Communism, fascism and capitalism

communism, fascism and capitalism

whats the worst for the average citizen? whats the worst for the collective good?

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Communism and communism.

>average citizen
Communism is the worst. Fascism sucks dick for minorities but average citizens usually live well.

wow that's edgiest quote I've seen in quite a while

here let me up the ante


Capitalists get rich while fascists and communists blow each other's brains out

So capitalism is best

>his country is pseudo occupied until 1990 by communists
>his people are oppressed and live in shit due to communists
cant blame a pole for having a savage attitude towards commies

Communism is simply impossible with a population that has an average IQ of a 100.

isn't communism for the "working class"

To be fair Poles should have been long used to living in shit conditions.

what if their IQ is 101?

The working class doesn't have to be retarded.

Then they should check those numbers

>Communism is simply impossible
Could've ended there

So communism cannot work in 99% of the world?

just because you shit in your bed the past week doesnt mean you have to shit in your bed tonight

So is fascism really, both are intented for literal dregs of society


turns out getting oppressed isnt fun and effective

such a bare dehumanizations of ones enemies is the edgy part, no matter what you might think your enemies are human too and often just as convinced as you are that their cause is just

>communists are people

in all honesty and meme-ery aside, i do like your sincerity and non-shitposting


You have no idea how war works, do you.

decent at best for the average citizen, awful depending on what "kind of communism" you're talking about
pretty shit for collective good since either the state is non existent and foreign invasion is immanent, or the state goes beserk when establishing itself

usually good for average citizen, tries to satisfy more needs than simply materialistic ones (which can't be said for the other ideologies)
usually doesn't work in long term since it relies on aggressive expansion which obviously can't work in the modern world

good if you're in the nice part of society, terrible otherwise
not that great for the collective good desu, it encourages profits and growth above all else which is simply not sustainable at this point
the moral of the story is there is no system that works for the collective good

do you?

>Communism: a totalitarian state system where the major political and economical model is socialistic/marxist

>Fascism: a totalitarian state system where the major political system is antimarxist/nationalistic in tone, but can have socialistic economic undercurrents (state-paid healthcare, pensions etc.)

>Capitalism: an economic system based on private capital and the free exhange of trade goods and services.

Literally any of these can be horrendous for the average citizen when implemented incorrectly or given to the wrong hands to reign. However, communism seems to be the most LIKELY to end is a shitfest for both the individual and collective, while moderate fascism is the least likely.

unless you're a minority that is

yeah right we need to have 200IQ supermen for communism to finally work. sounds alot like Hitler thats because all collectivist movements are the same evil

Fascism is a meme.

Capitalism worked great for the world until Globalism infected it.


And getting the average soldier to discharge his weapon at a human being is difficult enough. Allowing him to humanize the enemy will make that even more difficult.

It makes for an ineffective fighting force to see the enemy as just average Joes.

Communism is best for average people. No unemployment, no hunger, no homelessness, no going bankrupt because of a faulty tooth.

Capitalism is worse, as your humanity is only measured not per se, but by how much you can help to continue the irrationally of perpetual growth. Only elites can have a magnificent life in capitalism, it doesn't really differs from old monarchies.

Fascism is tricky. Minorities and "the others" suffer. The ethnic majority is normally intoxicated with mental fascination towards their leaders.

one can only imagine the ideology that was required to create this post

>no hunger

Historically speaking, if we were to do a sort of Rawlsian game, anyone behind the veil of ignorance who doesn't choose fascism or capitalism rather than communism is an imbecile.

The average fascist (and I'm using the terms as is colloquially used, that is any authoritarian or totalitarian right wing government) on average didn't kill or cause the death of their own population en masse.

which is another reason to keep nations ethnically homogeneous

That's bullshit and you know it.

>your enemies are human too and often just as convinced as you are that their cause is just
except I'm right and they're wrong

>no hunger
>the vast majority of deaths attributed to communism were due to starvation from mismanagement of land


>no one mentions feudalism

boy owning a house in full that you and your friends built together in a weekend and having 8 children with your waifu while being totally ignorant of the horrible world 10km beyond your comfy village must have been really horrible huh

>Capitalism worked great for the world

Children like working. It develops their brain.

>Capitalism worked great for the world

>shitty technology in its infancy is capitalism's fault

should have called it a day on capitalism before all the mass immigration started

Communism on paper sounds like it offers the most benefit to average citizens, but in practice it tends to just make everybody miserable and then they get used to it. Turns out that average citizens don't particularly care about owning the means of production, they'd rather they just have middle class amenities so they can live in comfort, even if they're in the bottom tax bracket and swimming in debt.

In a fascist state the average citizen is a bit different since it is something essentially manufactured by the state. Fascists actively prune away undesirable elements from their societies in order to create their ideal average citizen. So under a such a government, it depends on whether or not you have the qualities your fascist regime finds desirable in an average citizen. If you do, then you'll be well-taken care of provided you keep your head down and your mouth shut. If not, then you won't have long to regret your misfortune at least. Overall not a bad life if you have the ambitions of a housepet.

Capitalism to the average citizen merely creates a system where luxury goods are absurdly cheap and living in comfort while below the poverty line is not only possible, it's extremely easy. Moreover, the capitalist system is great for creating the illusion of progress and advancement, which keeps people hooked in and participating in it. Gotta build that retirement nest egg, gotta build a college fund for my kid so they can do the same rat race I'm doing right now, gotta buy that new TV cause all my neighbors have the new one I'll be damned if I look cheap next to those bastards. A myopic, materialistic, shallow lifestyle, but one that distracts very nicely from the cruel unfairness of life.

>being a serf

>Capitalism worked great for the world

>people shoot each other it's the eternal capitalist's fault yet again

You seem to have a very misinformed understanding of Feudalism.

>The "Communism is good on paper" meme.

It's not even good on paper. It's literally Kierkegaard's Leveling: The Ideology.

No hierarchy of value = Nothing has value.

>Capitalism worked great for the world, obviously wars fought for commercial interests aren't related to capitalism at all

They aren't. You'd understand if your puny Marxist brain was capable of discerning the world through more than the restricted lens of class struggle. This absurd childish tendency of communists to label anything that isn't communism as capitalism is one of several reasons why nobody takes you seriously. Your definition of capitalism seems to be "anything involving money that's bad".

>*takes drag on blunt* u b saying war didn't exist prior to capitalism n shiet

By that I mean it sounds good in a vague way. Like if you don't pay too much attention to details or plans. The idea of it is good. But the minute you start getting concrete, about how to enact it, problems start cropping up.

Yeah man, every war fought for commercial reasons for the last 5000 years was obviously capitalism at work. Oh sure people might try to confuse us wise communists by insisting that other motives and forces exist that inform geopolitics, but we know better. Life really is so simple that you can reduce it to a single ideological conflict that is stark black and white, with capitalists as the cartoonish villains. It's funny how that works out.

>communism just devolves into fascism
>fascism is for cuckolds with daddy issues who get off on being dominated by powerful men
>capitalism is for cuckolds who get off on being dommed by their boss
why don't we just have nothing?

Take the feudalismpill

You reap what you sow and King Chad gets a taste. Way less than Mr. Shekelstein or Comrade Commissar or Opensturhbumfuhrer

Call us back when you're not 16.

russian intelligence are behind pictures flooding the internet just an FYI, wouldn't be surprised if they turn the whole world into neo serf sustinence farmers after the next major global happening desu

>communism just devolves into fascism
name me 1 (one) example of this happening

USSR unironically. Not even him btw.

ussr comes to mind with it being an oppressive police state and having a central daddy figure
nkorea is basically run by korean nazism (juche)

well put sir

Literally all the countries that have been governed by Communist Parties the last 100 years have become totalitarian and genocidal.

>average citizen
>the collective good

lf these are ever different then you have some super serious spooks

lmao, he really did show them commies by running away to africa and killing niggers, while some people actually tried to make their country a place worth living in.

>it's another "fascism is what I don't like episode"

>To a Commie fascism is whatever kind of government enforces the capitalist order
>Meanwhile they do a sleight of hand whenever someone criticizes Communism by using the Soviet Union as the leading example by saying it was "State capitalism"
>Somehow this isn't fascist though

Make up your mind you schizophrenic.

I'm a national socialist and the real redpill for me was when I realized Stalin was more of a real national socialist than Hitler.


>fascism is whatever kind of government enforces the capitalist order
the fuck are you on about

It did redpill me, not even memeing.

>the fuck are you on about

You tell me sperg.

well I think you took some argument deluded people use and then with some mental gymnastics concluded that the soviet union was fascist
honestly I'm not very sure

>an idea created with the sole purpose of smearing Stalin's reputation
kek, i bet you think you're so smart for posting a wikipedia article where all the sources are by communists who had a negative view of the soviets

Ideally fascism would be best.
In theory communism is best.
In practice capitalism is best.

Saying something is fascist is praising it. Bolshevism was Jew shit and Stalin greatly improved it.

>being authoritarian

It's more than likely that you would be the one being oppressed, not the other way around.

Oppression is a meme.