Is it unethical to smoke cigarettes?

Is it unethical to smoke cigarettes?

Next question.

Is it ethical in a positive sense, then?

Do you consider quickening your death at the expense of temporary relief to be immoral? That is the essence of the question.

If there's nobody nearby to inhale secondhand smoke, you don't have government sponsored health coverage, and you properly put out the butt when you're done so as to avoid fire risk, you're free to smoke all you want.

socialists want to expand the government and then restrict people's rights based on the expansion of government

>implement universal single payer
>force people to do what you want based on economic concerns because you implemented universal single player

It's pretty typical when you open the door to red tape

Lol your insurance company wouldn't want to deal with your shit either. They just cut straight to the point.

It's not unethical but it's stupid.

The demonization of smokers is starting to piss me off desu. Is this a millennial yuppie thing?

Second hand smoke is a meme. It's harmless

Yes, unless you pay the associated Pigovian taxes.
Also, your health insurance company should be allowed to enact higher fee on you.

before anyone answers this question, consider that having a passive lifestyle is also quickening your death at the expense of temporary relief

Regular exposure to second hand smoke is literally statistically significant. If a passerby walks through a plume of cigarette smoke they'll be absolutely fine, but you have kids/a partner/roommates and smoke indoors around them regularly, then you're doing them harm.

>this pic

I bet Stirner smoked so much that he got brain cancer and became a spookbuster.

don't do that shit near me, it's violating the NAP

No, at least in Australia taxation on cigarettes more than covers the state funded healthcare for smoking related illness.
Infact, they make a lot of profit from cigarette sales.

20 Marlboro lights: $19-24

They also have good help for people with addictions. If you seek help and quit cigs that's good for Australia. If you continue to smoke it's still good for them either way.

That's a name I haven't heard in a loooooong time

Do you consider addiction to be immoral?

addiction to what

if it detracts from your interactions with others in a negative way, it's arguably wrong.

So Veeky Forums is now morally wrong?

Because of how we treat each other, or because of how it affects our actions offline?

>your health insurance company should be allowed to enact higher fee on you.

Little did he know that in europe you don't have to pay, also fuck you and your insurance company