So it's basically become totally obvious that Foucault was right about everything and psychology is the biggest meme...

So it's basically become totally obvious that Foucault was right about everything and psychology is the biggest meme mankind has ever memed.

The fact that "disorders" as totally vague and arbitrary as Aspergers are supposed to be legit yet transgenderism has been accepted as normal is a testament to this. Never before in all of history has there been a field so subjective, so arbitrary and so obviously a tool of social control that's managed to convince everyone it's scientific.

How is it even possible in the post-war developed world for a field with the mission statement of "You're different therefore you're inferior" to exist?

Other urls found in this thread:

>How is it even possible in the post-war developed world for a field with the mission statement of "You're different therefore you're inferior" to exist?

Haha idk lol

If Foucault is right about everything, why is Brazil one of the most violent countries in the world even though our judiciary is extremely influenced by him and judges refuse to punish criminals because as victims of society they don't deserve punishment?

lol right m8 i no that feel

I think you mean psychiatry not psychology.

>So it's basically become totally obvious that Foucault was right about everything

Yes, actually. Some of his stuff is a little tenuous, but his analysis of power ought to be the essential guide to understanding politics. If you aren't starting with Foucault, either in criticism or support, your political philosophy is fucking meme shit.

gotta keep those productivity wheels spinning bruh

if you can't do the paperwork in our era of total bureaucratization you better take your pill !!

the elites in western society have so thoroughly pushed the idea that capitalism is the only possible economic system ever that now anyone who doesn't fit into their capitalistic utopia is "unproductive"

read this:

>How is it even possible in the post-war developed world for a field with the mission statement of "You're different therefore you're inferior" to exist?

Kek. How the fuck can you misunderstand something so very basic, so much?

It's not the fucking psychiatrists at fault, are you a literally moron? It's the fucking people who go them, they say I CAN'T DO THIS LIKE OTHER PEOPLE WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH, they then shell out a few thousand dollars as per the rate of the psychologist, they then get a partial diagnosis of Autisim or the like.

This person then goes on to blame literally every single problem they have on Autism and they fact that they are 'not normal' as avoiding working on themselves.

Yes, it's labelling, yes I see it as wrong, but not via fault of the psychologists, it as always if the fault of the fucking idiots who abuse the system, who take the cop out. A lot of people who would have minor aspects of something as broad as autism.

I am diagnosed autism, dyslexia and ADHD, I got these diagnosis when I was 24, after a suicide attempt. Going my whole life with these problems is not a problem at all, it's being aware there is a problem and blaming your faults on said problem and not working on them is the problem, not the 'disease' itself.

Also, keep in mind there is pretty much nothing someone with high end autism can do. I don't know why i bothered but, you are probably the type who thinks when your psychiatrist prescribes you meds, they force you to take them and you have literally no say in the matter.

I don't think it's his fault.
Criminal punishment has always been comparatively lenient here.

It's totally his fault. We can't get more harsh punishment because everyone in law schools read Foucault and think imprisoning people is fascist.

>Michel "the State is always wrong but i don't have any alternative" Foucault

>not having a state isn't an alternative

The limited minds of statists is something to behold.

"I am locked in a cage and it is bad, but if I wasn't locked in a cage where would I be locked? Therefore the cage is good."

>How is it even possible in the post-war developed world for a field with the mission statement of "You're different therefore you're inferior" to exist?
Sometimes it's easier to "fix" the individuals that are specially vulnerable than all the external factors they are vulnerable to. Other times these groups are so much more affluent than their opposition that it is the surrounding paradigm that shifts to accomodates the individuals.

And other two points:
-Not all difference is considered negative, some is considered positive, and context may be consired when categorizing difference as one thing or the other.
-Don't make a mockery of WWII, please, we are talking human welfare these days, not extermination of humans or anything as such.

Foucault thinks even anarchist forms of organization are oppressive.

>Michel "the State is always wrong except the Eastern European communist countries or Maoist China which I will conveniently ignore in my analysis" Foucault

These guys could have spent their entire lives just analysing the methods of the Stasi and the KGB to maintain control in the Eastern bloc, but it was better to just criticize Western capitalism for bullshit.

>So it's basically become totally obvious that Foucault was right about everything and psychology is the biggest meme mankind has ever memed.
Too bad it was psychiatry and not psychology he wrote about you gigantic faggot.

> it's being aware there is a problem and blaming your faults on said problem and not working on them is the problem, not the 'disease' itself.
I see that autism diagnoses was right because you totally missed my point.

Psychiatry by very nature cultivates an idea that to be different is to be defective, even you somewhat reinforce this in your post by framing autism as something to be overcome as a problem.

In talking of "working on them" you've implicitly demonstrated the exact thing I'm talking about. That by being abnormal you have a problem that must be overcome so that you can be normal. Being different is not a problem that needs to be solved, this is what I'm saying.

I used the example of Aspergers in the OP because it's probably the most egregious example of this. As you pointed out by having Aspergers you're not at all limited in any way, it is literally as simple as behaving differently to the rest of society yet psychiatry zeroes in on this as something to be analysed and potentially "solved". Someone with Aspergers can do anything anyone else can do with similar difficulty, yet we're supposed to draw attention and resources to this because . . . ? What exactly is anyone hoping to accomplish with bullshit classifications like this besides getting their names in books?

This is literally on the level of saying liking blue better than green is a disorder.

He criticized the anarchist notion that there could be a world without power.

There very much could be a world without abusive power, and regardless, the current capitalist state system is still fucked and getting rid of it is the only solution to the problems it causes, regardless of the features post-capitalist state system.

>-Don't make a mockery of WWII, please, we are talking human welfare these days, not extermination of humans or anything as such.
Not yet.

>he fact that "disorders" as totally vague and arbitrary as Aspergers are supposed to be legit yet transgenderism has been accepted as normal

That's just political stuff.
Depression, Autism, Gender Dysphoria... All mental disorders. No "Woman in a man's body", just like there's no "Man that wants to kill himself in a man's body"

You understand what a disease is right? What he term normal fucking means? These people who cannot read properly (dyslexia) have a very identifiable problem. You are a literal child. They are problems, to be overcome, quite easily. All it takes is trying. Are you serious?

>As you pointed out by having Aspergers you're not at all limited in any way
I have a minor case of Aspergers which really only affects my social life. Are you trying to imply there are people out there who cannot function in their day to day life due to autism? Are they all lies?

>Being different is not a problem that needs to be solved, this is what I'm saying.

It most certainly is, if you want to fit into a strict society with definitive rules and regulations, if you do not care to fit into such a structure, then why the fuck are you going to see a psychiatrist or psychologist? Their job is to fit odd pieces into the puzzle.

>Someone with Aspergers can do anything anyone else can do with similar difficulty
yeah, I am sure the kids who cannot change their own clothes will grow up to be neural surgeons.

>yet we're supposed to draw attention and resources to this because . . . ?
Because it has a direct benefit to the individuals involved which you have no care for.

>What exactly is anyone hoping to accomplish with bullshit classifications like this besides getting their names in books?
A better understanding of the disease and maybe the possibility of the high end cases to live relatively normal lives.

You are a literal moron, there are many, many levels of autism. High end cases will almost never live a normal functioning life.

"Man" and "woman" are totally meaningless concepts though and gender roles are just another pillar of social control.

As a matter of fact I would say that transgenderism is a symptom of our society's obsession with gender rather than a rejection of it.

>As a matter of fact I would say that transgenderism is a symptom of our society's obsession with gender rather than a rejection of it.
Absolutely. If one truly thought gender was meaningless they wouldn't cut up their genitals to conform to them.

>There very much could be a world without abusive power
Does he ever talk about that world?

>Psychiatry by very nature cultivates an idea that to be different is to be defective

>Are you trying to imply there are people out there who cannot function in their day to day life due to autism?
I see you're an idiot because Aspergers and Autism describe two different things. Whilst autism proper can make life very difficult Aspergers is a mega-meme.

>if you want to fit into a strict society with definitive rules and regulations
That's exactly the problem that Foucault identifies here. We have a strict society with rules and regulations, that's what we need to look at here, not all the people within it that disrupt our normie utopia.

>yeah, I am sure the kids who cannot change their own clothes will grow up to be neural surgeons.
I'm sure some of them have. A slim few, but some nonetheless. Likewise relatively speaking a very slim amount of neurotypical people ever elevate themselves beyond a working class existence.

Should we make being poor a mental illness? Actually wait no, they're probably saving that one for another few centuries.

>Because it has a direct benefit to the individuals involved which you have no care for.
It doesn't though. I have it and professional help does not help one bit, it just isolates you even more from the other children by basically putting a sign around you saying "Bully this kid".

You were diagnosed at 24, you don't really understand what being treated for Aspergers your entire life is like. But it's not fun getting forced to sit on your own while the other kids are having the banter, getting your own tard wrangler to follow you around constantly. When from the age of 4 you're basically told that you'll never ever get to participate in life the same way everyone else does it really fucks you up and eventually you don't need professionals to isolate you anymore, you can isolate yourself just fine.

The way our society handles Aspergers is just as backwards as the way we handled homosexuality in Foucault's time.

>You were diagnosed at 24, you don't really understand what being treated for Aspergers your entire life is like. But it's not fun getting forced to sit on your own while the other kids are having the banter, getting your own tard wrangler to follow you around constantly.

I don't know how it's handled in other nations, but in Italy teachers are supposed to make sure children with deficits (i.e. autism, Down's syndrome, etc) are participating in the social life of the classroom. Also in most provinces Learning Support Teachers are assigned to the whole classroom, not the single student, to not make him feel too different from his schoolmates.

What was Foucault's stance to psychology

>and psychology is the biggest meme mankind has ever memed.

Didn't they try that "schizophrenia is just a different way of looking at the world, man" shit in the '60s/'70s and it failed horribly?

A mental illness is only an illness if society has a problem with the behavior. Otherwise its just regular behavior.

Example. Having visions of God in ancient times was an awesome thing.

Now it gets you put on medication.

Because your jails/prions are complete shitholes and are flooded as fuck on top of people becoming even more hardened after their stint in it.

Post-mortem brain examination of kids with autism has shown improper cortical distribution.

You're a fucking idiot, and so is this guy.

This. I think advances in neuroscience have pretty much destroyed any credibility to the "mental illness is just a different way of viewing the world, DON'T PUT MY ROUND PEG IN SOCIETY'S SQUARE HOLE NEUROTYPICAL" argument

Like stats and economics, but impossible to prove doesnt invalidate the field. It just means its going to be shit for 400 years.

I don't think anybody ever really gave much credit to the different way of viewing the world theory except for egregiously obvious offenders. Some people very clearly have a screw loose

Why is it bad that some people have power over others in the first place? Does he address this?


>improper cortical distribution
i.e it's not like most people's therefore it's wrong.

>We can't get more harsh punishment because everyone in law schools read Foucault and think imprisoning people is fascist.
it is though. you are just butthurt that people do not behave like you want them to behave

I love how rationalist try to define right and wrong by trying to be empiricist

I sure as hell care about the opinions on psychology of a guy who ran around giving aids to people. Seem like a swell, mentally stable dude.

Pozzing is the thinking man's fetish.

If you're doing that thinking while your brain is being devoured by HIV, probably.

>itt people who have never interacted with a person with a non meme mental illness like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder

Also, this guy is the proof of how most of philosophy after the middle ages is just a bunch of people who can't understand teleology (or teleonomy for that matter).

Why is Foucault so sexy? no homo

Poverty? The dynamics of favelas/ghettoes? Gang warfare? Organized crime? Corruption?


No, dude, you don't understand, if someone wants to cut his pancreas off and put it on his head as a celebration of his transformation into a divine being from Pluto it's perfectly fine and you're a fascist bigot if you think there's something wrong with it.


It's almost as if brazil has a high percentage of individuals that show disproportionately violent behavior in every country they're found.

Thomists go back to /x/.


Why critisize those regimes when it was obvious they were on a downfall? Even Sartre said goodbye to communism at some point. Critiquing capitalism is much more useful.

>Why critisize those regimes when it was obvious they were on a downfall?

kek it wasn't obvious at all.
All the commies like you back then were defending the """"success"""" of the soviet republics.

>All the commies like you back then were defending the """"success"""" of the soviet republics
>this is what /pol/acks actually believe

>"Man" and "woman" are totally meaningless concepts though

Yeah, they're totally meaningless concepts maaaan, like, it's the system maaaaan, they invented like, chromosomes, and hormones and sexual organs and shieeet.

>I put a maymay arrow before your statement therefore it's wrong.

No. All throughout the 70s commies were overwhelmingly defending the soviet union. Fagault died in 1984

They are though. My having a penis is irrelevant to how I should behave.

"Male" and "female" might have practical applications grounded in reality. But human concepts of "man" and "woman" have fuck all to do with that.

>My having a penis is irrelevant to how I should behave.
so why is sex reassignment surgery considered such an essential operation

really making me think

>My having a penis is irrelevant to how I should behave.

It's almost as if hormones can influence behavior...

It isn't.

Part of what I was saying in the post you originally replied to was that transgenderism does not actually reject our society's view on gender, as a matter of fact it tacitly it accepts it by viewing that it's even possible to "feel" like a woman.

So they can.

And a shitload of things can influence hormones. Most notably HRT.

I really don't understand where you're getting your opinions from. I'm a Law PhD student and most of our research suggest that judges in Brazil are disproportionately punitive - hence one of the largest prisoner populations in the world, long sentences, overcrowded prisons and lack of funding towards prison management and control.
It's like you haven't turned on your TV for the last 3 weeks...

Please, don't use your political leanings to critique something you don't actually understand in the slightest.

You're making my point for me. If hormones influence behavior then gender is in part innate and biological, so trannies are at least in part delusional.

> If hormones influence behavior then gender is in part innate and biological, so trannies are at least in part delusional.
You seem to have it backwards though. What you could actually make of this is that if hormones influence behaviour then behaviour is at least to some degree biologically determined - including deviation from social expectations.

On that basis transgenderism is totally justified because artificial manipulation of their hormones will impact their behaviour in much the same way as it can naturally in others.

You cannot simultaneously believe that hormones=behaviour=gender and that transgenderism is delusional considering that given successful HRT their hormones and therefore behaviour would be something other than their sex would dictate on your logic.

You sound like you, and he by proxy have little understanding of any of it. Psych is baby-tier now, yes, but at a time so was med. It isn't a meme and disorders are real. What they NEED to do is move away from normative models and finally decide on a objective norm instead of playing the relativism game.

Even if that norm is terribly simplistic and can only model even 25% of behaviours it's better than relativism. Less social more science.

its a bit more complicated but basicaly hormones and neurotransmiters(which some hormones are too, but whatever) condition most of how the organism behaves and forms

most transexuals actualy emphasise this, that obviously they are inherently biologicaly different so thats why

and then they go into gender identity and gender roles being relative made up things so they completely shit in their own mouths - even tho this is also true to a certain extent, but its not what they say first, first they go into 'born this way' logic just to then revert to 'social construct'

its just that humans are disfunctional by nature, the ego often clings to forms, roles and identities that make it feel better about ones disfunctionality, so being a weak low-test, latently bisexual beta male, simply makes being a shemale more appealing, that way at least he is 'something'


We can talk about over/mis-diagnosing mentall illnesses and disorders but truly mentally ill people are a real thing.

>objective human norm
This well never ever happen.

The best you can hope for is that being "normies and people normies like". Which is what we already do.

>on top of people becoming even more hardened after their stint in it.

Just never release them
Build gulags in the jungle and never release convicts

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That post was critical of both gender roles and transgenderism.

Psychology =\= Clinical psychology =\= Psychiatry


>Aspergers is a mega-meme.
Confirmed with not having to deal with assburgers in your life.