United Germany?

Why is Germany not called United Germany like US and UK? It was United in 1871, why?

also, I made a flag for you

But it IS the Federal Republic of Germany.

Because Germans are actually one nation, they don't need to try hard to delude thenselves into thinking they are one people like the "United Kingdom" and Americans do

That's just untrue.

>English, welsh, Scotts, and Irish are "one people"
>amerifucks are "one people" rather than a failed Anglo colony of cheapskates who didn't want to pay taxes and then got flooded by 100 different nationalities

But a United Germany would include Austria and Switzerland. Maybe Netherlands and Luxembourg.

And Poland, Czech is, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.

Wasn't German more popular than English early on in US history?
Like with Canada and French.

In the past, maybe. Not today.
Large German speaking populations are only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and depending on how you want to define "german speaking" maybe Netherlands and Luxembourg.
I'd stick to just the first three in my United Germany definition. So it won't happen, because there is an international law that says if Germany and Austria ever unite, the USSR (now Russia has this right), the British Empire (now UK), France and USA will declare war on them both.

>Bavarians, Saxons and Swabians are "one people"

And Bohemians too. RIP never forget.

Its called Bundesrepublik Deutschland as a full name.

Republik and Deutschland dont need to be translated, but the Bundes part is important.
It stems from Bund.
Bund means something like "Compound" with the substates of germany being called Bundesstaaten-states belonging to the compound who all used to and still have in some cases a strong regional identity.

It doesnt matter if you add or substract german substates, as long as there are two sticking together calling themselves a "coumpound" you dont have to change the name as everything necessary is already implied.

Pretty much this. Also LEGALLY this sub-states exist prior to the Bund. I know historically this is not the case but according to the constitution they together form the Bundesrepublik i.e. we have to pre-suppose their existence.

But it is op. Are you retarded?

It pretty much is, it's just not translated well. Bundesrepublikdeutschland. Bundes is usually translated to Federal in this context, but a bund is a union. It's literally the United German Republic. Also it's never been "Germany" any more than the "U.S." has been America. The official title has always been something different: Deutschesreich, BRD, etc.

It's called Federal Republic of Germany.

Culturally, yes they are. They all speak German.

"Germany" back in the day used to refer to any area with a majority German speakers, so it included Croatia, bits of Hungary, Czechoslovakia

>Culturally, yes they are.
No, they are not.
>They all speak German.
No, they speak not. If by "German" you mean "Hochdeutsch"

No, it didn't.


>No, they speak not. If by "German" you mean "Hochdeutsch"

So Americans don't speak English because they have an accent compared native speakers in England?

taxation is a theft

Well, people get mixed a lot now and the key cities of some dialects got depopulated.
So the only big division left is the eastern pommarian-saxon postcommiculture, the southern traditional, bavarian speaking (barely understandable for others) culture, the coastal north and the western/central rest.

They were completely willing to pay taxes, if you gave them the option of representation so they could have a fucking say about it.


Then you clearly have no idea about linguistics.

I visited Lübeck some years back and i got more sense from my Swedish studies than German when trying to speak with locals. It's not a same language even if they speak standard German also.

Because Italy isn't known as United Republic of Italy.

Can you spot the difference?


They aren't united yet. This map should include switzerland.

>international law

Yeah France sure did its party to stop Iraq when they broke 17 of those.

Nobody would do anything if Austria and Germany united because barely anyone in modern society even realizes the significance of Austria and Germany's relationship.

I bet 96% of Americans believe Austrians speak Austrian.