Iraq-Iran War

>"You wait until nighttime, and you will see how we are killing these Iranian dogs," an Iraqi officer said with a broad grin. "We are frying them like eggplants."

>He then took us on a tour of dozens of thick electrical cables his troops had lain through the marshy battlefield, a spaghetti network that snaked in and out of the patchwork of lagoons. He showed us the mammoth electric generators that fed the exposed power lines from positions just behind the Iraqi front lines. And, when the Iranian Revolutionary Guards made their regular evening advance, the officer and his men demonstrated the macabre genius of their invention.

>Iraqi gun batteries fired just enough artillery to force the Revolutionary Guards from their marsh boats, and, when hundreds of them had been forced to continue their advance through the lagoons on foot, the men manning the Iraqi generators flipped a few switches and sent thousands of volts of electricity surging through the marshland.

>Within seconds, hundreds of Iranians were electrocuted.

Was there modern war more metal than Iraq-Iran?

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That war showed just how retarded Arabs are. Not only did Iraq have the support of the world, yes the world (USA, NATO, and even Russia), they were faced against a country who just got out of a bloody revolution with zero organization and equipment.

How stupid do you have to be to miss an empty net?

This level of incompetence is unmatched.

Perhaps maybe now by Saudi Arabia who is currently getting their shit kicked in by a bunch of sandel wearing Yemenis using clogged up soviet AK's.

I kind of want to see where Trump goes with ME policy. Because if it is truly isolationist, there will be no such thing as Arab by the time the Iranians and Israelis are finished.


>lose to a bunch of persian boys

arabs topkek

t. Reza Kebabrani

>extensive us of chem weapons
>kamikaze heli attacks and heli on heli battles
>guys throwing themselves on barbed wire to make passage for soldiers behind them
>motorcycle cavalery
>swamp roads made out of corpses and sand
>Iranians during their human wave attacks would have guys dressed as Husayn ibn Ali riding on horseback along the attackers, making them believe they were re-living the battle of Karbala
fucking crazy m8
>where Trump goes with ME policy
Fight for Israel, fuck with Iran and act like retard.
Yemen already banned US military operations in response to that botched raid.
He's not isolationist, he's a conman.

What's a good book about this war?

This was THE craziest war since Nam. We won't see a war like this again in a while.

Second Congo War

>with zero organization and equipment

The traitor Reagan and Bush the 1st were giving them arms and red pilled Iraq from the west.

>no such thing as arab by the time...
We can only hope so.

The Osprey one if you can find it

It will happen regardless, I am guessing islam will collapse the moment Sunni's loose the wahhabist support from the Saudis, the oil wells are near dry, crashing prices and a bad war in Yemen for the wahhabis is signalling a wider instability in the kingdom, the Shia have been on the rise since the events of 2015, Syrian Government resurgence in the Syrian Civil War, Iraq wholeheartedly allowing Iranian combat troops to participate in the fight against ISIS. In yemen the highly advanced and equipped Houthi Shias are decimating Saudi attempts to restore control, though they have regained some semblance after 2 years with a foothold in Sadaa.

Either way the Houthis arent going anywhere, they will just try again in 10 years. China and Russia are actively against the wahhabis and are throwing their lot with the Shias.

Culturally Shias are way more 'liberal' if that can be applied and are more easily accepting of unorthodox behavior and as such the best exit plan for the world to rid itself of muslims. Just look at Iran, modernization has led to relaxation of a lot of the laws regarding strict islamic codes, most of the 'anti-revolutionary' actions of the youth in Iran is basically old morons from the 70's complaining, there was a march a couple of months back asking for women to cover themselves, almost all the people marching were over 50. They have underground party scene and raves and shit, no other Arab countries have that save the ones with Shias or a lot of westerners.

So hopefully, wahhabis get ousted by the Shias and the shia will exhaust themselves and the faith will crumble. Then the true reckoning will begin as the muslim identity is ground into the dirt.

>I am guessing islam will collapse the moment Sunni's loose the wahhabist support
IN ME you mean, the largest Muslim population of in the world are located in Indonesia and they don't seem to be crumbling

>the oil wells are near dry.
No. The oil wells are not as profitable because they are pumping out more sour crude. Blame piss poor saudi exploration.

rip uncle alireza


Urgh, I fucking know right. Iraq had access to far more equipment, replacements and spare parts over the war (after iran burned through what the Americans had given the Shah), American aircraft literally bombing Iranian oil wells and ships, Americans shooting down a passenger plane, access to chemical weapons and more.

Who were the only countries to exclusively help iran? North Korea and Syria.

To think 3 years later people would crapping on about Saddam's million man battle hardened army. A five year old could've won Desert Storm.

Islam in general is dependant on ME to dictate to them how it is followed, Wahhabis dying will dry up the primary source of cash for the madrassas that maintain wahhabist thought, this vaccum will be filled by Shias or disaffected muslims reverting. Sunnis will more than likely implode or atleast loose a LOT of their strength soon, modernism will crush it under its relentless advance.

What kind of crazy shit happened there except rapes?


Well shit.
>"We hear reports of [enemy] commanders feeding on sexual organs of pygmies, apparently believing this would give them strength," he said.
>unironically eating dicks

Cutting children and then rubbing cocaine into the wounds

Angolan Civil War

Liberian Civil War

Truth hurts?

Oh well, I wanted to skip lunch break today anyway.

>Was there modern war more metal than Iraq-Iran?

It is my belief that there wasn't.

>pic rel, after the capture of the city of Khorramshahr, the Iraqis placed overturned cars in the fields outside the city to prevent an Iranian airborne assault.














Also if someone might identify who the blue guys are? Are they Basiji?

Car mechanics.

Whats wrong with these cars?

As I wrote in the first post of the pic dump, Khorramshahr is home to a major international port, and when Saddam’s forces captured the city in the Iran-Iraq war, they took leftover car shipments and planted them in the ground to serve as a anti-paratrooper emplacements. Some of them are still preserved in the city.

what was this meant to do?

make it harder to shoot cars from the air? seems like a lot of effort. and it would take you hours before you could un-dig the cars and use them again

Maybe the idea was to reduce the amount of open ground near the city for the paratroopers to land in? I'm sure its not safe to try and parachute into what's essentially a junk yard.

I don't know for sure though. I can't find anything online. Can anyone confirm?

>Shia are more liberal
Twelver Shia aren't in any way Liberal
Look up the Twelver concept of Imamate

Didn't Iraq have American military advisors? Didn't any of them ever tell them they were doing a shit job?

They were probably throwing up the horns and blaring heavy metal all day.

>marsh boats

I don't understand how the sideways cars are supposed to hinder airborne.

Helicopters can't land on the ground and drop off troops.
Vietnamese did this with fire hardened bamboo sticks

Ohh, that makes sense. I was thinking paratroopers

>Iranians during their human wave attacks would have guys dressed as Husayn ibn Ali riding on horseback along the attackers, making them believe they were re-living the battle of Karbala
Goddamn now ain't that motivational

Millenarianist culture is a helluva drug


Wow, no wonder you Americans couldn't beat these guys.

"Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it.

Qaramatian twelvers attacked, pillaged and sacked Kaaba in the 10th Century under al janabi. They hate sunnis and are late concerts who are more likely to revert given their religious concepts are followed by a few

>sandel wearing Yemenis using clogged up soviet AK's

Yemen is the most heavily armed country in the world except for the US

you wouldn't believe the shit floating around arms markets in houthi territory

>Culturally Shias are way more 'liberal'

When will this meme finally die?

when they start cutting people's heads off for drawing the prophet instead of selling pictures of him as a lucky charm

It's similar to the way bears stand up to make themselves look taller. It's a primitive form of intimidation.


I can't read, I'm a bear.

The cars were there to prevent fast air assault from helicopters, not just paratroopers.

Nazis did something similar in france by uprooting telephone poles and flooding fields to take care of gliders and paratroops, respectively.

Intimidating? Or looking for honey? Hard to say.

Libyan oil is da shit tho. Look how fast gas prices rose during the Libyan civil war.

My dad fought in this war and my cousin was captured. Since he's Christian, he was tortured by the Iranians and they tried to force him to convert to Islam. Fuck Iranian scumbags, they're worse than Jews, I hope Trump nukes them.

pussy, you're on Veeky Forums and you can't handle fucking text describing gore. Fuck off normie

Fucking Belgians are the most evil race I swear

Don't care if anyone believes me but my dad told me this about the war. It's weird seeing it here, he rarely talks about the war. Most of the times I have to ask after a few wiskeys. I never knew if it was true or not it seemed so unreal. He got wounded the day before and his whole battalion got zapped. He met my mom in a bom shelter in Tehran on his leave from this, so in a weird way this event put me on this earth and 28years later some other dude posts this on a anonymous image board. This is weird

I wonder if our parents ever fought each other in the field of battle. Was he at Mehran by any chance?

>invade someones country
>get butthurt when they facefuck you

Pathetic stupid cuck

Source on this?

Looks like they're actually third.


>countries with most guns are shitholes

Are they shitholes because they have the most guns or do they have to have guns because they live in shitholes?

THE question of the millennia desu

>I kind of want to see where Trump goes with ME policy. Because if it is truly isolationist, there will be no such thing as Arab by the time the Iranians and Israelis are finished.

Considering he's already restarting the pissing match with Iran I doubt it.

Trump can't be truly isolationist because he's too thin skinned to turn down even the most obscure challenge.

My uncle was in this war too. He drove food and ammunition to the front lines and almost died in a bomb attack

No, the Second /k/ongo War was top tier operator stuff.

African rapes n shieeet belongs to western africa shitholes like sierra leone and liberia





>unironcally believing in propaganda
Trump never ran on an "isolationist" campaign. He ran on a campaign to stop needless foreign interventionism and nation building, yes, but not as if he was going to abandon the entire American presence in the Middle East.

Trump also never hid the fact that he is a Zionist. He actually was proud about. Still, his commitment to look at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict neutral is a breath of freash air.

Donald Trump is all over Israel's dick though

>claims Arab Ahwaz as part of their territory

Ahwaz is Arab, you can't claim to be Persian then claim an Arab country is part of your land

>Sunnis will more than likely implode or atleast loose a LOT of their strength soon,

Dude, the fucking Shia were just as bad as the fucking Sunni's in Iraq.

Granted, I agree about the Wahabists being straight up cancer, but don't think for a minute the fucking Shia will be much better than their sunni counterparts.

A lot of the way they "practice" their shit is cultural, which means that crazy sandniggers will be crazy sandniggers regardless of their respective gods.

>Ahwaz is Arab

And Northern Iraq is Kurdish, by that logic it should be independant, instead of being part of Iraq.

As for Ahvaz, it has oil, so nobody's giving it up.

The mentality behind all the villainous ploys that were used looks as if it were inspired by Hanna Barbera cartoons.

its arab land occupied by persian dogs.

iraqi shi'ites are as bad as wahhabists, khomeini used to have "temporary marriages" with 9 year old girls when he lived in iraq.

The fuck do you expect from those idiots?

In that case Ar*bs should stop occupying Kurdish land, Mosul and Kirkuk should be part of a free Kurdistan.

Hopefully Kurds continue removing Ar*bs and Ass*rians from their land.

>Was there modern war more metal than Iraq-Iran?
No it's the WWI of the future

What will the WWII be then?

I know the Syrian civil war is like the Spanish civil war of the future.

Then try conquering it back without the help of your daddy America.
If you cant, fuck off.

All the foreign support in the world can't make an Arab fight properly.

How else do you think they managed to lose against Israel 1v6?

Hmm I can't actually think of one.