Christianity and humanization of God

Do you think Christianity humanizes God too much Veeky Forums?

I've been trying to get religion but the humanization feels off, what do you think Veeky Forums?

No. Jesus is truly man and truly God, it does NOT mean that God is human. Imagine water and oil in a glass. The water and oil are separate and yet contained in the same glass. All art is reflection, and so all anthropomorphic depictions of God are likewise reflections of the divine. St. Augustine once wrote "if you understand it, it's not God", and we "humanize" God precisely because we can never understand him.

I think you're slightly autistic, and therefore have difficulty realizing that God is a person, not a force.

Christianity can be defined as the belief that God became human so that he could save us from the consequences of the fall of mankind.

It's kind of the whole point.

Yes at least Jews see Yahweh as an eldritch being and not some dude in the sky like Christian fucktards.

Yes christian idiot an alien being that existed before the unIverse would SURELY THINK LIKE A HUMAN.

Absolutely. The Christian God is one of the most retarded descriptions of God ever thought up.

Yup. The Jews have no idea who God is.

they will, though, after the troubles of jacob are over

Is it possible that God can think like a human being? Not solely, of course, but is it possible?

No, it's secularism and atheism that humanizes God too much and judges him by human standards.

>why does God allow X to happen? I wouldn't allow it to happen if I were God!
>why did God do Y, it makes no sense to my human mind
>can God really know everything that happens, that shouldn't be possible because it's not possible for us!

Essentially they're treating God like he's some regular dude or a humanlike pagan Roman god, whereas the Bible explicitly says humans physically cannot grasp the entity of God and his motives. You could call it lazy theology but it's still the exact opposite of humanizing him.

Back to tvtropes you normie faggot.

I meant to "get into religion", not get religion

Why do you presume the existence of a singular male deity when there easily be tens of millions of deities in existence?

Why do you care so much about what one stupid religion out millions thinks about the one singular god it claims is the only deity to exist?

God is by definition an eldritch abomination because it is an entity that is not bound or crafted by universal laws.

>still using retarded normienerd tvtropes terms

Yeah, you should do your best to piss such an entity off. Fuck him, right? I mean, what's the worst he can do to you?

Put you in the dark, alone, and on fire, forever?

>No, it's secularism and atheism that humanizes God too much and judges him by human standards.

Yeah, I'm sure it's atheists that put God having humanlike emotions, desires, and failings in the bible.

Nobody on here is serious worried that your imaginary friend is going to beat us up, you dumb faggot.

Why do you assume this entity thinks like a human? You ever notice the sun doesnt give a shit what you think about it? Thats basically how God is.

>Fuck him
God is not biological thus an "it" you fucking retard.

>dude in the sky
That's only Roman Catholics post 1200 who depict him in such a way, and it's an approximation of pagan Roman and Greek art, not something originally Christian.

Yeah, fuck him. Only what, a 1% chance you'll be in eternal hellfire, alone, and in the dark, forever?

You can do that champ!

>The sun is god.

Many people do think this is true.

Many people who died thousands of years ago.

11/10 autist spotted.

>Pascal's Wager

Even Pascal thought it wasn't a good argument.

It isn't. Both sides lose.

The devil knows who God is. And the devil will be alone, in the dark, and on fire, forever. As will everyone who denies Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

christianity is fairly humans vs nature centered. the humanization of god plays hand and hand with elevating humans above other things in existence.

you're wrong.

A new revelation told to a man by an angel, about a different Jesus Christ, and a different gospel.

Gee, where have I heard that before?

Don't post here until you read the CES letter, if you're really a mormon. If you're still a mormon after that, post away. You'll need good memories to last you an eternity on fire, in the dark, and alone.

This, good theology.


you'll probably get a better answer on /pol/

>Created man in his form

but on /pol/, it will just derail into race bait and conspiracies.

Humanisation comes from convenience. It is easier to imagine god as Zeus instead of something that cannot be viewed without blinding you

I'm not LDS, I'm just saying that there are christians who believe something other than god became human.

the humanization of god isn't a bad thing. it's why the christian west has valued human life more than other societies.

God definitely cannot think like a human because He cannot feel pain, fear, or purposelessness. Can you think like a dog or a whale or a bacterium? It is in fact wholly unbecoming to assume He can even be pleased or angry. A perfect being should not feel anything for all things are known to Him.

>God definitely cannot
blasphemous. how dare you try to limit god.

Why'd the Devil do it, anyway? Seems counter-productive desu.

Right, or because the golden rule forms the core of Christianity

God can also be an autistic homosexual pedophile furry, although he likely isn't but let's just leave that possibility open just in case.

Because Christianity reduces the cosmos to Manichaean dualism.
In Judaism, Satan is a pretty cool guy.

God transcends limitlessness, but limits can be placed on a theoretical God-like construct on a non-precedential basis for the purpose of meditating on His transfinitude.

God is humanized because we created it.

Gods are humanized so they can be relatable, positively or negatively. Religion is, at its core, a very practical thing, it seeks to fill psychological holes and explain the unexplainable. A totally inhuman God is not appealing, it has to be relevant to our daily lives.

God is an ethereal being who is formless and different from any physical being we know in unfathomable ways. The way he inspired the bible writers to talk about him personally , also how he used prophets as mouth pieces for him, and even revealed his angelic sons into forms we can recognize demonstrate how God wanted to humanize himself for us. It is smart really, because then it is much easier for us to relate to him. He has "humanized" himself long before the Christian faith, or even the gospels for that matter.

Well we created God, so no shit.

Hey faggot you better give me money because there's a 1% chance that I could invade your home and kill your whole family when you sleep.

It's not likely but it could happen so better be safe than sorry.

Shoo shoo iconoclast