Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?

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what movie is that

>proceeds to blow up the second and third most internationally diverse buildings in the country
If it really was sandniggers, they didn't really think that one through. It was probably Mossad though so... you know, Jews were in the wrong there.

Can someone give me instructions for filtering out "now that the dust has settled"

Settings, and then...?

>click the triangle
>filter selected text

>25 years
But as this subject intrigues me a lot, someone in the government paid off or allowed them in.
The buildings were definitely more than DEATH TO AMERICA

Idk senpai, OBL stated it was meant as a direct attack on America, but why would you attack an international liberal institutions primary buildings? They should've just hit the fucking UN at that point.

I don't think that it would be controversial outside the US to say that America deserved it

At the time of the attacks the WTC was almost certainly much more of a symbol of America's economic power than a symbol of its diversity.

You're basically asking "if McVeigh hated the Govt so much why did he blow up a bunch of children?"

nice dubs but pretty sure acts of terrorism are always controversial anywhere outside 3rd world countries

Why are 9/11 conspiracies so boring?

It's always 'the government did it' or something basic along those lines. The wackiest I've seen is that the towers were holograms, but that's just retarded.

underrated toast

How come this shit has yet to be conclusively decided upon?

Why can't they just collect all of the data, all the photographs, videos, documents, scientists, engineers, aeronautical engineers and form a full on rigorous analysis?

Why do people always forget such happenings literally a week or month later?

>How come this shit has yet to be conclusively decided upon?
It has, people are just butthurt it didn't turn out to be reptilian jews.

Agreed. Like, the Sands Hook truthers believe an entire town in Connecticut doesn't exist. That's awesome. 9/11 tards are all just like "hurr durr all the jews stayed home." Lame.

>Why can't they just collect all of the data, all the photographs, videos, documents, scientists, engineers, aeronautical engineers and form a full on rigorous analysis?

They have. But the result isn't what truthers wanted, therefore it's part of the conspiracy.

Nice try but 911 was nothing like Sandy Hook.

Go read through this page and tell me if you feel the same afterwards.

Can't tell if trolling or just /pol/

>Discounting the Official Narrative as the absurdity it so clearly is, there are just two organisations on the entire planet with the expertise, assets, access and political protection necessary to have both executed 9/11 and effected its cover-up to date (ie the means). Both are Intelligence Agencies - the CIA and the Israeli Mossad whose motives were arguably the most compelling.
>Doesn't explain why the 'official narrative' is absurd
>Doesn't explain why only the CIA and Mossad could pull off a cover up
Already know this isn't worth reading.

Welcome to Post-Irony and metamodernism, where Poe's Law isn't just theory, it's your reality.

>Doesn't explain why the 'official narrative' is absurd
>Doesn't explain why only the CIA and Mossad could pull off a cover up
It is explained fucktard.
Nice confirmation bias you got there.
Didn't even finish the first paragraph.

Not an argument. If anything it's the other side making Poe's law a reality.

It literally states facts without backing them up. It shouldn't just outright say 'the official narrative is absurd' unless it immediately follows with something to say why.

I can't be arsed to read the entire article, if you want to make a point about Israel being behind 9/11 then just post how rather than spamming a link.

>I'm too lazy to read bawwwww
What are you even doing here?

The facts are all backed up by sources except for that Gomel Chiesed Cementery thing which sounds like BS.

The gist of it is:
>Zionist NGO "Project for a New American Century" publishes a public document in 1998 calling for an invasion of Iraq and more US presence in the Middle East, talks of a "Pearl Harbour like event that could galvanize the population"
>Zionist Larry Silverstein leases the WTC even though it was considered a bad investment at the time, fellow Israeli dual citizens are appointed to direct security
>All of them, working at the WTC, happen to skip work on 911. Silverstein had a doctor's appointment that fell and decided to "take a walk though NYC" instead of going to work. His son also failed to show up for work.
>Israeli moving company ZIM with ties to the Mossad rented a huge office near the ground floor
>Another Israeli company was in charge of airport security on all the airports where the hijackers boarded, they were given immunity from prosecution by the Patriot Act
>Israeli Mossad agents posing as "art students" were arrested and deported in the lead up to 911, they were surveilling the locations where the hijackers lived
>Only 1 Israeli citizen was working at WTC during 911, all the others skipped work. We are talking hundreds of lucky people.
>A van driven by Israeli citizens with explosive residue on the back was detained in the Brooklyn Bridge on 911, they were deported without questioning
>F16s tailing the Pentagon flight were given orders by Rumsfeld to stand down, this is confirmed by Mineta's testimony to the 911 commission
>NIST model of the collapse was never shown to the public
>Cheney and Bush testified in secret and not under oath
>WTC7 remains the only steel-beamed building to collapse from fire in history
>The hijackers really did crash the planes into the buildings, the explosives planted by ZIM company secured the fall

>to collapse from fire in history
This one always gets me. How did the fire start again? Ah, right. Debris from one of the towers fucking fell on it. You don't drop a building on another building and expect it to keep standing.

Why did the 911 Comission refuse to even address the fall of WTC7 then?
Do you know more than the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth that claims the collapse was impossible?

Other buildings in the vicinity were impacted by debris and did not fall, even those that were closer.