If a person from tribe A is born into B tribe

If a person from tribe A is born into B tribe

>Speaks the B language
>wears the B clothing
>Believes the B religion
>Eats the B food
>Follows the B norms, mores, and traditions
>Refers to themselves as a member of tribe B

Can one truly call them a member of tribe B?

Why? Or why not?

Please explain your reasoning in 500 to 700 words

Depends on Tribe B's definition of what it means to be a member of Tribe B. Is Tribe B defined by its blood relationships or its culture?

Lots of Europeans assimilated into American culture and became just plain "white" American. Lots of steppe nomads assimilated into Chinese culture and became "Han" Chinese. On the other hand, good luck ever assimilating into Eskimo or Basque nations.

Is a dog raised by horses a horse?

No? Because dogs and horses are defined by their genealogy, OP clearly took this into consideration when applied to people because many people don't define themselves through their genealogy but through their culture.

What a worthless shitpost.

>Genealogy isn't basically the entire basis of tribes and ethno groups

wew lad did you get lost here on your way to reddit

OP hasn't specified what a tribe is.
See this post: Just responding for the slim possibility someone takes your posts seriously.

With all due respect

A dog is inherently defined by biology. Ethnic groups are much more blurry. For instance, most of central and western europe was once celtic

But as time went on they were assimilated by Roman and Germanic societies. I doubt many modern Frenchmen or Spaniards would call themselves "Celtic" unironically.

Then you consider how common adoption has been worldwide as well. Often with elaborate rituals to induct a foreigner.

a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
"indigenous Indian tribes"
synonyms: ethnic group, people, band, nation; More

Bye bye reddit!

>reading comprehension

"linked by social, economic, religious, or blood tie"

The Ummah can even be considered a tribe

Yes, unless these tribes are strictely defined by genes, which is rare.

Yes Muslims from Bosnia to Algeria to Pakistan can all be considered to be one tribe

>people seriously make pretend to believe this

this is what spooks do to you


Unless you're willing to deny the definition of words

Depends on if the tribe cares about genes. Also, if both tribes are, say European and close in proximity, meaning they share very similar phenotypes, then it wouldn't really matter either way. But if, as I'm sure the question is trying to suggest, you drop sub-saharan African into a tribe of Celts, than no...How could that even be a question?

Because tribes don't derive their identities from genes but from the great random number generator in the sky. Duh. /s



Some tribes did define themselves through their genealogy, such as the Hedjazi tribes of north Arabia. However, genealogy was malleable in that one could be adopted by a tribe and be considered a part of its lineage later.

In the end it comes down to the tribe's definition of family, and a person of one tribe born and raised by another could be considered of that other tribe if they accepted him as an equal member of the family.

Yes Christendom from Alabama to Denmark to Vladivostok can be considered to be one tribe

>people seriously make pretend to believe this

Cultures are completely interchangeable. Race not so much.

One of my colleagues is Ethiopian. He was born in Ethiopia, but lived in the Czech Republic till he was an adult. His parents were Ethiopian-born but immigrated to the Czech Republic and lived there for ten years before he was born. He was raised speaking Czech, consuming Czech culture through art, food, language and media. Despite all of this, my friend still identifies as Ethiopian. Not out of choice, but necessity. He has many Czech friend and social circles. All his memories are from the Republic and not in Ethiopia. Outside of being born there, he never visited the country once just out of general disinterest. If a Czech person spoke to him, he would display all the same mannerisms and nuance as any other learned Czech man or woman.

It would be more apt if he called himself African, which he does sometimes but gets specific when someone asks where "he's from". In the Czech Republic, they say his Czech despite knowing that they only mean the quintessential Czech and not ethno-nationally.


>Cultures are completely interchangeable.
>Ethiopian raised in Czech republic still considers himself Ethiopian first and foremost

Really makes you think

Of course. Let's be realistic. The average Czech person isn't black and doesn't have black parents. Despite culture being a separate identity, at the end of the day it's defined by ethno-national lines.

Either we make them separate and close the issue, or we keep it the same way and force people to be selective. When that guy is in CR he's as culturally Czech as anyone else. But that isn't worth much outside the country.

I know a Nigerian person who was born and raised in my country. She's black as all hell, but if you didn't see her skin color you would never know she was.

I don't have a problem with people like this at all, because from my perspective they are part of "the tribe" in the sense that they understand the culture, they understand the tradition, and in most cases they even want to be a part of it(seeing as they are born here).

The question becomes harder however if someone is actually trapped between cultures like many Arab Muslim migrants in my country.

is this your homework? lmao why the word cap?

Depends on the tribe and its neighbouring tribes.

Tribes that cared a lot about genealogy did so because property passed by blood. Unless there was a way around this, such as the conquered tribe having its own property to inherit and thus not touching the property of the first, integration could occur. But when it was a matter of taking their shit, such did not occur.
For tribes where property ownership was either fluid or nonexistent, adoption or integration was the main way of expanding, since power was not in what you had but in how many people you had.

IMO if your culture is tied to your race, it isn't a culture to begin with. In the same way that people try to collectively merge things into "white culture" or "black culture", when in reality a Russian has less in common culturally to a Brit and a Nigerian to a Kenyan.

So yes, you can take on any culture

Depends on the culture and how it defines itself. Light skinned sahel tribes would never consider the blacker igbos and such to the south as possible members of their culture or tribe, because it used to be that raiding them for slaves was a lot more profitable than raiding them for political equals. Slaving might be gone, but groups like say the arabs that end up with the janjaweed still hate black people and their tribal groups, because hey history dies slowly without pressure to do so.

If he looks similar to members of tribe B, he's a member of tribe B.

You have to walk like a duck, quack like a duck, AND look like a duck.

This is why blacks and asians will never assimilate into european society and vice versa.

What about france

fak off

Not him and while I realize what you're getting at, it's a shit analogy. A horse can never act like a non-horse, it's genetically programmed to act like a horse. If he's raised by dogs he won't magically start barking and waggling his tail and other shit dogs do.

Meanwhile a white guy raised by Arabs will actually speak and act and think like an Arab even if he doesn't look like one. Humans and great apes in general are so deinstinctivized we actually have to be TAUGHT how to fuck while other mammals just know it naturally.

But he'll never actually be Arab. Just that one white guy raised by Arabs.

Was Pushkin's grandfather African or Russian?

If they do and always will associate with tribe b, then this should qualify them as a member.

However, you said the person was born into tribe b but didn't specify in what manner. Obviously one or more of the parents must have been from tribe a. Was one parent or both parents visiting? Were they functioning "in tribe b" but not themselves a member?

Lots of people don't feel part of society, don't relate. Sometimes it's their emotional turmoil but other times because they consider their difference in looks to be significant. This would all affect one's feeling of association.

He'll never be an Arab, but he will completely act like one. A horse cannot completely act like a dog no matter what.

Then what do you say about the literal millions of people on this planet right now who became arab through that same process and you also call arabs?

>we have to be taught how to fuck
No we dont

So...how did all the people between Iraq and the Niger River bend magically turn Arab?

Blacks, stereotypical swarthy caucasians, and even blonde-haired green-eyed people

I'm confused. How is this person "from Tribe A" when, among the other Tribe B attributes, he was "born into B Tribe?"

This is a good example, but physical characteristics can play a very important role too. If somebody looks very different from the group he's born into he'll be marked as an outsider regardless of how well he takes to their lifestyle. A good example of this a white man born in Japan. He'll never be Japanese, not ever.

can a horse even raised a dog ? shitty analogy

in the 19th century Bilbao saw a mass influx of migrants from all over Spain and France looking for employment in the factories. Their descendents consider themselves basque now.

There's a difference between ethnicity and nationality, retard.

If someone is white, they can blend in almost any european/western country. If someone is white, they can't blend in any asian country simply by their looks.

Race is harder to throwaway however culture/personality/language/etc are environmental factors.

Yes tribe is a social construct

>/pol/ unironicly believes the genetic variety in human ethnical groups are this significant

again a proof that none of them has any clue about actual biology. well, not surprising with this amount of burgers

Pretty much this. Sadly, no one really cares about biology, anywhere, so these discussions are usually always worthless.

No but a horse can be a shepherd

He is Ethiopian, but he is a Czech.

So if a man of Heaven, but born unto Earth and raised Worldly, and is the Father, and yet is the Son, but identifies as Heavenly, and speaks Heavenly and performs Heavenly, for the World, what is he?

They aren't as significant as interspecies difference, ofc. They're still significant.

Is a man raised by wolves a wolf?