What is the most heretical "denomination" of "Christianity"?

What is the most heretical "denomination" of "Christianity"?

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mormonism by far


Ones that started 1500 years after the first church

If Mormonism counts as Christianity, then Islam counts as a type of Christianity.

If you want to consider Mormons to be Christian at all. They're literally polytheists.


As desert polygamists they're really not that different.

Probably some early Christian interpretation offshoot group.
There were a lot of weirdos back then.


At the moment I would say the biggest heresy right now is Jehovahs Witness or Mormonism

Historically it's probably the gnostics, their thought won't stay dead

If Mormons count then Manicheans too, who just took the "why not both" answer to anything and made bhuddisto-pagan-zoroastrian-christianity which was basically Jesus christ at the center of a giant pantheon of spirits and gods in a complex hierachy in gnostic worldview.


Mani is like Mohammad but less inclined to warmonger and more inclined towards Buddhism and Zoroastrianism

Unitarian Universalists

Roman Catholicism


Tell us about some of them.

Definitely Eastern Orthodoxy, followed closely by Sunni Islam.

The Circumcellions were probably the worst.


What's uniquely heretical about eastern orthodox? Compared to catholicism if you're protestant that is.

Gnosticism without a doubt

God damn, their like a super aggressive group of battle-hipipes.


St. Matthew's seed faith.


In what way? How are they worse than Sunnis?


It's Arianism on steroids with expanded lore.

They eat babies, that's pretty sick.



What are they?

I meant Skoptsy.


They sound like a persecuted minority.

>implying all the saint worship isn't polytheism.

>OT god is a false god or a tyrant that Jesus seeks to free us from
>Muh divine spark makes any religious authority pointless

Catholics don't actually worship Saints. It's just a meme, like the claim Priests abuse children. Saints just have powers beyond other humans, they aren't God, they just have Godlike powers in some cases.

...are you having a giggle? None of that helps your argument.

Don't forget their delusion that our reality is a sinful prison created by the evil god.

Jesus did free us from the Old Covenant, though. He isn't Yahweh, he's just got Yahweh's powers.

Saints powers come partially from God though.

>worshipping beings with godlike powers
>not Polytheism
>not blasphemy

Ya well Gnostics say that Jesus comes from a higher power than Yahweh

>confirmed for not reading gnostic texts
Our reality is a huge mistake created by a goddess. Said evil god is its self appointed tyrant or jailor, with the goddess attempting to free us

>Ya well Gnostics say that Jesus comes from a higher power than Yahweh

How is that worse than Sunnis though?

They say that Jesus will come back to defeat the USA.

How is it blasphemy when it's based on the bible?

The bible says to worship those who are not god?

If God's divine essence extends to everything, then wouldn't everything be God to some extent?

No, the creation is not the Creator.

Their fundamental attiude I guess? They are staunchly anti-materialist and individualist compared to other sects

So you're claiming God doesn't have the power to give the righteous powers?

I'm not even Catholic but you sound pretty blasphemous.

No I'm not saying that, I'm saying that the created universe is separate from its Creator.

If God did give power, you worship the giver not the reciever.

Saints channel God's divine energies, not his essence

There anti-materialism and anti-individualism is why they hate the individualism and materialism of the USA, which is pretty fucking goddamn stupid when you consider Jesus chose America to be the top nation in the whole fucking Galaxy for a reason you fucking retard.

Asking for help =/= worshipping. Why don't Protestants understand the basics of how prayer works?

Kony 2012

No seriously, the LRA is """Christian""" beyond belief.


Just because Saints are able to do magic it doesn't mean they have they same level of magic as God. They are just able to do magic thanks to God.

>praying to not God.

Stay heretical

Desu-user are Catholic? Nice.

Spooky af

heresy just means unorthodox in the context of a christian sect. mormonism is the one that steers the furthest from the orthodox belief of the well known sects.
The Family international is pretty cray


Real answer: All sects besides Roman Catholic.

They are the least similar to the Roman and Eastern Churches.

>Pray to God for help
>Pray to saints for help

"its totally ok because we are praying to saints to ask for Gods help so technically its just praying to God"

Sukyo Mahikari's got it beat pretty big time


>Jesus was actually Japanese
>Hitler is the second coming of christ, and the Japanese are the Real Aryans

etc. etc. etc.

Probably because they are, and always were the only true Christians.

God forgive the Albigensian Crusade.

Yahweh is the Demiuge, born of Sophia's perceived impotence in her distance from the
pleroma that is He That Is Unmanifest And Most Manifest. He is blind to all but himself, and thus declares himself to be the god that is "I am that I am" - the source of all that is. Thus, he creates the material archon and us in his image - hence, suffering and temporality.

Depends on whether or not you submit to an immanent or transcendent conception of god desu~