Official 'Laugh at DGB bagholders' thread #43

Official 'Laugh at DGB bagholders' thread #43

Thread theme:


I have lots of BTC! Now how do I maintain complete control over a cheap shitcoin's market?! I WANT MONEY! (PUMP... AND... DUMP!!)

Find a relatively new useless low volume clone coin that has a flashy and obscure platform with no direct influence on market price, and a short history of only maintaining a low price. (there are a lot of them. it shouldn't be too hard!)

Ramp up a shilling campaign saying "look how cheap this is! can only go up from here!" etc, etc "the tech is good, the developer has confirmed a major announcement, blah blah blah, platform is new and innovative! HODL THIS COIN IF YOU WANT LAMBOS!"

Maintain heavy buying pressure up to a given point on the chart!

Very gradually ease into your sell orders to create a soft envelope allowing the price to rise from the shilled buyers.

Shill out some "I told you to listen" threads, realistic blockfolio gain screenshots with the shitcoin tucked in there.

The coin will shill itself if you give enough of an illusion of potential success to these retards (they will buy it, and most of them will hold it! they wouldn't want to MISS OUT ON THOSE LAMBOS!!).

Eventually you may lose a degree of control over the market once it reaches a certain volume. In that event, just cancel your buy pressure and immediately DUMP on the remaining orders until the price at above your initial buy. Then watch another pump and dump occur naturally. Shills will automatically continue regardless of how much money the HODLers lost. If you want to continue on that coin, you'll have to put in a lot more effort and closely monitor the chart. Best to just move on to another coin! Leave that slut ravaged and gaping!


Lol fucking cucks

Know what's funny? The pump group shills abandoned Veeky Forums and moved on to reddit. They plan on shotgun spamming all over popular trader's twitter accounts. They REALLY don't want to settle for less than 500 sat dump. So happy there was enough counter shilling to fuck up their buy pressure. With any luck it will hurt the filthy niggers profits.

Fucking cucks

you paranoid dumbfuck
oh well you're gonna hate yourself

For not wasting my money? You're going to have to expand on that, champ. I already made my 10 grand on DGB.

That pic with the song, holy fukccck im dying

Well, guess I'm a retard then.

>I already made my 10 grand on DGB.
post buy/sell history

i dont know what about is this thred, explein pls

what is this? i want this app


pls not troll


thunks mate

how to coonect my wallet from bittrex to this?

you cant, you enter trades manually

like every time i do something on market i just type those stupid 0.00xyxyxy numbers in my phone?

Think of it like a Ledger that calculates your earnings for you.

whats about my older transactions? I can't addd them casue
>current price

and what is the diffret between this and bittrex wallet %change? how does it cauculate this all? like from the beginning?

More than anything i wish these portfolio websites and apps had a fucking import feature.

gimme some portfolio websites, im not really into smartphones

and how it works actually, what is the difference betwen market wallets

You specify the price you paid, just not the date. It won't accurately reflect your earnings over time, but it will show your overall profit/loss.


Eyyyy feels good doesn't it bro's?