Can someone give me a quick rundown on why catholics accept the idea that they are inherently sinful and basically...

Can someone give me a quick rundown on why catholics accept the idea that they are inherently sinful and basically exist to serve God?

Original sin

Augustine, there are others, but he is the most important

Catholics believe that only thru raping children can they be freed from the innate sinfulness of humanity.

Your parents are evil because their parents were evil and they taught you to be evil along with everyone else.

Fuck off edgetheist

I'm a Christian not a polytheist.

What's edgier, creating systems which propagate child abuse with built in obfuscation and cover-ups at deep institutional levels; or simply making light of this?

So the US government, school systems, sports institutions are super edgy in your mind?

Of course.

Not as edgy as Catholicism though.

I hope you know that catholicism doesnt exist solely for that purpose correct?

I disagree.

i dont know who this guys are, can you give me a quick rundown?

In that case. I can assume that youre about 5'5, 250 lbs, have a patchy neckbeard, and enjoy collecting swords, fedoras, and anime figurines.

That's the worst defence of raping children I have ever heard.

it was but you're just being disingenuous. Obviously the Catholic church has some nasty fucking cancer but it does an incredible amount of shit outside kiddy fiddling

Obviously. There's only so many times even a Catholic can shoot their load into a child a day.

go to bed, luther

>I rape children



brothers bogdanoff. some of the most inaccessible people in the world, some people have told me. if you ever happen to get hold of them though nobody i've known has come out the same afterward. several are now alcoholics, others are now in mental asylums, shouting stuff about "the others" or the "seraphs". these guys are dangerous, in a word. they look young on the surface, but truth be told I've seen pictures of these guys in audience with Tsar Nicky. Other pics are floating around showing them at the siege of sevastopol. go to the louvre or the british museum and on close inspection you'll see them in several large scale historical paintings, jacque-louis david's sketches of napoleon's coronation for example (they fell out of napoleon's favor after they refused to support the continental blockade and so David took them out). At Tilsit, interestingly enough, they have changed sides, walking among Tsar Alexander I's aides-de-camps. Certain sources have also pointed me to certain paintings of Qing martial prowess in the Summer Palace, destroyed in the Second Opium War, having several depictions of the brothers adorned on the wall (literal and symbolic, the Emperor Kangxi dedicated a certain subspecies of lily flower in their remembrance for a certain victory, their names in Mandarin resembling a phrase akin to "heavenly flower spirit"). I can't say much more except that these guys are extraordinarily important to the functioning of the current international financial system. Their net worth rivals several the GDP of several G7 countries so that it can be said that and fluctuation in their value can have unforeseen consequences. I've seen economists treat them as though they were sovereign nations unto themselves, with their own GDP, PPP, HDI and other such economic metrics. be careful, user, don't dig too deep into this. You won't like what you find if you ask any further.