ITT we brainstorm reasons why Bismarck shouldn't be remembered by history

ITT we brainstorm non-meme reasons why Bismarck shouldn't be remembered by history. I'll start:
Implemented Social Security

>Sees amount of comments

he united the german people

He started WW1

>started world war I

>this fucking thread

mods ban this guy

well in that case he started world war II as well






probably that bump on his forehead

His good looks

>start with a conclusion and find evidence after the fact

Go fuck yourself.

He hated Krauts who disagreed with him, but he hated other countries even more.

Because he makes froggies butthurt.

he's german

>Bismarck started WW1
>Bismarck killed Charles the Bold
>Bismarck burned down the Library of Alexanderia
>Bismarck burned down the Reichstag
>Bismarck created Belgium

>thread asks for reasons why Bismark SHOULDN'T be remembered
>people post bad things """he""" did as if we aren't supposed to remember the """bad""" people in history

> expecting good answers in an obvious bit thread

He ate 16 eggs a day. Prince Flatus.

He revoked civil liberties

Here is the pic you are looking for

>people post bad things """he""" did as if we aren't supposed to remember the """bad""" people in history
No you idiot, people are posting things he didn't do and therefore shouldn't be remembered by history because of.
