Will we see $2000 per ounce gold in the next ten years?

Will we see $2000 per ounce gold in the next ten years?

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kill yourself murrican faggot

Gold, silver and (((fiat))) are yesterdays news, nobody wants those whalebags of gold and silver user

>implying that meme applies to gold
kys newfag

It will fall down to less than 100 bucks in ~20 years as btc becomes the new gold and gold gets degraded to the useless piece of shit metal it is


So you want us to invest our hard cash in something that only exists in your mind that could disappear in an instant with no trace?

american cunts detected

Fiat value only exists in your mind too and you still own it

That principle applies to literally anything.

LOL, look at grandpa talking here.
The only way for BTC to lose value is for the internet to disappear. By then you'd better start trading bullets and food and toilet paper, because nobody would need your fucking gold anyways either in that post apocalyptic world without internet

well, you would be trading gold for tons of toilette paper then

nobody would want your fucking useless gold, that's the fucking point
you could give people 1 ton of gold, but they'd rather have to toilet paper instead

You people really do not think there is a good possibility this crypto shit isn't a giant ponzi scheme?

fuck off gramps, go invest in gold like a shabbos goy

Nigga among all the things that will be used as currency in the post-internet hellscape you can bet your ass gold is one of them. I like crypto as much as the next guy but let's be real here.

of course it is
the thing is, we're all IN on it.

yeah, everyone is trading gold bars in exchange for food and fuel in all the post apocalyptic movies I've seen

Are you really expecting to somehow still be alive if the internet is shut down ?

>By then you'd better start trading bullets and food and toilet paper, because nobody would need your fucking gold anyways either in that post apocalyptic world without internet

I hold mostly crypto, but the argument that no one would accept gold in a post apocalyptic scenario and would instead go back to the barter system is nonsense.

People started using mediums of exchange in the first place because of how inefficient bartering is. In a scenario where the internet and banking system no longer exists, gold and silver would become the de facto mediums of exchange, for the same reasons people have used it for all of human history - it is ideal as a physical store of value.

Gold will pick up in 5 years when the CIA conducts yet another false flag and later "discovers" that the "terrorist" act was funded using bitcoin, thus enabling them to outlaw its use and cause investors to seek the hustorical safe-havens of USD/CHF, gold and silver while the rest of the world continues to embrace block chain which causes the inflationary petro-dollar to finally face its well-deserved destruction when they abandon it as global reserve currency.

Not happening, government is going to endorse the blockchain to bring on the NWO that everyone has been larping on about for decades now


No, I will die from shock as the thin veneer of meaning is stripped from my miserable life.
M8 are you literally trying to use hollywood movies as a legitimate argument?

As soon as phyzz divorces (((paper gold))) exchange

Umm ok they're going to embrace a currency that they cannot rob value from using inflation, no centralized means of control, yeah the Federal Reserve is just going to eat this up, yeah sure buddy. Do you realize the shit they went through to enact the giant scam known as fiat currency? Uhh yeah.


if the internet is gone why live?

It's really a shame they put all that effort into something that's going to be wiped away by computer nerds

>cannot rob value, but literally own value and potentially create value (better position)
>XRP, Ethereum and quite a few others aren't decentralized

brainlet nocoiner detected

??? brainlet detected

It's why they sank the Titanic... to safely get rid of their 3 largest opponents... John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim, Isador Strauss.

If those men had lived then there would be no Federal Reserve.

gold has been a real disappointment in the past years. it has been stagnating since 2013.
so maybe we will see a spike somewhere soon but overall don't get your hopes up. the world is changing. gold is less and less important and mined at an ever increasing rate.

You think I'm a no-coiner? Hahahaha

Do you enjoy being wrong?

>the world is changing. gold is less and less important
Not to central banks and sovereign states. Russia and especially China are buying up a fuck load of Gold. They like to deride Gold as a barbarous relic and a useless commodity but it will play a role in the future as the Dollar dies. They just don't want to average citizen to show interest in it. Yet.

If you don't invest in precious metals its probably because you're a meme spouting internet faggot.

If you don't invest in crypto its probably because you're too fucking stupid to know how math (cryptography) works.

Gold's not going anywhere. It exists in the real world. Doesn't need electricity and computers to exist. Cannot be destroyed. Cannot be lost forever. It has been the storage of value for thousands of years. It will remain a storage of value for the next thousand years.

the US can literally just take your bullion

Bitcoin will save you from a hail of bullets


That was sarcasm by the way.

Gold has value for the exact same reason bitcoin has value. People pay that price for it.
The question is, which one will be attracting the next pseudo-intellectual, technology addict generation?

Are you serious.

gold has value because it's one of the few precious metals that doesn't deteriorate physically. It's also used for alot of pratical purposes and luxury purposes.

Bitcooin has some value but most of it is pure speculation lol. However there will be alot more money to be me in cryptos than gold the next 5-10 years or so

price of gold is usually stated in $/troy oz worldwide if you are wondering why people are making fun of you

By the same logic, they can also block access to the major exchanges which will knock out most people since they don't have a clue about DNS or how the Internet works. They can make it illegal to possess or trade crypto. They can put pressure on banks and other institutions to restrict transactions on customers accounts.

He's not wrong though. ANYTHING only has value because people give it value and are willing to accept it in exchange for goods and services. Different people place value in different things. For example, watch this:


there is no niggers in my country, you fat cucks