
I am just gonna drop this tip here for all you poor faggots who want to make some money. I am not going to try and convince you because I couldn't care less. It's your loss or your win if you do not or do anything with it.The intelligent ones here will get it and the dumb ones won't. I will leave natural selection to take it's course. That's all I had to say about it. I have done my duty and there is nothing else left for me to do.

Other urls found in this thread:


And yes I am Romano.

Nice meme

Are you like the King of bizz or something?
Like in Boxxy the Queen of /b/?

Actually doesn't look bad.

Not holding your bags
t. Bagholder

I am going in Zcoin and in your mom

Stop posting good projects.
/biz is for pumping shitcoins on Yobit.
No one wants long-term investment advice here they want to somehow magically buy a Lambo tomorrow off $50.

Don't care how good the Zcoin tech is, Poramin is a scheming thieving faggot.

Considering they're implementing the MTP protocol soon, it's probably going to get a short term boost too.

Nice meme

VERGin, I presume.

>Stop posting good projects.

This. Let these idiots buy their BONE

Most of Veeky Forums has 100$ total value on their blockfolio, do you think it would be sensible to hodl for 200% profit? Indeed.

They only have $100 cause they keep fucking losing money buying shit that's already pumped lol, then scream when it inevitably drops after.

Literally no reading comprehension into the tech behind these projects.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Meanwhile Verge is down by -13.71% and dropping lol.

I don't know what's this fud about Poramin, but consider that the market does not care. This is like, conversely, when you have bagholders screaming about how good the tech is when a bear market comes. Just look at what the chart says.

Case in point: Bytecoin which is in top 10 despite being an extremely shady premined scam. Someone in the Zcoin team being a bad person is nothing in comparison even if true.

Same people say Swarm, that has VITALIK'S DAD on the advisory board is a scam, lol.

Then again they probably also say ETH is a scam. And bitcoin of course.


By the way, we have liftoff.

>Same people say Swarm, that has VITALIK'S DAD on the advisory board is a scam, lol.

You know that Vitaliks dad is a professional programmer as well, right?

That was my point. Fucking idiots just FUDing everywhere.

Going in with .5 btc


This is going to 300000SAT pretty soon.

Course plotted, ion drives initiated.

I got my space suit ready

Finally, a coin that will kill Monero bullshit.

Dump verge or bitbean for this?

nobody can make that decision for you.

Research the coin and see if you like it friendo

Bitbean?... No comment

Anyways as put on the other guy's thread, for those interested, they're working on integrating this with the ethereum platform. This was posted on their twitter a couple of days ago: zcoin.io/tadhg-riordan-joins-the-zcoin-team-as-solidity-developer-for-ethereum-mixer/