that.

Over the next few years, true progressives will take the mantle of critical social and fiscal reforms.

>The leading religion in America is Roman Catholicism
>Catholics blames protestants for everything
Glad that nothing has changed for 500 years.

Even if Catholics are a slight majority of the population that hardly translate to state power or cultural clout.

>decline of America coincides with rise of Catholicism
>damn protties

There's literally nothing wrong with being retarded, a feminist, a commie, /pol/, pagan, a Catholic or a Protestant.

Catholics aren't Christian

>Catholics aren't Christian
Please tell me, dear user, how Catholics aren't Christians.

>but never the economic inequalities

They do criticize them, but mostly in the context of gender or race, there's less emphasis on class.

In fact this is probably one of the reasons the "Left" in some parts of the Western world, doesn't appeal to lower class ethnic majority men and these vote for the "Right" instead.

They prioritize the teachings of the catholic church over the teachings of Jesus

>& humanites

They don't believe the bible and they don't have the gospel

Shhhh don't tell the identity police that.

The US is not even close to being progressive

kek you can't be serious

Yeah, I know, but as a minister I believe he was the first.

Enjoy your demographic collapse chong.

>look father, i posted it again

>be Protestant
>base your entire faith on the ramblings of one German priest
>have so much ecclesiastical autonomy no two churches actually agree on doctrine, and you run the full gamut from hippy socialist liberal churches to fire and brimstone reactionary churches
>b-b-but we're the REAL CHRISTIANS! Why? Well because we say so.

>be Catholic
>have a tradition dating back to Jesus himself
>stay true to the core teachings for 2000 years while recognizing some less important aspects need clarification or updating to reflect a vastly different human experience
>They're not real Christians because they interpret the Bible! Disregard that we do too, we just claim we don't! Also anything not explicitly in the Bible is against Jesus, because as we all know He personally dictated the whole thing and it's not like it's the recollections of other people written much after the fact.

As an Orthodox I never thought I'd be defending Catholics but "we're the only real Christians" Proddies rile me up with their idiocy.

Where does it get it?

Fuck lads, I am an atheist and Catholics clearly are better at being Christian than Protestants.

"muh commies, muh perfektioneesm, muh should obliterate people who get Fs in math''

It concides with popuation growth. It coincides with growth of non-whites. It concides with growth of Jews. It concides with growth of secularism. It coincides with a lot of shit.

Neither the republican or democratic parties of the united states of america fit the definitions of either liberal or conservative.
Both parties are different takes on light authoritarianism

It's absolutely more liberal than anywhere in europe but still not all that liberal.
There are and have never been any truly liberal countries in history.

Even the fucking prussians did not exclude you for niggardry alone from society.

He's right.

100%. Protestantism is a curse on civilization.

On all sides, the American mentality is one of constant guilt and work. Racism is a guilt complex that must be overcome with constant moral posturing and work. Poverty is because the poor are just lazy parasites that need to work harder. Sexuality is evil, looking at girls is "sexist", having sex is oppression, and the only thing that's alright is either some repressed deviation that fans people's guilt complexes (like gay rights or transexuals or slutwalks or whatever bullshit fad americans have) or marriage to one women while you're young so you can buy into the system that much more, and have a reason to work harder all your life.

In every catholic country I've been to, despite the many problems they sometimes have, people at least enjoy their lives. In North America, if you don't have some stupid guilt complex, aren't in a constant state of shame, and don't value hard work as an end in itself, people will instinctively hate you.

They've even taken to calling anyone who isn't poor, oppressed, and miserable inherently "privileged". It all boils down to the same point, which is: "if you aren't suffering, you should at least feel guilty about it".

Fuck protestants. For all /pol/ hates the Jews, at least they have a somewhat healthy/vitalic conception of reality. Same with the Muslims. Proddies on the other hand, have nothing but a slave mentality mixed with a blithering guilt complex and sense of contempt for anyone less miserable than them.

Moderates only passively engage in politics. The voices you here are the idiot demogogues.

So we swing both ways and end up in the middle.

>100%. Protestantism is a curse on civilization.On all sides, the American mentality is one of constant guilt and work. Racism is a guilt complex that must be overcome with constant moral posturing and work. Poverty is because the poor are just lazy parasites that need to work harder. Sexuality is evil, looking at girls is "sexist", having sex is oppression, and the only thing that's alright is either some repressed deviation that fans people's guilt complexes (like gay rights or transexuals or slutwalks or whatever bullshit fad americans have) or marriage to one women while you're young so you can buy into the system that much more, and have a reason to work harder all your life.In every catholic country I've been to, despite the many problems they sometimes have, people at least enjoy their lives. In North America, if you don't have some stupid guilt complex, aren't in a constant state of shame, and don't value hard work as an end in itself, people will instinctively hate you.They've even taken to calling anyone who isn't poor, oppressed, and miserable inherently "privileged". It all boils down to the same point, which is: "if you aren't suffering, you should at least feel guilty about it".Fuck protestants. For all /pol/ hates the Jews, at least they have a somewhat healthy/vitalic conception of reality. Same with the Muslims. Proddies on the other hand, have nothing but a slave mentality mixed with a blithering guilt complex and sense of contempt for anyone less miserable than them.
This. America is plague on the Earth.

You're putting all of your attention on identity politics, which is a huge distraction. The presidents from Reagan to Obama are more similar than they are different in terms of domestic and foreign policy. Trump is a bit more protectionist than average (for now) but judging by his cabinet appointments he'll be more of the same, just with a lot more comedy on the side.

Based Kelly

50 Cent Party is that you?

>basically criticizing everything, but never the economic inequalities ?

t. American progressive

It coincides with the growth of neets such as yourself.

Not true. They were the opportunists and adventurers who couldn't deal with the squalor of Europe and made a difficult journey across the ocean to a new land.

People with agency. It wasn't modern immigration with fucking planes and guaranteed food and education once you show up.

Why do Europeans love to criticize American politics?
You don't allow freedom of speech
Most of you ban guns
Your economies are just as bad if not worse than America's, and you don't have a natural resource to rely on (except Norway)
Your identity politics are so ingrained into politics that you literally jail people who speak against it
Your elections are more of a sham because you only have 'liberal' parties running, and any other that tries gets destroyed by your own government run news networks.
Not to mention you're all completely reliant on a foreign government to protect you and maintain the remnants of your so called 'armies'

Europeans have been cucked since the end of WW2 and it's to the point where they're affected by Stockholm syndrome and think they are truly free when it couldn't be father from the truth.

Isnt democracy great user? Isnt having your population divided by the idealogies of political parties just the most wonderful thing on earth?

Sure beats stable monarchy in every way yep.

I know right?? I just want a life where I have no agency and I don't have to think too hard about things.

Aside from guns, none of this is true.

Try getting your news from elsewhere than /pol/.