Daily reminder that the Irish are the true Germanics

4. For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. ALL HAVE FIERCE BLUE EYES, RED HAIR, HUGE FRAMES, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.


If you aren't red haired; blue eyed, and tall you're ceternainly not Germanic, but merely some kind of mongrel.

Other urls found in this thread:


More like Germans are the true Irish.

Red hair and blue eyes are Scandinavian traits.

Does a red beard count?

You are a mongrel but you're far more pure than Germans, Anglos, Dutch,and Nords.


Pic related

The German people doesn't exist, the actual Germans died long ago or moved to Ireland and Scotland

And yet they score consistently lower on IQ tests than the white average (which isn't even the highest in the first place).

Do you want red hair, or do you want to be smart?

...this board never fails to stun me with it's stupidity

IQ can be improved by breeding with an high IQ woman, BUT, racial purity cannot be improved !

All those areas in red had Norse settlements.

Do you know how Dublin was founded?

Do you remember Eric Bloodaxe?

>The German people doesn't exist


*fades out of existence*

>You are a mongrel but you're far more pure than Germans, Anglos, Dutch,and Nords.

I am Dutch and I actually know quite a few who have a red or reddish beard.

Niggers can improve their IQ too.
Intelligence is more important than racial purity.

Let me put it in a way your little Irish brain can understand.

Anyone with half a brain should prefer to be an Ashkenazi Jew than Irish.

I don't recall Wales ever having a Norse settlement. . .


>Norse settlements
Pick one

How do you explain that Scandinavia has less red hair than Ireland ? And how you do you explain that highly-settled places has less red hair than places non settled by Vikings ?

It clearly says vikings settled in Wales in the 10th and 11th centuries.

You can learn about the Norse settlements in Wales in this post:


You have a point BUT you didn't aswer to :

How do you explain that Scandinavia has less red hair than Ireland ?

Non-Settled by Viking = Huge red hair population
Settled by Vikings = Tiny red hair population


Also the gene for red hair appears independently in Norse and Celtic populations

It's worth noting that the areas of Ireland with the most redheads were the parts where the Vikings settled the least

The biggest viking settlement in the West of Ireland, Limerick, actually had its entire population wiped out in 968

So there's actually pretty much no trace of viking lineage in the most redheaded parts of Ireland

>It's worth noting that the areas of Ireland with the most redheads were the parts where the Vikings settled the least


It is the contrary(pic related)

Both of you guys are stupid, but is far worst.

Doesn't that map prove what I just said?

>mfw the Celts are more Germanics, than the so called Germanics
>mfw when the blond haired are merely LARPERS

Redheadedness among the populations of Britain doesn't come from Scandinavian admixture. This is a fact. I'm not sure what you're saying is stupid.

It does, he's just Irish-American.

Stupid is in their blood.

>Scotland also has a very high percentage with around 6% of the population having red hair.[9][14] Previously it was estimated that red hair occurrence in Scotland was around 13%, which had been widely reported in reliable media sources.[15] However, Dr. Jim Wilson of Britain's DNA study used a sample of 2,343 people, and found red hair occurrence of 6% in Scotland, with 35% overall carrying the gene and Edinburgh having the highest proportion of gene carriers at 40%.[9][14][16] The largest ever study of hair colour in Scotland, which analysed over 500,000 people in 1907, found the percentage of Scots with red hair to be 5.3%

>"""Germanic""" """IQ"""

You said that the places settled by the Vikings have more red haired people but Danelaw is the place with the least red haired people in England, while places non settled by Vikigns like Scotland and Wales have the most red haired people.

Same goes for Ireland the places with the least red haired people are place settled by Vikings, while the places non-settled by Vikings are the places with the more red haired people


Nords = Non red haired = Non Germanics
Celts = Red haired = Germanics


>are place settled by Vikings
are the places settled by Vikings*

>with the more red haired people
with the most red haired people*


settle down paddy

>You said that the places settled by the Vikings have more red haired people
Read my post again, I said the exact opposite of that. I think we actually agree.

Irish are Celts.
Also being Germanic is not a good thing, especially on this board.

It's neither a good, nor a bad thing.

Do you feel oppressed on here or what? Veeky Forumstorians aren't racist against Germanics, don't worry.


My bad

I'm a dumb frog poster, i will read more carefully next time

"We wuz Germans n shieeeet" as Gaeilge


If nords aren't relaly germanic, give me 1 reason anyone shouldn't prefer nords over germanics?

Cause red haired people can claim the accomplishments of both their Germanic(antiquity wise) and Celtic ancestors.

But by this logic, considering all european people are so comically related to each other, shouldn't that be enough to claim ALL white accomplishments?

Does this extend to species, should I be able to proud about anything from the Mayan Empire to the Qin Dynasty?

YOU can claim only YOUR achievements

people who don't understand that are confused

Don't worry mate, I quite grasp the concept. However the lad I was talking to, I doubt he did

its like 4 iq less than the UK
plus they have irish travellers which are white niggers dragging the average down

>Nords = Non red haired = germanic
>Celts = Red haired = celtic

>Nords = Non red haired = Non Germanics

They said Thor had red hair you know.

Thor is half-giant and half-aesir

Irish and Scots = Goidelic
Scandinavians = North germanic

Blue eyes are an Indo-European trait.

Irish are neanderthals