Maybe it's different in other countries seeing as I am Australian and Australia is a very young country...

Maybe it's different in other countries seeing as I am Australian and Australia is a very young country, but why is World War I seemingly the start of battles that are commemorated? Say for instance, the Crimean War 60 years earlier is seen as something that is viewed at purely critically, and the causalities lost there are not commemorated at all.

But for WWI there continues to be services, memorials and commemorations for it. The individual people there were lost to the war have been emphasized. Was it because of the sheer size of the war, or are there other reasons at play such as the widespread sentiment that the war was "pointless"? Interested to hear from ya

>German mechas with guns that can bombard London from Brussels and Bismarck sized U-Boat lost to flying whales and bats that shit darts in two fucking years

take your meds or fucking kill yourself my dude

I forget to say the U-Boats could walk on land.

>annual remembrance for the battle of Sempach, 1386.
Its because you Australian and got no history to speak of.

That's a bit rude m8

Same reason nobody commemorates the 30 years war, but they commemorate WWII. It's a more recent event and there's still memory of it.

Even thought all the veterans are dead now there's still an inertia from the tradition we had
during this past 100 years
Maybe 2 or 3 more decades and WWI will finally be seen like all the other wars.
I can still remember back in 2002 there were still WWI veterans being interviewed.
WWII memory will remain longer.

You must be fun in real life.

what the fuck

Fuck, I don't even know why we glorify the ANZAC shit. We were used as cannon fodder and died pointless deaths because they landed in the wrong fucking spot (Gallipoli).

I think it's because it adds fuel to the fire of the Britain hate so we can become independent. But that's just a theory.

Isn't pre-1800 Australian history simply British history?

Protip: check the source of the image in the OP.

pretty sure all m8's in the war were just canon fodder, on both sides

I personally believe we should commemorate Kokoda and Milne Bay more but that's just me.

>yfw you gave your life for your country and even after more than 700 years your grateful descendants give you a victory parade and a soul mass every year

>smug semi-pepe ireland ready to rebel

Apart from happening later (wich means the last veterans died some years ago, instead of, for example, the crimean veterans wich must have died in the 60's at most) the great war was the first of a lot of things:
it was the first for airwarfare (both dogfights, terror and strategic bombing).
it was the first of chemical warfare.
it was the first world-wide conflict (apart from all the european fronts, there were fronts in africa, mesopotamia, middle east, china and some pacific islands plus all the oceans wich saw action in most seas).
it was the first use of tank warfare.
it was the first use of real machine gun warfare.
it was the first use of large-scale trench warfare.
it was the first use of underwater warfare.
it was the first (if don't count patton's action in the pancho villa expedition) use of mobile warfare
it was the first time cavalry got completely rekt (the american civil war got some of that too)

also, the great war is the root of a lot of things that happened in the 20th century and still happen today:
i guess i don't need to explain WWII being a direct cause of WWI
Lenin recived help from the Kaiser to spark the russian revolution, causing the soviet union, the red terror and the cold war
the clusterfuck the middle east has been the last hundred years is (in an important part) caused by the shitty partition of the middle east between france and the UK after the ottomans defeat
four empires falling in the same war is an important geopolitical change to keep in mind

the two largest land battles and the largest naval battle in human history (verdun, somme and jutland) were fought in WWI

one last thing to keep in mind is that by WWI, public schools in (some of) the participants countries made a larger than usual part of the army literate wich allowed them to write journals wich were collected by writers to show the war from a much more personal POV

>t. enthusiastic anglo

>AZACS have no history
>Canada has no history
>US has but few history
>WW1 happens
>yay, we history now

im from whiteland

>didn't even take part in WW1

>OP asks innocent and thoughtful question about the perceptions of history
>turns into an Anglo hate thread
Really makes you think

Well, battles didn't start to get commemorated with WW1, a question google could have answered within 30 seconds. Stupid questions, stupid answers.

Yet if he lived in Australia then maybe he would have that belief. Honestly you are probably one of the people that looks down on /pol/ for being anti intellectual whilst perpetuating the same bullshit over there here.

Where are you from by the way anyway. Are you the Swiss guy?

we were busy overflooding by inmigrants from europe escaping the war (my greatgrandfather)

Half the posts on the front page are shitposts, yet you choose to criticise the quality of an actual attempt at civil discussion rather than aim your bitterness at them. THIS is autism.

And now you hold parades in Buenos Aires to commemorate the arrival of the rapefugees?

A post that one use of google could answer is a shitpost. Being Ausfailian is no excuse.

kinda, we have something called "buenos aires celebra " almost every weekend and 99% of them came mostly during WWI (specially armenians, thanks turkoaches, i love their food)

You sound genuinely insufferable. Like the other user said, where do you live that has this vast levels of history?

>40'000 years of stone age
>abo genocide and penal colony
>WW1 & 2
> and thats it for Veeky Forums
hard not to beat that.

>STILL avoiding the question
Where the fuck do you live that you can arrogantly sneer at colonial countries?

you forgot the darkest age of human civilization, the great emu war

You can sneer at colonial countries from pretty much everywhere in the civilized world. Feck, even Amerifats beat you hands down.

Yes, but they lost that one, so there is no parade either.

I live in the UK you dumb cunt. You are STILL avoiding the question so tell me. Where do you live?

Would it make you happy when I'd admit that your flora and fauna is way more interesting than ours?

>I live in the UK you dumb cunt.
Why am I totally not surprised...

implying the emu's dont parade every december 10th

Because it's within living memory, barely. People are already starting to not give a shit.

Whoever it is, I would be happy for you to open your country to scrutiny if you are so willing to do so for others.



>this is now an Emu thread


Sweden and Norway are like Kaathe and Frampt.
I bet they were behind WW1, manipulating everyone.
To link the first flame.