It was beautiful why did it have to end

It was beautiful why did it have to end

the finite anglo

Because WW2

It could've worked if they had evolved it into a federation

The Idea of Britain maintaining its african colonies isn't the hard part, it's having to tell them they're not allowed to immigrate to Britain if you give them equal rights.

The UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Cyprus could've been a united federation, but it's harder to incorporate India and Africa because of this.

>those borders

Shit tier empire

Because it was built on keeping like a 1/3 of the world as cannonfoder and exploitable dependencies.

tiny island with no manpower cannot hold over big countries with lots of manpower if they have guns too

I'm 40 years old and what is this?

The Eternal Anglo couldn't squeeze more money from the colonies so he decided to ditch them.

And WW1.

But not a single one of the countries on that map gained independence violently.

Yeah, because Britain was smart enough to ditch them before they could.

The French, on the other hand...

Because all things on earth come to and end.

Perfidious Anglo Perfidious Death

The French treated their colonies shit, to be fair.

Just like the Brits did. It's not something unique to the French. Literally doing the equivalent of using your kids education/acting/prize money to pay your debts is pretty scummy.

Beautiful for whom desu ? Definitely not for the colonies especially those that had a productive native population and economy that was being drained by the nasty Anglo scum

It was too pure for the world.

> this meme
The British Empire was a net benefit to those countries which experienced its beauty.

>especially those that had a productive native population and economy that was being drained by the nasty Anglo scum

So...none of them?

We were too merciful to the Germanic.

You Anglophiles fail to see your own flawed way of life founded on self importance and a medley of cultures into one giant Ponzi scheme . Your language is most vile to the sensibilities of any sovereign Canadian.

T. Known Boss

Empires didn't make sense in the neoliberal economic system. Also it's expensive as fuck.

Because you can't fight a war where you want to stop one guy from building an empire while having your own.

It's hard to not have a strong sense of self-importance when you're a member of the master race.

>the sea isn't red

Shit teir map

Says who? They were hardly the first empire to do so.

>he wrote in English on an American website

I believe Egypt, Iraq and maybe Yemen violently revolted

According to that map you could walk from Kuwait to South Africa and never leave the British Empire

But they did revolt - violently in case of some arab coutries or peacefully in case of subcontinent.

It's not that the anglos willingly let go.

to be fair...

English is the world dominated language franca.

How do you know you've taken over the world? when everyone speaks the same tongue as you.

The english language is the greatest extent of the British Empire, even though Britain hard a partial role in the emergence of English as the most spoken language in my opinion England has taken over the world.

Just a simple example to back this up

The Roman Empire is said to be one of the greatest as well, even though their rule ended nearly 1600 years ago, we still recognize their achievements and pay homage to them for a lot of their inventions and innovations.
To conclude Their language - Latin is not exactly still spoken, but we have secs - Romanian, French, Spanish, Italian, ENGLISH. but also the Roman influence in the Church still proceeds today as the language used. Every Roman Catholic Church member in the hierarchy is taught and speaks Latin.

so yeah. Even though the British Empire has declined in political control, Today is is still alive and well and has taken over the globe.

How about the subcontinent whose resources literally was propping up the """""empire""""" and which had a native population which knew how civilization worked ?

India went from contributing 35% of the world GDP to 2% over the 200 years of anglo scum rule. It was a total fucking drain on our resources

>The British Empire was a net benefit to those countries which experienced its beauty.

Depends on the countries.


Tu eres un puto mayate

Tambien en francais?

My thought exactly, goy.


It was an oppressive construction directly responsible for the death of tens of millions and the suffering of hundreds of millions.

The greatest tragedy of the 20th century is that the British government got off scot-free.

What about Malta? How would the Caribbean and Malaysia fit in?

>It was beautiful why did it have to END

Those countries higher tier colonies were better off not being part of the empire since the empire was a burden on them.

And Kenya, it had a violent revolution

Throw Singapore and Malaysia in there and we have a deal.

English is the global lingua franca because of America.

Even at the height of the British Empire the language of diplomacy was French and that of culture was German


In a way the empire was partly a victim of its own success. When it arrived the natives were always stupid and easy to manipulate and bamboozle with European knowledge, technology and ideas. Eventually after generations, natives would come to be educated in European education systems and often In Europe itself.

Most of those who led opposition and sometimes violent revolt against Britain had at some point been educated in Britain at elite British Universities. Ghandi for instance was educated at Oxbridge (I forget which one) and trained and worked as a lawyer in England.

So basically, the natives, or important leaders among them, got smart, and not only realised an ideological reason why they should resist, but how to go about it.

It was the same thing with the French. Ho Chi Min was educated in Paris at the Sorbonne, for instance.

The White Dominions on the other hand drifted away due to Britain's neglect. Many seemed to view their independence as inevitable and did not try to reform the empire into a federation of some sort. Then Britain effectively dumped them when it turned to the EU/proti EU and we were just left with the totally useless and tokenistic organisation that is the Commonwealth

The US said so.

The eternal anglo is responsible for most of the current global conflicts.

More like Military Might.

By the end of WW2, UK was a sad joke. A parody of an empire without the military, economy, nor politics to even maintain their vast domain. Had they resisted it would have ended up like pic related, but on a bigger scale. IE Algeria, Vietnam, etc.

Empires are for the strong, Anglos became weak and have been ever since.

Worry not user, for the Commonwealth is here to remind us of past glories.

European empires were set up for collapse from the start because of the hypocrisy of applying nationalist ideals in Europe and imperial ones outside of it.

A conquered people assimilate their empire's values eventually.
And in this case the values consisted of self-determination and nationalism.
Gee i wonder why it collapsed.


Ireland was violent

h-hold me la

Ireland is violent

Interesting point. They also adopted the beliefs of Karl Marx.

Though I think it has less to do with European culture and more a natural progression which Europeans tended to arrive at first thus making them look like the originators.

Why can't I find much information on British rule in the Middle East, can anyone tell me about it or give me something to read on it

Read about current king of Jordan in Wiki.

Because right at the point where the mindset of treating people well that could have led to the territories becoming developed and flourishing in their own right started to take hold, people decided that the best response to feeling guilty about the nasty parts of colonialism was to drop it all in a fucking hurry. Stuff like the Amritsar massacre really hastened that approach.

Of course, as a result we have the majesty of the modern Middle East, so at least we can take solace that the end of colonialism led to greater peace, stability and better rights for the commonality of indigenous populations.

I think you missed my point.

English is the greatest extent of the British empire. It's their language. I even stated that they only had a partial influence in it being the lingua franca today. But my point is without the expansion of the British empire around the globe there wouldn't be as many english speaking countries.

Yes The U.S's role as a major world power financial, politically, and military gave way for English being a demanding language to learn, but where did America get their language from? The once British Empire.

There are also other places in the world that have English as their offical language and are also key players in the world's affairs. Examples are India, Canada, Australia.