Where did the Spanish come from historically and modern

Where did the Spanish come from historically and modern

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Red pill or Blue pill?

Moorish rape babies with locals.

>Moorish rape babies

Pretty much this.

I haven't seen any compelling evidence to suggest otherwise.

They've always been Italian moor rape babies?

1500s: Good
1600s: Past their peak, but still prestigious. Similar to Britain or France today
1700s to present: Laughable

Both and did they really have any contributions most of the predomimant ones have Anglo or French blood

disregard this, turns out I'm illiterate

Hell no if any Anglo or sane European saw what those uncivilized meztiso natives on South America they would've genicided them all not intermix only a moor will think to do that

What achievements did they have

Latin America

Lol can Spain just fucking drift off to the Americas what a disgrace

Spaniards invented steel, gunpowder and steam.

Gunpowder was invented by Chinese

>genocided them
You mean like they tried in India?
The Brits and Americans didn't even wipe out the tiny numbers that they found, MesoAmerica and the Andes population were probably more than eight times that of North America.

The Brits would probably do everything the Spanish did minus the degenerate race mixing and the retarded mercantile policies of the Spanish.

>spells it wrong
>thinks there was interracial mixing before the Spanish

100% retarded, I recommend a lobotomy.

Found the triggered spainard we all know who should actually get a lobotomy sooner then later son

Meant forOfc

I'm an Canadian with a boner for Anglo culture. Sorry to burst your bubble, self projecting, self-hating Spaniard. Don't you have a /int/ thread to shitpost about your whiteness?

A fucking leaf lmao poison yourself

I'm an Anglo just curious about the Spanish also known as moors but youre Canadian so nuke yourself.

>Similar to Britain or France today
Spain was an hegemon in the first half of the XVII century
>1700s to present: Laughable
Spain was more powerful than Britain in the XVIII century

Prove it

LOS CASTELLANOS LLEVAMOS HABITANDO ESTÁS FERMOSAS TIERRAS DESDE SU CREACIÓN.Los protocastellanos como los CANTABROS y los NUMANTINOS humillaron al mismísimo imperio Romano una y otra vez hasta que nos ofrecieron un pacto en el que nos dejerían dominar su imperio.Así que un proto castellano al que puedes conocer por el nombre de TRAJANO hizo que el imperio volviera a ser grandioso de nuevo.Después los ROMANOS rompieron sus votos de obediencia y declaramos nuestra INDEPENDENCIA.En estos convulsos periodos los Visigodos conquistaron a los Romanos del sur de la península y ocuparon nuestra ciudad ancestral de TOLEDO.Después los GERMANOS dejaron entrar a los MOROS y fueron derrotados pero los CASTELLANOS nos aliamos con los Asturianos y derrotamos al moro en la más gloriosa de las batallas.La batalla de COVADONGA.Después Don Fernán Gonzalez caballero CASTELLANO declaro nuestra independencia de nuevo y derroto al moro en Simancas.Un poco más tarde DON SANCHO II intentó unificar todos los reinos CRISTIANOS bajo el estandarte CASTELLANO y tras derrotar simultaneamente a ARAGONESES,NAVARROS,LEONESES Y GALLEGOS casi lo consigue pero fue traicionado por un noble Leonés que le clavó una lanza por la espalda.Don Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar al presenciar esa injusticia fue a BURGOS donde estaba el rey de León y le humillo en frente de las cortes por lo que fue exiliado.EN su exilio conquistó Valencia de las garras de los moros como buen caballero CASTELLANO.
Después DON ALFONSO VIII reconquistó nuestra capital ancestral,TOLEDO y derrotó al MORO en las Navas de Tolosa. Su hijo FERNANDO III EL REY SANTO Y CRUZADO conquistó y subyugo a todos los moros de esta nuestra península y derrotó y humillo a los hijos de MIL Y UNA PUTA de los LEONESES.Más tarde DON PEDRO y su guardia real marcharon contra los Aragoneses que habían declarado una guerra en medio de una guerra civil y los humilló un centenar de veces.

Y por último DOÑA ISABEL DE TRASTAMARA humilló a los vasallos GRANADINOS en rebeldía,humilló a los ARAGONESES,A LOS PORTUGUESES Y A LOS FRANCESES y basicamente conquistó el MUNDO bajo la vigía de nuestro ALMIRANTE DON CRISTOBAL COLÓN nacido en GENOVA nuestro mayor y más leal aliado. Más tarde todos los países de EUROPA tenían recelo de nuestra GLORIA Y GRANDEZA e intentaron dividirnos y atacarnos sin motivo alguno pero los valientes TERCIOS CASTELLANOS los humillaron MIL Y UNA veces hasta que los HIJOS DE PUTA DE LOS CATALANES,PORTUGUESES Y ANDALCES se revelaron y abrieron 4 frentes más.Pero Castilla no olvida y pronto esos TRAIDORES sufriran nuestra FURIA.

Hence why it's 1700s to present. They started the century in a strong position and just went downhill

Disgusting language btw

And who let the Moslems into Spain hmmm?

Spain was only powerful because they called first on South America


a fucking clown

Pretty much false.Spain started pretty bad in the XVIII century and peaked with Ferdinand the VI and just went downhill with Charles the IV and Ferdinand the VII which were borderline retarded.

CALUMNIAS.Castile had been the EUROPEAN HEGEMON since the reign of FERDINAND THE III SAINT AMONGST KINGS:The Castillian fleet was stronger than the Portuguese and English fleet COMBINED and the mighty Castillian army HUMILLIATED the French time and time again.CASTILE was the EUROPEAN HEGEMON from 1230-1643


el castellANO

This is adorable you're delusional

>This is adorable you're delusional
>Wars in which Castille participated from 1230 until 1520
>Marinid invasion of Granada
Decisive Castillian victory
>Guerra de los dos Pedros
Decisive Castillian victory
>First Castillian English war
Decisive Castillian victory
>Second Castillian-English war
Decisive Castillian victory
>First Fernandian war
Decisive Castillian victory
>SecondFernandian war
Decisive Castillian victory
>Third Fernandian war
DecisiveCastillian victory
>Crisis of 1383
DecisivePortuguese victory
>Castillian civil war
Castillian repulsion of the French and Portuguese invasion
>Conquest of Granada
Decisive Castillian victory
>Cisnero's North African campaigns
Decisive Castillian victory
>First Italian war
DecisiveCastillian victory
>Second Italian war
DecisiveCastillian victory
>League of Cambrai
French victory
>Italian War of 1521–26
DecisiveCastillian victory
>War of the League of Cognac
Decisive Castillian victory
>Italian War of 1536–38
Decisive Castillian victory
>Italian War of 1542–46
Decisive Castillian victory
>Italian War of 1551–59
Decisive Castillian victory

>17/19 wars won in 300 years
>Against the most powerful countries in Europe
>Not an hegemon

Julian the Jew



Spanish, who were good and driven partially by God saw fit to preserve the Amerindian culture they conquered. This they diffused it with their own.

The Anglo, driven only by greed, saw fit to destroy all traces of the amerindian except a few he would regulate to fertile-less reservations.

The spanish came from the moors, true spaniards are actually black.

Actual answer:
Celtic Iberians quickly become Latinized.
Arab-Berbers own the bottom half, but reconquista was pretty harsh and they either leave or convert and most left.


Weren't Iberians extremely dark even before the Arabs and moors

Britain acquired Gibraltar in the 18th century, made brazen encroachments on the Spanish sphere of influence and cemented Naval supremacy. Britain rapidly industrialised, with it's economy overtaking Spain.

Bunch of backward parochial fanatics, they were lagging behind - this is substantiated by the events of the very early 19th century/culmination of the long 18th century.

How many Brits were garrisoned in Spain during the peninsular war? Can't have been that powerful.

So grecized indegenous moors

Not to mention they had a lot help with England when they were on their win streak and would force Amerindians to fight for them they had unlimited supply of men like a better offensive Russia

Except for the fact that genetic studies show that overall Spaniards have 5% of moor blood, the south has 10% top and the north barely at all? I'm pretty sure the French have more in just a few decades.

Not more than any french or anglo spending their entire lives on a more sunny climate.

In modern times aren't they mostly moorish

They have more moor blood then anyone else in Europe

That's why they're are moor babies

Moorish rape babies with locals? The Iberians are gang rape babies, the Iberian whore has had every people from the Mediterranean have a go, even the Celts have a claim to those mongrels.

> Spanish
> Human

They're originally a hodgepodge of Phonetician semites and celts from Gaul. They later got ROMED, then got GOTHED, then got MOORED.

Those Romans were more Greco divisions doing the rapings so they got GREEEKD

Any notable inventions


WE (wuz white moors and i can prove it but not today because i have to sleep)


Eres un grande Alfonso

Sure thing kiddo don't forget church on Sunday as well as brushing your teeth okay

Not even close just think of yourselves as civilized black/Arabs



The archebus,the mosquette,putting canons in ships,oceanic travel,destilled alcohol and modern surgery and the guitar obviously

>Britain acquired Gibraltar in the 18th century
The Dutch occupied an empty fortress and then the Brits got it in a peace treaty
> made brazen encroachments on the Spanish sphere of influence
Barely anyone worth noticing.Britain lost most colonial wars against Spain and lost their colonies in America first
> and cemented Naval supremacy
In exchange of a having a shit tier land army something Spain couldn't afford
>Britain rapidly industrialised, with it's economy overtaking Spain.
True but this happen during the Napoleonic wars which happened in the XIX century and most importantly didn't affect Britain directly while the rest of Europe was bleeding.The south sea company which just dealt with Spanish colonies trade was so hyped that created a huge bubble that annihilated the Brittish economy.Caracas a regional capital was bigger than Boston or New York in the 1830's in the XVIII century Brittish colonies were mostly agrarian and with very little development whatsoever while Spanish colonies were very highly urbanized and prosperous.Britain wasn't more powerful than Spain in the XVIII century by any means until the reign of Charles the IV and Ferdinand the VII. If the Napoleonic wars didn't happen Spain would have been a major player in the XIX century and France would still be dominant power but this is just alt history.
>Bunch of backward parochial fanatics, they were lagging behind - this is substantiated by the events of the very early 19th century/culmination of the long 18th century.
Spain wasn't backwards by any means in the XVIII century.The Spanish court had artists and musicians from all of Europe, lots of Italians moved to Spain searching for opportunities and the Spanish fiscal system was one of the most advanced in Europe which is shown by how low the interest rates of the Spanish debt were compared to the French or Brittish debt.
>How many Brits were garrisoned in Spain during the peninsular war? Can't have been that powerful.

>How many Brits were garrisoned in Spain during the peninsular war? Can't have been that powerful.
This is just being dishonest. First of all Napoleon invaded Spain with the approval of the Spanish kings.So the Spanish resistance were mostly volunteers and peasants.They had no standing army.The Brits aided Portugal that had an army and sent 25 thousand soldiers.Either way the Spanish guerrillas caused way more harm to the French than Wellington ever did. Overall the idea that Spain was an extremelly backwards kingdom in the XVIII is just false and is an idea that was spreeded mostly by Napoleon and the Brittish.The Spanish navy was one of the powerhouses in Europe and the Spanish army was bigger than Prussia's or Britain and defeated the Austrians multiple times.The Spanish tax system was quite advanced with a system called the castrato and the Spanish kings could afford monumental constructions,the finest pieces of art and the best singers in Europe due very high revenues

But it has been, plenty of times, in plenty of boards. There's a moment in which you don't care anymore anyway.

Except the vast majority of Muslims in Spain were not Moors but native white converts to Islam.

They are even depicted as pale as fuck in pictorial depictions.

This is the description of the Caliph of Cordoba Abd-ar-Rahman III;

""...white skin, blue eyes and attractive face; good looking, although somewhat sturdy and stout. His legs were short, to the point that the stirrups of his saddle were mounted just one palm under it. When mounted, he looked tall, but on his feet he was quite short. He dyed his beard black."

He even had to dye his hair lol.


They have the most moor blood in all of Europe deal with it

The guitar was invented in poo in Loo India

>The guitar was invented in poo in Loo India

I'm Anglo look it up non argument boy Spain and India should be blown up in a fiery death anyway

>le moors
>implying the Moors weren't Iberians
>implying the Moors raped or intermarried with anyone
>implying the genetic studies don't show pure Iberians without any admixture

>But muh Romans and Greeks
>implying the Romans did anything but ask the Iberians to join them
>implying Roman Noble Families didn't settle in Iberia to the point where there were more Patricians in Iberian than IN the whole of the Empire
>implying the Romans raped a populace were trying to make friends with and had no reason to rape at all because it was against their religious temperance
>inb4 some fedora cuck claims jupiter isn't real and Rome didn't have a highly religious populace

>muh arabs
>implying there's any evidence of arabs staying, raping, or marrying Iberians

>if you prove this wrong then it must be true

ITT: Retards meme and steam without addressing any actual history that matters
Reddit pls leave, at least /pol/ was semi-intelligent

Nigga the British invented cannons on ships

iberans + moors
Nigger, genetics studies prove it.

>British invented cannons on ships
The english lost against the Castillian navy in the second battle of la Rochelle because Castillian fleet had canons while English and hanseatic ships relied on crossbows and on boarding

Tu esta un pendejo.

Gross animal

You and I both know the French did all the work that battle English had cannons but didn't bring them because they thought you were pushovers

The Spanish are just bahrainian moors anyone saying otherwise is probably exactly what I just said

I think Iberians are mostly the result of late neolithic Euros coming from the north(Basque-like) mixing with a southern neolithic folk who followed the north African coast east to west and entered from the south, plus some small Yamnaya/Steppe-like admixture from post neolithic invaders.
This I think would not only explain the R1b-V88 and E1b found in neolithic Spain but also the small but consistent NW African admixture they pick up as well as small African admixture(R1b-V88 nowadays peaks in central Africa and is found in the Levant).

People have to understand that the way those calculators work is that they try to fit ancestry based on the frequency of certain alleles among modern populations.
For instance, most Euros, in particular north and east Euros, pick up some Amerindian ancestry in some global admixture runs, not certainly because some Amerindians directly invaded Europe and mixed with them, but rather because some group ancestral to Amerindians also contributed in some part to some ancestor of those Europeans(in this case, the proto-Indo-Europeans), and so when the calculators look at some of those alleles, they assume they are Amerindian because they have a higher frequency among Amerindian populations, and so Europeans come up as part Amerindian.

The same process could explain the NW African and African ancestry in Iberians. Basically a group of Levantine farmers related to the Anatolian ones(but higher in local near eastern ancestry[Natufian]) went south and had some reproductive success in central Africa, to the point that a small part of their specific mutations nowadays peak in frequency in Africa and thus are labeled as "African". Then the same group also went west and brought farming to north Africa, mixing with the locals on their way. Eventually, some of those also crossed the Gibraltar strait and mixed with the locals in Iberia.

Even Tacitus, while referring to the Silures in Britannia, pointed out how they looked swarthy "like Iberians".


Moorish rape babies
>inb4 "they only have 15% moor blood"
That's more than anyone in Europe everywhere else has 0% the lower parts of France have 1% and only marginally

>/pol/ is this stupid

Coincidently no moor category
Opinion discarded

> no German
>no Czech
>no Swedish
Shit map

Moors from Bahrain

>At sea
lol top kek.Nice joke pal.

Well they helped you son they had more ships that battle and the frogs aren't that bad at sea battle just England is extremely good that it overshadowes everyone else

>the more diverse human blood you have
>the less human you are

i know this is a joke, but this is what some people actually believe.


>Well they helped you son they had more ships that battle
No they didn't.They didn't even fought in the second battle of la Rochelle moron

Not really.

No intimidar, por favor.

>I'm Anglo
t.Pajeet Rashid Ramanujan

You're the one that's Spanish disgusting mongrel moor I'm master race.get on your back

t.moor ape

Yes they did fucking Retard