Wrong about literally everything

>wrong about literally everything
>still synonymous with wisdom and learning 2400 years later

How did he do it, brehs?

Other urls found in this thread:


>2400 years later and people still talk of "truth"

not being properly refuted for 2000 years

There comes a time in the career of every humanities student when he realizes that he is a fraud and a leech on society. When you realize that, and that society might take away the tit from which you suck, you wise up on calling your predecessors fraud. Because it may draw attention to you. "Oh yes, Aristotle was VERY important. Philosophy is very important, even if you are wrong all the time! I-I swear it guys!"

>current year
>wilfully living in a cave

The fact that he even entertained thoughts that diverged from his contemporary norms is worthy of praise in and of itself. His rejection of letting everything be defined as the will of the Gods was a historical coup and the bravery and insight of such an act should not be discarded lightly.

This, pretty much.

Knowledge does not progress through suddenly somebody being totally right finally. It progresses in fits and starts, refining ideas, seeking approximations of truth (or Truth, if you are a philosopher!)

Science works that way as well -- you discover a version of truth that works with the data you have, then you work like Hell to disprove all or part of it, so that you can then take a larger or smaller additional step closer to getting it right.

See these guys already got it. You've got to at least pretend that philosophy is important. Fake until you make it ;)

oui, c'est vrai mec.


Could a STEM guy be agood teacher? You cannot handle people and subjectivity...

>Could a STEM guy be agood teacher?
Of course.
>You cannot handle people and subjectivity...

t. John Green

What do you mean, weren't there Greek philosophers spouting all kinds of crazy shit in his time?

You're still young. You shall understand...
Btw I respect Stem...

Overrated huh...

He pretty much invented logic as we know it m8.

you mean logic as they knew it 200 years ago

things are different now, try to keep up

>>wrong about literally everything

But he wasn't?

Classical logic is still mostly unchanged despite being more formalized and adapted to work with computers and such. Further developments have been building on Aristotle's work, not rejecting it. Unless you're one of those constructivist fags who don't use excluded middle.

>mostly unchanged despite being more formalized and adapted to workwith computers and such.

That is a lot of changes. And classical logic is far from the only system used or studied by contemporary logicians. Saying logic as a field of study is "mostly unchanged" except for all of the things that have changed is a completely vacuous statement and just displays a lack of familiarity with the field (your anxieties about constructivism also display this).

P.S.: Aristotle rejected LEM in some cases.

>That is a lot of changes.
No, not really. It's not so much a revision as a translation.

>And classical logic is far from the only system used or studied by contemporary logicians
And yet they all owe a debt to classical logic as formulated by Aristotle. Which is pretty much exactly what I said.

>Saying logic as a field of study is "mostly unchanged" except for all of the things that have changed
didn't say that.

>your anxieties about constructivism
lol it's called banter. It was a way of acknowledging that, yes, there are a few areas of logic that depart from the foundations laid by Aristotle. I'm sorry you're autistic.

>lol it's called banter.
Call it what you want, you can't hide your true motivations

Wow, I'm now aware of how lonely and depressed I am, post more

Aristotle was right about everyting he wrote in the Peotics.
The refutation of sophisms is an excellent book. The entire Organon is very good even if some will object to a few points like autism about needing an existence proposition before some syllogisms.
The Ethics is a good book too, it may cause mass triggering now that I think about it. Certainly better than self help or life advice books.
Aristotle was refuted in some experimental claims about the number of teeth of some mammals, about what conditions animals kill themselves and about some astronomical observations. I've never seen a fellow stem fag rant against Aristotle for that.
The main historical contention of real value against him (and the scholastic that took it even further) is about his method of argumentation that gave Descartes nightmare for largely good reasons. Then there are linguists and other pseud obsessed with language that are mad at him but it's not like we should take these people seriously.


lesbians? LESBIANS?????



"Aristotle was wrong about everything" is a fucking crash course meme wtf


There were millions of nameless people who had all kinds of ideas before Aristotle. His ideas were among the few that just happened to be written down and not destroyed through the course of history.



Pic rel, greek entry to eurovision year 93, (25 years old rule on the edge)

Once they play us rock ( Western pop music), the other Tsifteteli ( Eastern pop music).

Lyrics continue( Sorry i'm drunk)

Children of Plato and Aristotle
They deceive us with parties and fake lightness
Spirit immortal, the woodworm is eatting you...

what a qt
cool song too
greek sounds really nice

Κυπραία qt, for u...

Is there any group of people that suffered more injustice than sophists? They did not deserve their name to be synonymous with hypocrisy.

True. They were talked smack so they replied SOPHISTicated smack! Masters...

Really gets your noggin joggin.

What exactly was he wrong about? His rigorous commitment to reason kicked science off to a great start with his catalogs of biological specimens and subsequent analysis...

I finished WKC Guthries Greek philosophy 2 weeks back and at the end I decided Aristotle was a terrific role model for any philosophically minded person. He tutored Alex the great ffs you can't sell him short.

Hellenic master race/immortal soul before god? Cmon thats pretty rich stuff.

there are two sophists arent there?

>One of his pupils conquers most of the then known world before turning 30
Well he was right about something

Mans looks kinda like Woody Harrelson

Can't unsee it

Ignorant, misogynistic fuck.

Shitty, retarde b8

what did they use to style their hair with in the 40s?


Was Plato the first atheist?
