How did California become America's most populated and economically powerful state?

How did California become America's most populated and economically powerful state?

Other urls found in this thread:,_California#Bankruptcy,_California#City_bankruptcy

location, location, location

gold, gold, gold

Because it had such a huge territory, imagine a single state spanning from Boston to North Carolina.

Realistically it should be partitioned into three separate states at least.

>red star
wtf I hate commiefornia now

This Also. Cali isnt. Somthos thread isnt valid.

Location, Gold, and it is fucking huge.

In more or less chronological order:

1.) Three well-protected shallow ports
2.) Gold deposits in the Sierra foothills
3.) Silver deposits in the Great Basin had to move through California to be transported
4.) a gigantic, fertile valley, untouched by intensive agriculture
5.) lack of old and restrictive institutions, leading to creation of more radical public policies
6.) lots of immigration, leading to a greater knowledge pool and more solutions to problems
6.) major naval war in the Pacific and long term military industry investment that came with it
7.) an expansive public works program for dam and highway creation, leading to power, security, and interconnectedness
8.) Asia becoming the economic powerhouse of the 21st century
9.) a culture that fosters innovation and new ideas
10.) greater democractic opportunity than anywhere, leading to institutions that provided wide distribution of wealth
11.) a culture that dedicated unprecedented amounts of resources to technological invention and public education
12.) being the center for major agricultural and environmental science innovations that have become a huge global market
13.) becoming a global cultural center for media and entertainment, bringing widespread sociopolitical influence and a major tourist destination
14.) being the starting of a new global economy and reaping the benefits long before others
15.) leading investment into solar technology

To add to this, and to add to the great Kevin Starr's (RIP in piece) point:

At each major point of cultural flux in the U.S., when what was desired and what was considered the American Dream shifted and when the U.S. set its eyes on a new horizon, California stood out like a beacon.

It isn't that "where California goes, America follows", but more that the trends we see in America's history can first be spotted in California. The cultural differences, the institutional differences, in California allow these desires and ideals the space and resources they need to become real.

When the desire of being a yeoman farmer began to change to a desire to live comfortably, California almost miraculously appears, overflowing with gold and land. But it wasn't a miracle: the types of people who didn't wish to spend a life in toil had already been scouring California for a comfortable spot to spend their days.

By the time America began to worry about the dissappearing wilderness, California had already began the park system and the concerned efforts to save forrests and rivers.

When industrial pollution reached a breaking point, and people finally demanded clean air and waterways, California had the regulatory institutions already in place that became national standards.

And the list can keep going: desire for fame (and the desire for a celebrity political leader), efforts to give the disabled a normal life, divorce laws, gay marriage laws, abandonment of religion. All these sorts of cultural shifts don't begin in California, but they find a place to take root there.

1 Not too long ago this state was still relatively unexplored. It was settled by various bands of native peoples. A far greater diversity of languages proliferated than was seen in other parts of the later United States. This is likely due to both its vast size, and varied geography which easily lends itself to regionalism.

The pacific theatre and lend lease

>uses Mission names
>clearly defined, permanent borders

>Chumash, Ohlone, Miwok all divided up
>Valley Yokuts not

Shit map, tbqh

2 The Spanish arrived relatively late. The string of missions began in Baja and only crossed into Alta California after 1769. The missions were spaced roughly a days ride from one another. San Francisco was founded in 1776, just a dusty mission and fort while the War for Independence raged on the other side of the continent. The next 60 years were characterized by the proliferation of the famed Spanish cattle ranching culture seen also in Texas and Mexico.

People who live within one geographical feature tend to have less language differences than people who live among many geographical features.

3 The Gold Rush was the game changer. Without the rush, California would likely have developed more slowly over a slingly longer period of time, perhaps like Oregon. The rush brought in a flood of people from the Eastern United States, specifically white, young (age 25 to 35) and male. They favored democratic institutions and their industrious work everywhere turned a wilderness into a bonanza. The Spanish and Mexicans had barely even left the coast, complaining that the Central Valley was "too hot" to live in year round. California was the first state with cities specifically built around rail travel.

As the young men who made up the rush matured many became land owners. They sent for family and friends to join them in California. California became a haven for industrial agriculture in the 1880s, with seas of wheat harvested by early combines. This process was supported by migrant labor, the origin of the Hobo.

who /cali/ here?

because we're based

did you see la la land brah?

Miwok master race.


t. Chumash

NorCal or SoCal.

There is an objectively correct answer here.

4 The next pivotal event was the growth of Southern California. After craftily buying up Owens Valley, William Mulholland directed the construction of the LA Aquaduct which was completed in 1913. People poured into Los Angeles. It would become the city of stars overnight. In addition, California produced roughly one quarter of all US oil. Defense contracts were lucrative as was being the home of the Pacific fleet.

who put surfing on the map?

>solar technology
stopped reading there, and I was reading from bottom to up.

Norcal, of course

The Great Depression and World War II were the next big events. While the Midwest experienced the Dust Bowl, California simply tapped into a huge supply of water below the Central Valley. This aquifer kept farming going. A slew of construction projects kept the state going: the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay Bridge, Hoover Dam in neighboring Nevada.

Then came the war. Like the rest of the country, California was built up in order to support the war effort. Mare Island Naval Shipyard turned out the submarines which, measured by tonnage, sank half the Japanese fleet.


Except that was the correct response.



now part 2;

>How did California become America's most non-native and decaying state?

They're a colony of New York. Hollywood wouldn't exist if New York hadn't created it.


>Gold attracts Jews
>Jews turn it into the Whore of Babylon
Its pretty simple

SoCal might have been nicer in the 60's, but then loads of people moved there to get their share of paradise, and now it's a sprawling ugly shithole interspersed with deserts.

San Diego.

Postwar California was quite a place. GIs who served in the Pacific settled down and raised families. Walt Disney created Disney Land. The key to the postwar prosperity was the hydralic infrastructure, the Central Valley Project and the later State Water Project.

I'll get to that next.

What's wrong with the bear?

The 60s were a tumultuous time in America. The 1967 Summer of Love marked the clear emergence of a full counter culture among the young Baby Boomers. As they grew into positions within government, academia and other institutions, they slowly but fundamentally changed the way those institutions operated.

It should be noted at this point that for most of its history California had been a majority white state with a decided preference for the Republican Party.

In the age old battle between farmers and their labor, the farmers made a deal with the devil by choosing to import workers. A slow but steady trickle of illegal laborers from south of the border would gradually come to change the population of the entire state. But at the time their presence was small, confined mainly to the Central Valley.

All eyes were on the coast where the great financial centers of SF and LA were bankrolling the development of Silicon Valley. People were coming into the state from across the country. This drove up real estate prices. In 1978 California citizens passed ballot proposition 13 which pegged property taxes to 1% of their 1975 value with only 2% growth maximum per year. Over the years the below market tax rate would cause many unintended effects.

This brings us to today. The fate of California will be decided as much by demography as by economics. But the two are related. In the wake of the 2007-8 financial crisis, two major California cities have filed for bankruptcy: Vallejo and Stockton.,_California#Bankruptcy,_California#City_bankruptcy

Both cities are majority non-white. Both cities experienced this problem because their current population can't bear the financial burdens of paying for both current maintenance, the salaries of current public employees and the pensions of previous ones. Other California cities responded to the financial crisis by laying off critical public employees (firemen and police officers). The next four years will decide the fate of California. The state will either become Mexifornia, or it will become something much grander than anything its past would indicate.

>wastes all that time trying to sound smart
>says "Mexifornia" unironically

If you are going to do the mandatory California-hating asspained thing, just keep it to one post. Spam how great Texas is or whatever the current meme is and be done with it.

Just imotbqh

So your only point is that I should have wrote what I did in one post instead of two?

It's too bad it's become a cesspit for elite leftist progressive actors, actresses and politicians. And illegal aliens. What could have been a paradise on Earth is instead a crapheap of socialism.

How has Californian labor seized the means of production?


Fuck off /leftypol/ scum, I'm glad people use socialism as a synonym for social democracy solely because it pisses your autism off.

>b-b-b-b-biut ur not respecting my feelings and using muh terms accuwately! ;_______;


Thanks user

Actually social democracy is socialism, look up "Staatssozialismus". It's just Marxist autists who think only the Marxist definition of socialism (workers owning the production means) is valid and they throw a spergfit when people don't abide their newspeak.

California is actually really awful for the average Californian. Minus points if you're white and conservative too.

If you're white and conservative you probably live in one of the nice parts, though.

I know Fabianism is socialism, but these... "people" don't so I enjoy it when their world of pedantry makes them rage harder than being told they can't vape weed.

You're welcome

If you're white and conservative you probably don't live in California. Even if you isolate yourself in a lillywhite republican burb somewhere in OC you're still subjected to idiotic liberal Californian legislature like state taxes and gun laws.

lol you're doomed

I'm from Texas.

How is California any different (better) than us? Replace "gold" with "oil" and it's basically the same story. Similar demographics, characteristics. While CA currently has a larger GDP, they also have a larger population, I'm pretty sure Texas will surpass them in both very soon. Especially at the current rate, and if you look at the ratio between population and GDP, Texas is actually a bit higher.

RIP California.

P.S. please stop moving here.

Both of you are sticky shitholes full of Mexicans.

You've even got the burgeoning cities filled with liberal millenials, tech types, beaners and gooks.

how the fuck does texas still sit at 100 IQ?
it's majority minority, just like California, NM, and Hawaii, all of which are much lower.

>How is California any different (better) than us?
Much more influential culture

Much more varied and beautiful natural landscape

Economically they're similar though, you're right

>Much more influential culture
as a foreign i have to said, commiefornia is the opposite a how the world see USA

stay md subhuman

It's strange, California is like the evil twin of Texas. Two sides of the same coin.

One of the Cali expats who lives in my town pretty much says that. It's such a wonderful place, just the people have their head so far up their ass it's absolutely miserable living there.

Great post.

I could give you the culture as there's no doubt Hollywood is the media capital of the world, and Texas pretty much doesn't have a cultural bone in its body past Cowboys due to their boring, practical nature, but more beautiful natural landscapes is debatable.

it's a symbol of russia

well-thought post

California had gold and oil.

It actually isn't and never was, it's just some bullshit westerners invented. Symbol of Russia has always been the eagle.

somebody's salty

ITT: Buttmad flyovers who hate everyone more successful then them

That's a lot of spite user

California has gold and oil and also produces about 75% of the country's produce by itself.

Ironically the economic rise of Texas is proportionate with its rising liberal population.

You say "pls stop moving here" but your state didn't grow above being a bunch of dumbass cowboys until they started moving there.

>gay marriage laws
Actually, that was, ironically, Utah's responsibility.

See, California has this odd citizen-of-the-state law, where you can be a citizen of another state, or even nation, and still declare a special California citizenship, that allows you to vote on California propositions, even if you aren't currently a resident. This was once easy to do. If you had family in Cali, you could sign up, regardless how far removed or where you lived.

So first, the Mormons (go figure) introduce a law to ban gay marriage in California - even though it wasn't really a thing yet. The LDS had every member, anywhere, who had a relative in California, sign up for CS citizenship, and vote.

Now, this was ultimately doomed, as the Cali state constitution has a clause against laws based on sexual orientation, and has for ages. Cali supreme court thus killed it right quick.

So, the Mormon's stepped up their plans, and made Proposition 8, amending said constitution to nullify that, and ban gay marriage. They worked their magic again (even though the rules had changed a bit), and walah, California, the bluest state in the nation, home to the largest openly gay population in the nation, miraculously bans gay marriage.

This is where they fugged up, as the only place left to appeal this to, was the now SCOTUS. The pretty much inevitable was, when you mix anti-discrimination clauses with the incorporation clauses: nation wide gay marriage.

...and pretty soon Utah's own anti-gay marriage laws were killed by that same ruling.

Moral to the story: When San Francisco wants to be gay, just let them be, or you'll end up fucking yourself in the ass.

(Before you go on about "Fucking liberal activist judges!", remember, this is the same logic they used to extend the 2nd amendment rights to cover not only the Federal government's ability to take your guns, but also the State's, overruling the core precedent behind all gun control, that had been in place for nearly 150 years.)

Well ya can't just blame the Mormons - I mean for the first one ya can, partly because the state citizenship law you allude to let their California family members vote on their behalf, effectively giving them multiple votes, even before the mail-ins were counted. That changed by the time Proposition 8 came around. (Plus it got harder to sign up for, but that didn't affect those who already had.)

Ironically, in the other direction, what really pushed Proposition 8 over the top, was Obama. Blacks came out in record numbers to vote for him in 2008, when Prop 8 was on the ballot, and the vast majority of them voted for it.

Granted, the same LDS lawyers were responsible for drafting both laws.

And it's also still true, had the LDS not tried to change California against its will by the back door, national gay marriage in the US probably would not be a thing today.

that video is really gay

>he doesn't like Chili Peppers

john frusciante is cool but those other guys are forgettable

Maybe because race isn't everything.

I'd include the establishment/invigoration of its UC/CSU system immeaditly after WWII as well. It's pretty forgotten but the massive push to prevent jobless veterans and other military workers from flooding the job market by putting them in school lead to pretty substantial highly educated population in the post war years. Also produced a huge and connected university system

Central coast

I'll accept it.

narrow it down to northern central coast and I'll accept it

If the southern cut off is San Luis Obispo, I agree.

city of the angles

>Thinks the Red Star in flag is communism

Pretty sure the star represents Texas

Fuck I miss living in san diego.


So California is cucked by Texas, good to know.

>Somoa on a map, Arcata/Union not even on it
lol what a different time

It's a military city so it's not as liberal as other cities. I mainly miss Coronado where I was outside all the time, working out on the Strand.

my absolute negro

Not really at this point in time since both states became split in terms of political beliefs (California being Liberal and Texas being Conservative). Plus as someone from California (SoCal) Californians tend to talk shit towards Texans and vise versa from what I hear.

The answer is California, friendo

Based, Viva La Raza cabrones

paisa pls


#11, but good expansion on the point