Intelligent alien life mathematically must exist elsewhere in the universe

>Intelligent alien life mathematically must exist elsewhere in the universe.
>It is impossible that extra-dimensional intelligent life exist.
>The idea that extra dimensional intelligent life has communicated or effected people in our world is impossible
>The idea that people can perceive intelligent extra-dimensional life through meditation or certain drugs is impossible.
How do Atheist justify this?

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childhood is being a hard atheist and categorically denying god exists
Adulthood is realizing reality is far too spoopy and that agnosticism makes more sense

Nothing is truly impossible. Our current models say that they are but there is always the chance that some of the results we now conclude are flawed. It could be possibly that another revolution in physics will occur. (Specifically around dark energy and matter)

>Space is a truly empty pitch black endless void
Nothing is scarier to me then the depth of space and the unknown horrors like black holes it houses.

what do you suppose is in those massive black voids between galactic super clusters?

Nah intelligent life is probably a biological accident. Look at Earth where we've had literally billions of species existing in the same environmental conditions and there's just one that evolved to be what we consider intelligent.

Read "Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe" it pretty much explains why other intelligent life forms at least in our galaxy are pretty much impossible.

Well look on the bright no human will ever interact with a black hole

I guess humans are special after all. It seems foolish to believe our complex behavior was a simple accident.

>he doesn't know dolphins whales and elephants are basically sentient

Well it is obviously an accident but we really don't know the probabilitities of life occurring and then on top of that complex life and then on top of that intelligent life.

I have trouble considering small children and black people to be fully sapient, let alone fucking whales.

>Intelligent alien life mathematically must exist elsewhere in the universe.

No, it is just considered nearly certain based on shaky theories about emergence of life on Earth and size of the universe.

>extra-dimensional intelligent life
Do you have any idea what you just said?

>black hole
No black holes is what happens when gravity goes haywire.

>Look at Earth where we've had literally billions of species existing in the same environmental conditions and there's just one that evolved to be what we consider intelligent.
Intelligence is a side effect of having a really good processing organ or a brain. If you want smart creatures you have to make mentally challenging environments.

Some that is extradimensional cant be called life because life is three dimensional.

>If you want smart creatures you have to make mentally challenging environments.
The most challenging environments have least intelligent life.

>life is three dimensional
Nothing about life makes it bound to 3 dimensions.

Look dumbass by dimension I mean spatial properties not HURR PARALLEL worlds which s what you are going with.
Challenging is subjective, most arthropods can live anywhere on earth.

It's not an accident. It's a product of a causal chain of events. There's no reason to think it was a product of will, however.
One of the definitions of life is actually non-spatial.

>It's a product of a causal chain of events.
Which are what?

>Challenging is subjective
So doesn't that make
>If you want smart creatures you have to make mentally challenging environments.
not true? Either they all are challenging or we're going by some established criteria.

the real question isn't whether or not there is intelligent life, but whether or not all intelligent life follows the same/a similar path that humans took. Can intelligence take form in any other body other than one with two arms, two legs, fingers, a vocal box, and our special shoulders? Because on Earth, it was our physical form that lended itself to intelligence, hence why the the only truly intelligent species to ever walk the earth all had humanoid forms. Our brain was molded by our bodies and through the things we built with our hands. Without this utility we'd all be dumb as cows right now. everything about our body is perfectly balanced for endurance and utility and good energy consumption. Any small changes and the human design falls apart. Slightly more energy required from being bigger, having extra limbs or organs, etc. and we likely would not have survived. Our form won out in the end because ultimately it was the best form to have for the environment.

Can you even conceive intelligence outside the human model? I cant, which leads me to believe that whatever intelligent life is out there probably looks a lot like us.

The big bang onwards.

>The big bang onwards.
The big bang has nothing to do with sapient life developing except in the most meaningless way.

Another problem us when we think of intelligent life, we completely lack imagination or perspective - we imagine a humanoid bipedal life form existing in complex societies and civilizations, communicating through vocal chords and utilizing a shitload of technology etc. It's the result of absurdly shitty media like Star Trek and Mass Effect making people think that extra terrestrial alien is just a random guy with pointy ears or a fucked up forehead.

I like something like Stanislaw Lem's Solaris much better - an intelligent life form which is an ocean covering a planet that tries to "communicate" by randomly recreating matter out of people's memories and nobody has a fucking clue what it's trying to say. The communication barrier itself is a very interesting topic, we have computer systems created by the same species today that are unable to communicate with each other, yet we're supposed to comprehend something from the other side of the universe?

I think it's possible that there is intelligent life out there, but thinking it mathematically certain is fucking stupid and basically a massive application of the gambler's fallacy.

I also don't think extradimensional life is impossible. I just think there's no reason to think there is extradimensional life. Same with the other shit, there's no reason to think those things.


From the big bang, came the formation of celestial bodies and the various elements of these universe, this the onset of the causal chain of events that lead to the eventual formation of intelligent life. You describing it as an accident is basically just ignoring the fact it stems from a long series of events that cumulated into its existence to make the notion seem random and ridiculous.

We may not even be able to recognize the communication of other intelligent life as that.

>this the onset of the causal chain of events that lead to the eventual formation of intelligent life.
So your saying everything is being moved with a purpose?

Here are the requirements for intelligent LAND based life:
tool manipulating appendages
Social creatures

There you go thats how you get intelligent life because thats what humans and human predecessors are.

The reason the humanoid form is chosen is because of its sleek form, I can imagine a hexapod intelligent creature but I see the additional limbs as baggage.

>life is non spatial
Impossible user literally everything you see around you is space.

>by randomly recreating matter out of people's memories
Theres no way something like that would evolve naturally.

Not with a purpose. Everything is being moved by some sort of initial event.

So what initial even caused life from being unintelligent to being sapient?

The big bang. Intelligent life was not its purpose, there is no reason to think that was its purpose anymore than there is a reason to think jelly donuts was its purpose.

Why would it even need to have shit like limbs to begin with? We need limbs to grab shit and to create tools but what if there's an environment where there's no evolutionary incentive to create technology yet intelligence still develops somehow?

What caused mammals to develop sapience? Evolution gives no reason for humans to think about the things we do.

Black holes are not are the end result of gravity. an object so dense with so much matter it pulls light into it.

Your just playing with semantics. Various meanings of the word "life" involve sentience, movement or even spirits.

Considering we mostly think about accumulating resources, acquiring influence over others in our social groups, and fucking, I don't think that's true either. Adaptive reasoning as a survival strategy makes perfect evolutionary sense and is demonstrably highly successful. As for the shit about our brains that seems detrimental, that still makes evolutionary sense since evolution isn't Hegelian dialectic; it's not moving forward to some eventual ultimate conclusion; it has no will, no drive, and represents the biological equivalent of throwing shit at the wall and seeing sticks only it doesn't care if it sticks or not.

>Considering we mostly think about accumulating resources, acquiring influence over others in our social groups, and fucking, I don't think that's true either. Adaptive reasoning as a survival strategy makes perfect evolutionary sense and is demonstrably highly successful. As for the shit about our brains that seems detrimental, that still makes evolutionary sense since evolution isn't Hegelian dialectic; it's not moving forward to some eventual ultimate conclusion; it has no will, no drive, and represents the biological equivalent of throwing shit at the wall and seeing sticks only it doesn't care if it sticks or not.
There's no biological reason for humanity to wonder why we exist. We aren't talking about Darwin's finches, with the beak sticking if it gets food easier.

Look user when people talk about intelligent life they obviously mean things that can go PEW PEW PEW in space at some point in time, also all complex land creatures would need limbs to move around its an absolute physical law.
As I said before our intelligence is just a side effect of our brain.

without a need to build tools, intelligence on our level would never form. Necessity breeds intelligence, and without that necessity, life doesn't need the brainpower and focuses on other advantages, just like how every species on this planet besides us is just as oblivious to sentience as they've ever been; for billions of years and for another billion years still, nothing on this earth will become intelligent without the limbs to create and use tools. a couple hundred thousand years with tools and humans evolved their brain more than any other species ever did with the entirety of evolutionary history to do so. Imagine that, a couple hundred thousand years overshadowing the previous 4.6 billion years, all because of tools.

Such an entity does not exist, everything we know about life says that it's impossible, and honestly people that deny this start to sound a lot like Christians denying everything because "you don't REALLY know like how could you like know FOR SURE man like you never really know dude"

please refrain from responding to my post in that manner, it really is quite annoying.

>without a need to build tools,intelligence on our level would never form
Elephants, crows, magpies and most cetaceans contradict this.

The source of human intelligence is our social cognition, the first walking apes were idiots that didnt use stone tools to begin with.

>It's mathematically possible to not have other intelligent life forms
>but it's impossible to have intelligent life forms without tools

wew lad

What tools do dolphins create you fucking retard?

>There's no biological reason for humanity to wonder why we exist.

We have brains complex enough to do so. That's the reason.

>nonsense: the post

none of those animals are sentient, nine of them understand death, none of them even recognize themselves as an individual apart from the universe, they all merely "are" without ever asking "why"

You sound like a total idiot claiming that socialization is the ONLY prerequisite when clearly many mammals are social and yet only we are truly intelligent. It was tools AND socialization that led to the evolution of our intelligence, and the fact that we can see in modern mammals what happens when you only have one and not the other should tell you all you need to know.

Agriculture is the cause of civilization without it an intelligent alien is just a savage hunter gatherer, so the lifeforms must be omnivorous or they will never progress beyond a nigger level.

dolphins aren't sentient and could never "think" on the level humans do SPECIFICALLY because they cannot build tools. It is admirable how far they have come without this but that only proves how important tools actually are.

Lots of retards in this thread it seems.

>We have brains complex enough to do so.
Why would we develop such complex brains to worry about abstractions?

>they all merely "are" without ever asking "why"

Have you talked to any of them about it? How would you know? They've all displayed awareness of self in our tests, and many of them are even observed mourning the dead.

>none of those animals are sentient
Plz stop using this word I think you retards mix up sentient and sapient.
>none of them even recognize themselves as an individual apart from the universe
For fuck sake Orca whales can learn dolphin language thats an incredible of intelligence because thats interspecies communication something that even humans cant do.
>You sound like a total idiot claiming that socialization is the ONLY prerequisite when clearly many mammals are social and yet only we are truly intelligent
Primates have more complex social structures than other mammals and are already smarter than most mammals thats why socialization is the cause of higher intelligence in humans.

Because abstract reasoning has been a successful survival strategy.

Its a side effect of how developed our brains are, think of our brain as a computer designed to help us find food and determine the odds of survival in a hunter gatherer lifestyle user.

>aren't sentient
They absolutely are, even fucking cats are sentient. We could argue whether they're SAPIENT though but they're probably that too.

>calling someone else an idiot when you can't tell the difference between sentience and sapience