Why wasn't fascism more popular in Britain?

Why wasn't fascism more popular in Britain?

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the whole point of fascism is that its the government form of nostalgia for the good old days when we had a king and everything was rosy and perfect. Britain still had a king and he hadn't had any real power in centuries, so no nostalgia for being ruled by a despot.


Britain was on top of its game and fascism is a reactionary ideology so there was no need for it

There wasnt enough support amoung the mainly left leaning Working and Middle classes.

For instance when it was clear Franco would win about 70% Of Britons still considered the Republic the legitimate Spanish government.

1) Democratic tradition. People weren't too keen on the idea of giving up political power. This is in contrast with places like Germany, which until very recently had a hugely powerful king and military caste.

2) Fascism is powered by a sense of crisis. Yes, the Depression was bad in Britain. But it wasn't "Communists take over London" bad. Britain was still a pretty decent place to be, particularly compared to the continent.

3) While Mosley himself was reasonably intelligent and well spoken, many of the people following him were basically just jewbaiting assholes. As we mentioned in 2, the people in Britain weren't angry enough to go with "The Jews are behind it all."

Anglo-protestant nation with long history of democratic government is far different from the Latin-Roman Catholic nations with a long history of more authoritarian rule Fascism was designed for.

Because Britain integrated the monarchy into their liberal democratic government, preventing a fascist opposition movement from calling on reactionary sentiments to fuel their rise to power.

The Monarchy.

Wasn't Italy a Kingdom?

Fascism is not reactionary, and Mosley's ideas were anything but.


This, fascism is right wing revolution.

It was rather un-British. Mosley could have gone the party route and become Prime Minister, but then he fell in love with Italian Fascism and formed the Blackshirts.

>fascism is a reactionary ideology

>nostalgia for the good old days when we had a king

Why is everyone on this board dumber than shit?

Every time I see Oswald Mosley I laugh.

>Implying anglicism is different from Roman Catholicism in any way

Presbyterianism, Methodism, and Anabaptism are.

>Implying those make up a significant percentage of the British population

You arent helping.

>Not a significant percentage of the British population

IT really isnt. It has always been sparsely populated and was never powerful. Presbyterians make up 2,2% of the British population nowadays

Plus the Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostals and Quakers.

Well within the margin of a rounding error

All together they make up a significant portion of the Christian population in the UK which explains why this user made a good point the cultural difference between Anglo-Protestant nations and Latin-Catholic ones.

Socialists toned down (but didn't dilute) their rhetoric enough to effect real change in the Labour movement, which fly-trapped listless anti-establishmentarians.

Because of liberals. Fuck liberals

The Anglo enjoys the authoritarian aspect of it but then recoils at the idea of sacrificing for others.

>the whole point of fascism is that its the government form of nostalgia for the good old days when we had a king and everything was rosy and perfect

>ignoring the fact that Italy, the home of fascism, had a king in 1922

Fascism, being a cult, can only thrive when things are REALLY shitty and people are desperate. Britain won WW1 and while they were facing troubles, they werent THAT bad off so Mosleys pandering didnt really work.

Also, Mosley was a gutless worm and an tactless idiot. He was good at giving speeches and rabble rousing, but he sucked horribly at the game

>Fascism, being a cult,
Liberalism, being a cult
Communism, being a cult

Thank you, good post.

LITERALLY not an argument

Actually Fascism was quite popular in Britain. But then this little war started and British fascists suddenly found themselves on the wrong side. So they denied their love for Fascism.

becasue facism is white supremacy and racist, and sexist and anti-semetic
take this shit to /pol/

>Actually Fascism was quite popular in Britain

no it wasnt.

Every political ideology is cult like desu.
Can't fucking trust anyone/

Daily reminder:

what the fuck was he thinking

Something about the water

I think Orwell said something about British people preferring their MPs to be grey boring old men in boring suits. The second yiu start wearing jackboots people start laughing at you