Is religion escapism?

Is religion escapism?

Could be for some.

Why would you ask such a vague and open ended question?

If it's done right, yes.

Escaping hell.

>anything that isn't the capitalist worker drone lifestyle is escapism


if you are alive and haven't killed yourself then you are stupid and engage in some sort of escapism and wallow in something that's false to make you feel emotionally part of something

if you aren't alive, then you're just stupid

Id say the term is more appropriate for atheists

atheist here
it's equally appropriate i agree

all the atheists and people in general do escapism, it's part of the brain, it evolved as a self-defense mechanism, as in defense from ourselves


Religion is the aspect of human societies which foster organization and obedience to authorities who claim special knowledge of misery, suffering, and death.

Atheism can be a way to feel unnecessarily smug and superior, but how can it be escapism?

Not choosing to escape from cold hard material reality into spiritual world is escapism?

Why do religious people always react with "no u" to anything that might trigger them?

They are mentally obligated to defend their religion at all costs, even essentially rational functions are sacrificed. They won't even deny it, it's fundamental to their creed, they willingly accept the role of completely brainwashed slaves.

Nietzsche thought at least Christianity was that way. In a sense, life-denying.

But it's hard to actually agree with him since religious people are more likely to breed, and actually want to keep society functioning(at least functioning according to their notions of correct conduct).


everything is escapism basically

Atheism is escapism. It's wishful thinking on their part to believe that they'll escape God's judgement for their constant sins by experiencing oblivion after they die instead of the Hell they deserve. That must be a very comforting lie for them to believe.


>But it's hard to actually agree with him since religious people are more likely to breed

But in many religions celibacy is encouraged or required for people who dedicate themselves to it.

Fertility is also mostly associated with economic development rather than religion.

Forgot pic

> God's judgemen
Wishful thinking that is trying to avoid the factural accounts of Gods being petty, irrational creatures who doesn't play by any rules.

Why there are so many Indians if Hindu fails at breeding?

Those rates are for the UK.

To me the idea of a world with God, gods or some infinite metadivine realm is more terrifying than the concept of a finite, purely material universe.

I grew up in a religious family, the idea of having some unknowable grand purpose dictated by God always scared the crap out of me.

One could say I escaped into agnosticism in order to stop constantly worrying about this stuff.

Self-indulgent wishful thinking to believe that your own judgement is the supreme moral authority in the universe i.e. vainglorious hubris, the ultimate denial of reality.


That's a self defeating concept.

>>anything that isn't the capitalist worker drone lifestyle is escapism

But that's a true statement

Does that mean "I lost the argument, so I will sob silently in corner"?

It's an opiate


Not even him but you're obviously a spineless pussy if you can't say shit and have to respond with memes

It's not even an "argument", it's programmed reaction to words on a screen.

*unsheathes bayonetta*

now this is euphoric

>Not even him but you're obviously a spineless pussy if you can't say shit and have to respond with memes

Do you have any rare fedoras? These olds barely worth anything in meme warfare.


>new meme shipments have been halted
>dipping into emergency meme stash


anyone have a link of this video on youtube?




Bit of advice, amigo.

The moment you reply with memes is the moment you lose the argument.

>implying the meme was even posted in response to an argument in the first place

>lens flare
Every time.