Hungarian Revolution of 1956

So what actually happened during the 1956 uprising? Most accounts of it seem too biased to trust so the whole event just seems to be a blur. Be it "forgotten" from Soviet propaganda or elsewhere. Tankies try to say it was a fascist counter-revolution but other lefties like Trotskyists say it was an attempt to create a true socialist state with direct democracy and the like instead of a failing Soviet puppet.

These people, after the Second World War megtorlásból had had enough. I would say that the fascist uprising, mainly because they were people who were in terror of Jewish descent. Matyas Rakosi See (aka Matthias Rosenberg.)


turns out communism is shit and oppression isnt fun

>people in the back smiling
>dressed nice
>young girls holding Guns
>"not fun."


I meant life before the uprising, capturing tanks from smelly vatniks must be fun

>that sneaky hitler



Both sides have valid points. It was an attempt to create a true socialist state that would degenerate into a fascist counter-revolution given enough time.

Just look at Hungary today. Do you think this people has any capacity for "true socialism"?

seems like they dont want refugees and just want to be left alone


"true socialism" is simply worker ownership of production through worker's councils and they had already supposedly set the groundwork for that up before they got rekt.

Water polo.

they rounded up secret police and shoot them or hang them from lamp posts, which is always a heartwarming sight

Everyone wants to put some narrative into it, but there just wasn't a cohesive goal beyond stopping the stalinist dictatorship, throwing off the shackles of its oppression and terror. Groups very separate in political thought fought together either closely workign together or just loosely supporting same short-erm goals. There were worker councils in factories, but also many petit bourgeois, ex-landowner peasents, ex-soldiers, and most important of all, the group that triggered the very revolt, students, both university and just high school kids.

It was largely triggered by godawful economic policies that created huge shortages in food and common goods, because investing debil amounts into heavy industry and military.

An ancedote from the type reflects well. A well-known writer travels down to report the construction of a the brand new town of Stalin-city, in particular its huge new steel mill. Its about March and he arrived to what is just plains with some dirtworks. He visits the local construction leader, who in typical communist fashion presents rehearsed phrases about how the glorious hungarian people is striving hardest to mold socialism into steel in this great fortress of industry. then he asks for the reporters name again, askins does he happen to be son of x. The reporter nods, and he leader replies: in that case i can tell you, dicks will flow here by August, not steel.

Also for some reason many internet leftists ignore the very clear points the first protests laid out:

"Péter Veres read a manifesto to the crowd, which included: The desire for Hungary to be independent from all foreign powers; a political system based on democratic socialism (land reform and public ownership of businesses); Hungary joining the United Nations; and citizens of Hungary should have all the rights of free men.

After the students read their proclamation, the crowd chanted a censored patriotic poem the "National Song", with the refrain: "This we swear, this we swear, that we will no longer be slaves.

Someone in the crowd cut out the Communist coat of arms from the Hungarian flag, leaving a distinctive hole, and others quickly followed suit."

And on October 30 Nagy declared that there'll be free, secret multi-party elections. Do note that in the last post-war election that was still free, it was ther party of small-land owners, christian-democratic in spirit that got an absolute majority of votes.

I know lot of people cry fascists when pics of lynched and shot commies are shown, as if those weren't the guys that terrorized the Hungarian people for years before the revolution, and shot in crowd when the revolution was still just a peaceful protest.

These fucks dont deserve an inch of sympathy. I heard stories about have the state security made people join the kolhozes, and they did not not fear using torture.

On an occasion in my grandparents village they "invited" those still owning land for a dinner and talk about why socialism is so awesome, served very salty food but no drinks, then locked them up for 2 days, only letting those out who agreed to sign the paper.

>can die at literally any moment

yeah... fun

the guy on the right looks like a movie star. this entire pic looks like it's from a movie

Yes, and these worker's council would be crushed by well-organized fascists as easily as the worker's councils in Catalonia or whatever shithole you cling on to justify your failed ideology.

Jesus Christ, do you really believe your utopian government never took root because of any other reason than it being inherently unstable and easy picking for conquest?