What the fuck is going on with Ethereum? Is it gonna dip? It dipped a few days ago when it got this crazy high...

What the fuck is going on with Ethereum? Is it gonna dip? It dipped a few days ago when it got this crazy high. Should I sell? I got 30 ether

going to dip when china speculation goes nowhere on the 1st

Just hold you dumb nigger it's gonna be $500 by December.

t. 100 ETH since $10.63

HODL until 2020 then decide


>Because it rised before it's gonna rise again!

You guys are right in the long term it's gonna increase but right now it's going to dip right? Also there's the bitcoin anouncement on 1st of august

There's going to be another release of EEA names soon and it's going to shoot up. Do whatever you want, it's your money

Take some profit and wait for a dip to re-invest.
It's at an ATH, it's dumb not to take some money out.

Enjoy paying out the ass for taxes

Yeah this is my reasoning. It's so high right now. If a pretty big dip happens it would be a waste losing money

As long as you've spend more on buying crypto you won't have to pay taxes. Just always keep your profit in crypto

you wantt o know why its acting like this? because i'm in.. and i just got in... and my life sucks

Just never sell with a loss bro. I'm a NEET and I made way more off of crypto then I ever thought possible. If it dips just hold

I thought you get taxed on every transaction at least in the US

Good luck finding the top mate

why did you jump in at the ATH?

seriously what was the reasoning?

That can't be right can it? So if I buy $500 worth of bitcoin and then sell $500 worth of bitcoin 1,000 times one day I have to pay tax over $500,000?



The top doesn't matter. The worst thing that can happen is it continues to go up forever and you miss out on some profit. But you already made some good money and still have a remaining investment. That's nothing to be ashamed of.

I will but only long term. Why not sell now and buy in the dip? Is there gonna be a dip?

You pay tax on gains, not on total value.

So if you made $800,000 in profit off those 1,000 trades, you could owe up to $500,000 in taxes. But if you're just transferring $500 back and forth multiple times without making any money, you won't owe any money on the trades.

Likewise, you can write down any trades that lose money against the trades you made that earn profit, thereby lowering your taxable gains.

apparently someone hacked ETC again and stole coins...


no one *hacked* anything...

ETH is dipping while BTC is surging

1) Switch from ETH to BTC for shorts gains
2) Switch back to ETH on the dip
3) ???
4) Profit

btc already surged bro

So why is he going public? Why not steal all kind of money? Seems fake

What's stopping from lying to the IRS? >I traded 1 million worth of my bitcoins I bought for BitBean Coins :^) >But then it crashed and I lost all my money

it didn't get this high though, just on korean exchanges it hit 300 and they averaged it
now even the na/eu exchanges are this high

chinese are paying 250 for it on huobi

fuck off shill spreading fud
at least show proof

What are you trying to achieve, you idiot? Do you really believe that Veeky Forums is capable of pushing the ETH value down? lmao

What's the fucking consensus, boys?

I've been itching to get back in after selling during the last crash but I'd kick myself if I bought now just for a dip to be days away.

Give me monetary advice, strangers on the Internet.

Spend half.

Nigga what the fuck do you mean?

sorry, i'm new

I can't believe someone would just like on the internet like that.

Fiat and stocks are at least professional.

Crypto is for criminals.

China trading has already been going on for 1 day now, and so far ETH has only been dropping

mfw there's idiots on Poloneix trollbox still saying shit like "when China trading starts ETH going to moon" LOL

There's another huge Chinese exchange which is going to add ETH tomorrow.

>There's another huge Chinese exchange which is going to add ETH tomorrow.

So what? If you haven't noticed, FUD has set in with ETH and the ching chongs on OKcoin aren't coming to save the day

>FUD has set in

The fuck you even talking about? ETH is fine and will see some huge gains over the next weeks.

>The fuck you even talking about?

I guess you are just slow and not up to date with the latest news.

Be sure to buy all the ETH you can so I can laugh at you tomorrow

If you faggots bought below 100 dollars, why would you sell? It's obvious it is a long term hold. The highest I paid for ETH was 54 dollars and I bought multiple times.

Am I talking to no-coiners who just jumped on the rocket? ALL YOU FAGGOTS HAD TO DO WAS LISTEN.

You guys don't understand how cryptos work do you? You don't pull out unless you plan to pull out everything and even then you wait 1 year from purchase, this ATH nonsense is complete bullshit.

Anything you pull out in under 1 year is open to 25% tax if you are in the USA.

If you are pulling out, pull out in BTC so the IRS doesn't jew you into paying for nigger and mexican unemployment checks.

retard alert

retard alert

Why would you pull out everything? This advice makes zero sense. The market is volatile and hard to predict. Taking profit is never a bad plan, even if you have to pay the tax. Unless you are planning on crypto as a retirement plan, in which case you are retarded and there is no help for you.
I do agree that if you want to avoid tax right away converting to BTC is an option.

retard alert

You're treating this like the stock market and you're going to get burned. Would you rather lose a few thousand dollars or lose a potential 50k plus? Stop thinking like a stock market jew.

Unless some multi-millionaire decides to buy in at a high price these walls won't collapse

Nothing wrong with cashing out if you live in the USA. The dollar is the strongest currency in the world.

retard alert

>Unless you are planning on crypto as a retirement plan

My IRA is full of GBTC and it will eventually have COIN once the twins get greenlighted.

Crypto at this stage is like being able to invest in microsoft when it was garage-tier.

Crypto is at $80 billion market cap. At a minimum it's going to $1 trillion. There's a minimum of 10x practically guaranteed.

Minimum is $500 billion in 3 years.

Liftoff tomorrow morning.

Stop being dumbasses and just buy a cheap return flight to another country and cash out there

how the fuck would that even work

It's going to dip user

But it's going to go up way more so stfu and stop being a pussy ass cock muncher

is that a meme or does this actually work?

hold you stupid fucks

this is great

300 by eoy, then we're going horizontal, shooting straight outta the stratosphere. What you're seeing right now is the curve, whats gonna follow is a straight line upwards