You dumb fucks, you're all missing the best coin on the market. Look at that graph. See you all on the 15th:^)

Don't say no one told you so.

> Wait for Digi-Pump on the 9th
> Cash out of Digichan
> All in on Swarm City
> Profit?

Sound like a good plan, or would that be too late?

Could both happen at once

>thank me later

moon announced, today!

Damnit. Have a few scattered investments in other shit, with a 5k investment in Strat atm (Started at $400, \o/ )

Strat has been good to me, and I don't want to miss the moons on the other coins either... Decisions.

>You sell Digichan
>Swarm City dumps
>All people that invested in Swarm city dump back into DigiChan

Welp, looks like you sold at a loss and can't get back on the DigiChan rocket.

Shhh user let the goy buy at the peak.

>pretty much this

>the selling bot is still there.
Someone's unloading their bags onto you guys

He didn't buy at peak. Just at A peak.There is a small selling bot, and some early buyers taking profit, but the market maker comes in spurts. Right now, he's letting weak hands sell for a while to clear the way for mooning.The rocket is fueling up.

This is just like Bitcoin and Ethereum. It's too useful for these short term pump and dump fags to wrap their heads around. They want to trade shit coins and get high off retarded investments. They'll be on board later, you just get yours while they're stuck on stupid coins.

I don't know. I think Strat and Digibyte at several hundred to a billion dollar valuations have more room for growth.

>not sure if serious

Not serious. Buy SWeeT tokens. It is massively under the radar, massive potential.

Hell yeah this coin is going places

this one will moon, sooner than you all think. wish I wasn't poor too invest more

I don't invest in rebranded scams i.e. rebranded Arcade City, rebranded Xcurrency, rebranded DogeCoinDark

But OP, I picked up a small holding of 100 for 99k each :)

This isn't a rebranded scam. A development team approached Christopher David because they liked his idea. Later on it was revealed he was a shady guy, so actually Christopher David agreed to step down and hand over the project to another Mayor. After that, people like you still talked shit, so it was decided that there needed to be a complete rebranding to completely distance from Arcade City. That actually pissed off Christopher David, and he is still angry about it to this day. He was a gigantic faggot unfortunately, just like you.

How SWT is doing compared to BTC

Where to buy tokens for moon mission?

Bittrex or shapeshift


im stocked and loaded boys lets do this

>literally running out of physical money and credit cards to max out

bittrex and it's going up right now (slow but steady)

Hey guys, retard here.

Every time I deposit to bittrex nothing shows up in pending deposits. I've wasted like $10 trying to put money into this shit. Can someone help me???

Bittrex wont show your deposit until the balance is greater than 0.1 BTC.

don't get greedy, make some calculated decisions with the lion's share and some skechy bets with the rest
400-5k is unheard of at most points in time and with most investment vehicles

swarm city has tons of meme value, normie urbanites will eat this shit up

Try to deposit some eth or ltc then sell for btc

we are leaving

The fire rises

Also Buterin's dad is on board.

i got my bag. i hope this will be yet another great Veeky Forums project. love you guys

love you too