Why did the Coalition let Napoleon live... twice

Why did the Coalition let Napoleon live... twice.

The first time he was "exiled" he was given a small country to run for fuck sake.

Did the Coalition not want to punish him for all the Coalition troops he had been responsible for killing?

They didn't want to make a martyr of him.

Why did Napoleon let the coalised monarchs live... several times.

Killing monarchs was considered barbaric, no one wanted to get on the level of French

Life in prison then.

Both times he was exiled, he was in essence rewarded. As both times he was granted a life superior to the average citizen of the time.

The first time he was exiled he was given a country of 80,000 people to run.

The second time he was sent to a far away island to live in solitude, but they gave him a mansion.

Also like how the fuck did they consider sending him to Elba to be an effective exiling?

It's right next to the coast of turkey and there are plenty of boats for him to escape on. No one was even watching him. They literally gave him an entire island to run.

He even managed to build a fucking army to escape with.

>It's right next to the coast of turkey

I meant Italy

You're an imbecile who obviously know very little about the era and try to judge it by modern standards
Napoleon conquered Vienna twice and Berlin once
He didnt execute the Austrian Emperor or the Prussian King, he didnt even dethrone them, despite the fact they had started a war against him (in Austria's case, several times)

Dethroning Napoleon was already a very dickish move on the coalition's part, that only passed because Napoleon wasn't of Royal birth
Killing him would be unimaginable and absolutly unfair

>Did the Coalition not want to punish him for all the Coalition troops he had been responsible for killing?
How was Napoleon responsible for the death in wars started by the coalition members?
Learn the bare minimum about the topic before making threads about it, cretin

Britain thought it was a bad idea to exile him to Elba

The dude is obviously an utter imbecile
He probably confused with Cyprus


>wars started by the coalition members?

So all that conquering of Europe Napoleon did was merely defensive conquering?

This is "Hitler wuz a gud boy treaty of Versailles was unfair" tier.

>Revolutionay war
>Seven coalition
After some time he just decide that conquer everything was the only way to stop being invaded every month by inbreed fucker.

>So all that conquering of Europe Napoleon did was merely defensive conquering?

Why does it seem so incredible to you, do you think because you're fighting a defensive war it means you have to entrench yourself in your own territory and absolutly not invade the territory of the countries that are attacking you?

When the attackers arent as good at war as the attacked, it isnt exceptional to see the attackers get conquered as a result of the war they themselves started
You seriously need to stop shitting up this board and educate yourself some more about history

Conquering is by definition not defensive.

It wasn't conquest, it was spreading the revolution to people under tyranny.

When it's the only way to prevent being invaded by all your neighbors, it is.

And replacing it with a different brand of tyranny.

By this logic we should kill everyone in the middle east to stop terrorism.

Before Napoleon's arrival to power, France already had Italy, Switzerland and the Netherlands because of the previous wars
So now let's look at the Napoleonic Conquests

>War of the Third Coalition
>Started by Britain, the HRE and Russia
>Ends with France controlling Germany (Confederation of the Rhine)

>War of the Fourth Coalition
>Started by Prussia
>Ends with France controlling Poland (Duchy of Warsaw) and Prussia and Sweden becoming France's bitch

>War of the Fifthy Coalition
>Started by Austria
>Ends with France controlling Illyria and Austria becoming France's bitch

As you can see, the only Napoleonic conquest that was caused by an aggression on France's part was Spain

By your own logic, the Coalition that you love so much should never have invaded France to stop Napoleon (as that's aggressive) and thus never been in position to kill him like you want


Because you didn't kill monarchs or leaders of countries back then, if you could avoid it.

That's one of the reasons Republican France was assailed on all sides (at least, the official excuse): that they had dared to kill its monarch after deposing him.

>The second time he was sent to a far away island to live in solitude, but they gave him a mansion.

Which was also rumored to be part of a fabricated stealthy execution of him.

The "mansion" was not adequate for long term living conditions, especially for a guy with major health issues.

Someone had to stop him trying to increase French influence.

we should

and it would work

And some (Napoleon) had to stop European Monarchies from attacking France
If the coalition invasion of France is justified, then so was the Napoleonic invasion of these countries when they attacked France

If Napoleon deserved to be executed, then it was the same for the Austrian Emperor, the Russian Tsar, the Prussian King and the British PMs

>If Napoleon deserved to be executed, then it was the same for the Austrian Emperor, the Russian Tsar, the Prussian King

Do you really not see the difference between the former and the latter?

The former was a plebiscited leader and a brillant general and lawgiver while the latter were just hereditary tyrans ?

One is guy who bring a country near constant civil war to peace, destroy feodalism, treat the defeated well and make europe great again and the other were just warmongering tyran ready to kill their own people for glory and land?

You guys realise the only difference between Europe after the French Revolution and after Napoleon and before was that the new aristocrats didn't call themselves aristocrats?

The oppressed mass was still opposed.

Napoleon created a hereditary monarchy, let's not treat him like he founded a presidential republic with right to vote extended to all men.

Napoleon involved the pope in his coronation and he married the daughter of the Austrian Emperor.

He was the lawful Emperor of the French.

The former was a nobody that rose to power thank to his skills and thus promoted meritocracy over blood feudalism during his reign

The later were a bunch of faggots who were born at the head of their country and kept attacking France because they couldnt stand the fact a commoner had become emperor of Europe's strongest nation
Russia still had fucking serfs for fuck sake

>Nobody that rose through the ranks
>Born into nobility and riches
>His privilege allowed him to go to an expensive and exclusive military academy, where on graduation he was handed a commissioned officer rank.

This is like people who called Diana the people's princess even though she's a member of the prestigious Spencer family.

>let's not treat him like he founded a presidential republic with right to vote extended to all men.

No one claims he did
We're just reminding imbeciles like the OP that Napoleon was much more fair, progressive and democratic (by the era's standards, not modern ones) than the monarchs that opposed him

>code civil
>no feudalism
Yeah nothing changed at all.

>I'm slightly less noble than you are therefore when I do something I earned it.

>Born into nobility and riches
XVIIIth century Corsica wasn't rich, believe me i know the subject. and the Buonaparte family wasn't high nobility but rather like a respectable bourgeois village family, like your average doctor or your lawyer today, it wasn't like they were some german princes or whatever.

>Born into nobility and riches
Still a nobody and almost a foreigner with that

>His privilege allowed him to go to an expensive and exclusive military academy, where on graduation he was handed a commissioned officer rank.
Yeah, he came out of this school as an artillery lieutenant, still quite far from emperor
Do you know how many lieutenants there were in the Revolutionary Army? Over a million (literally)

He was constantly bullied in military school because he was a nobody from bumfuck nowhere in Corsica and had a funny accent.

His rise began when he kicked the brits out of Toulon as a simple commander of artillery and didn't stop until he became Emperor.

Stop lying you salty fuck.

The very fact that some reatard can screw you because he has a certificate in whatever is an avancement plebe.
You can also have a certificate and screw people.

truly our guy.

His top generals were Murat (son of tavern owner) and Ney (son of barrel-cooper)

Try to compare that with the highest coalition generals who were all princes and dukes

>not meritocracy

The average person back then spent most of their time starving to death.

In Russia maybe, but not in Western Europe

That's a bold assertion. Citation needed.

t. Chinese

>Napoleon was much more fair, progressive and democratic (by the era's standards, not modern ones) than the monarchs that opposed him
Napoleon's naked aggression condemned millions to poverty and death from Portugal to Russia. Yet you make out he was some kind of progressive messiah

The real question is why they didn't carve up/balkanize france

Fucking horrible country with even worse people


France officialy win the napoleonic war.
I don't shit you, they're just the ultimate troll country.

did we hurt your feelings when you went to paris, retard

>Coalition btfo then and btfo now in this thread.

Generally, people had respect for high ranking enemy officers in a battle at the times. Wellington refused to fire at him in waterloo, for example, and there were hardly ever emphasis on killing leaders