I suggest you consider getting in on DGB. Pretty obvious what is going on right now

I suggest you consider getting in on DGB. Pretty obvious what is going on right now.

Enjoy the ride~

Between the indicators and whale manip going on right now, weak hands will want to kill themselves within 24 hours.

I see it too.

Whales always push a coin down before big news because they expect a big breakout.
People who don't know this will be flabbergasted in the next day or so when it suddenly doubles

Looks like they made that logo in MS PAINT

what is going on right now is whales offloading shitcoins on noob fish

many bagholders are being created as we speak. They wont even realize how abrupt the sentiment will change. despair shall come upon them.

such cases

And that is the most development one will see from shitcoins

>Doesn't know what blatantly obvious sell walls look like

I'm excited. The threads will be glorious and so will my gains

>only 50k dgb

Should have used all my 2k$ to buy when it was @600 sats.

Could have at least made some mad ghainz

Big green candles and Veeky Forums hype are like a drug, I'm like 2800% up on DGB already so I'm happy about that but these periods of stagnations after the pumps are getting unbearable

>>only 50k dgb
>Should have used all my 2k$ to buy when it was @600 sats.
>Could have at least made some mad ghainz
You can always look back and regret, might as well roll with it.. T. 53k Dgb

can you explain what's happening?

I am cashing out right now.
Buying a car.

Haven't you heard of taxes?


40.5kdgber here, I'm very happy with my purchase so far boys.

Screw what could have been, I'm looking forward to these gains.

Sell on the 10th - 11th or continue the hodl?

There is a whale putting up massive sell walls so the value of the coin can't grow. It's making people panic sell and said whale is going to scoop up a shitload of cheap DGB soon.

350k dgb here. Yes, I dream about dgb at night.

Whatever happens I'm holding. I'm not letting Dgb go. I bought at 90 sats.


Hodling for atleast 6 months

have you heard of emigration?

Whatever works for you.

just bought 9k of them
i'll see how it goes

Is that good

Dunno lol

It means there's a wall keeping the price low. Which means once that wall is eaten through, the price will rise.


Realistically, what would you say we could see theough the weekend? I'm trying to not be overexcited by hype

No solid numbers but probably 3000 - 4000 sats, then a large drop when everyone realizes that DGB didnt make illuminati connections with citi banksters

I was hoping for like 15-20 cents but the hype got to me. I'll take whatever gains I can get and move on

>tfw only 1k dgb bought at 700 sats

it was my best all-in, but i still feel bad for not being able to afford more. at least i mined another 100 so far.