A Story of an Armenian in Nazi Germany

An interesting story I've discovered about an Armenian man from Turkey.

In the 1930's an Armenian doctor called Aram Peshtemaljiyan decides to emigrate to Germany and opens a carpet shop in Berlin. (Peshtemal is the cloth wrap men wear in hammams, so there's a whole story in his name alone)

Then the second World War starts and finally the Red Army shows up and orders all Berliners to keep their homes and shops open to Red Army soldiers for revenge looting and rape.

So the Peshtemaljiyan family huddle in a corner of the shop as the Soviet troops carry off their merchandise. Then one of the Soviet Asian-looking soldiers comes over and reaches for Aram's daughter and Aram instinctively grabs his hand trying to protect her. The soldier immediately pulls out his pistol and puts it against Aram's head and that's when Aram utters what he thinks are his last words, in Turkish: "Now we've eaten shit." (Simdi boku yedik: We're fucked now).

The Soviet soldier is suddenly confused and responds with: "Ne dedung? Ne dedung?..." ('what did you say' in Kyrgyz) to which Aram repeats: "Simdi boku yedik?"

Suddenly the Soviet Soldier becomes overjoyed and cries out "You are my blood brother" ("Miz gan gardaşiz, min sinig gardaşmam") in Kyrgiz Turkic and all the rest of the looting party, also from Kyrgyzstan, apologize and hug the Armenians, eventually they talked with some tea and two of the soldiers offered to guard their shop against other Soviet looters.

After that, Aram has a hattat (Arabic calligrapher) in Istanbul design a calligraphy for his store, which he frames and hangs up. In Muslim stores such a calligraphy would usually read "bismillahirahmanirahim"("In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate").

Aram his one reads "Now we've eaten sh*t."

Other urls found in this thread:


Link to story:radikal.com.tr/turkiye/duvardaki-ecdat-yazisi-simdi-b-u-yedik-1271759/

Intressing story OP. Thank for it


Pretty cool story to be honest

I wonder if the soldiers would have acted different if they knew he is an Armenian who spoke Turkish. I am pretty sure they thought he was an Anatolian Turk

Gooks are subhuman

If they knew he was Armenian they would connect him in their mind with Russian Armenians. Than they would either treat him the same way as in the original story or would mistakenly believe he is a soviet Armenian traitor.
I think that the main reason he was saved was because they discovered that he is not a German and could speak a recognizable language.

Can the meme that the Berlin rape was conducted by """Russians""" finally end? They were a horde of literal Turkic Mongoloids and Jews commanded around by a blood thirsty Georgian.

Whatever you say, Ivan.

I'm not Russian myself, but this shit is literal slander against them. I'm going apeshit whenever I see the Jewish Bolshevik revolution being called Russian.

The intelligentsia of Russia was majority Jewish so it would make sense that heads of state were also Jews

So, do you have any evidence that proves that the majority of the Soviet soldiers that were responsible for mass rape of German women were not ethnic Russians?

They had no power in imperial Russia and overthrew the existing state specifically to gain it.

There's plenty of accounts from both German and Russian side that the ones doing the raping were mostly Asiatic.

>The first Russian troops to fight in Berlin consisted mostly of Mongolians, who were very unkempt and sloppy. They had Asian features, and many of them wore ugly mustaches which hung down on the sides.

"From the Horrors of World War II to A Great Love Story" from Edith Landis.


Clearly Asians

That doesn't say they were responsible for rape. It just says the first wave of troops consisted of them

Russians are Asians you retard

>It just says the first wave of troops consisted of them
They were the one doing the raping.

That guy is somewhere on the range between a Finn and Gegnhis Khan's uncle.

>Red Army shows up and orders all Berliners to keep their homes and shops open to Red Army soldiers for revenge looting and rape
Nice BDSM fantasy, OP.
There were almost no Asian people in the Red Army at this time, because there was no conscript in Central Asian republics. So these stories about raping mongoloid hoards are literally Nazi propaganda.

Russians were considered Asiatic dude.

Left pic is an ethnic Russian, right pic are Turkics in the Red Army.

How is it possible to be this retarded?

The fact that Russians were considered Asiatic in Nazi Germany is pretty well known

>mongols never conquered europe

Actually they were not, you'd know that if you actually read nazi racial scientists, which you obviously did not.

"No matter how educated a Russian might be, he is still a barbaric Asiatic" - Göring

>source of the quote is Leon Goldensohn
Not even going to bother pointing out the obvious.

>"No matter how Asiatic a Jap might be, he is still a refined honorary Aryan"